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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. You could also use Foresight or Odor Sleuth, or have a Pokemon with Scrappy, and use a Fighting move. Future Sight or Mold Breaker. Or you could change its type with Soak or Forest's Curse, unless Wonder Guard blocks those. I think an Electric DR with Wonder Guard would be harder to deal with. It would also only take damage from one type, but have less loopholes and you'd probably have to watch out for paralysis.
  2. I find it interesting that the poll results have one more person not celebrating Halloween than celebrating it, but one more person liking it than not liking it. Anyway, I like Halloween because spooky and candy and costumes.
  3. I put the cereal in first, and then the milk. Sometimes I put the cereal in, then go to get the milk only to find out there's none left.
  4. TFW you notice 4 of your socks have a hole in them.
  5. Why is the Bidoof a Mega Metagross and the Charmander a Charizard? o . o
  6. One thing that I've made sure to keep in mind for myself is that different characters should have different ways of speaking. For example, a character that gets easily excited might have a lot of sentences ending with an exclamation mark. A character who's supposed to act formal/high-class would have a more eloquent way of speaking. A character that's timid might have some pauses (ellipses) and stuttering when they talk.
  7. Music in general. Some people take it so seriously when you like an artist or genre they don't, or when you don't like one that they do.
  8. Just going by the near future: Halloween, first chapter of Se7en, first release of my own game.
  9. Those are amazing! I really like Catherine's hair and outfit. And yay chapter 1 coming soon.
  10. Yeah, I thought this was going to be about someone who got reassignment surgery until I read the OP XD
  11. I've used them for the ace membership and some items from the sprite shop for my trainer card.
  12. TFW a puzzle has absolutely no hints on what you're supposed to do, and you find what you need by wandering around aimlessly.
  13. Yay. Was never a fan of the fact that you could change other users' account info without their permission.
  14. Bug resists Fighting. Fighting also resists Bug.
  15. I remember Taka saying his family "enshrined Arceus's Meteor". Maybe this is that?
  16. I...don't even know where to begin with everything that's morally and scientifically wrong with what this parent is doing... apparently "detox" is some kind of bleach enema. From FB page "Things Anti-vaxers say".
  17. I don't have or want them. If someone actually did insult me, I'd plug up their nose and mouth with my hands and feet until they pass out from being overwhelmed by the burning sensation in their lungs.
  18. If you mean the trainer card in your signature, that wasn't for the game. That was for the online showdown league, which doesn't exist anymore. (A new league called the Redemption League is being made now by community members, though)
  19. Braixen, Porygon2, Jigglypuff, Dragonair, Sliggoo, Golbat, Poliwhirl, Clefairy, Flaaffy, Dusclops.
  20. PULSE Swalot was the hardest one for me, and I have Ampharos too. I had to get rid of the field because it was too irritating to deal with.
  21. Poison/Steel is a very good typing, and the radiation/nuclear theme is creative. Does Radioactive work like Poison Touch where it's contact moves that activate the chance of poisoning, or is it different? I'm wondering because Nuclom looks like it would use more special moves than physical ones.
  22. I won't be an adult. I have a condition where my body and mind literally stopped developing around the age of 12. I didn't mature physically or emotionally past that point.
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