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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. My playtime on my file is 3 hours 17 minutes. It goes up to the first gym, with a few side things to collect.
  2. I think Wailmer had its own surfing model too.
  3. Here are the ones that were misspelled, spelled with their proper spellings. btw, when I think of unique typings, I think of typings that only one single Pokemon has rather than a single evolutionary line. EX: Surskit is the only Bug/Water, but Larvesta isn't the only Bug/Fire because there's also Volcarona which means two Pokemon have that combination. So it might be helpful to clarify that.
  4. All the games have some Pokemon in the overworld. It would be cool if you could actually talk to them. As in, interpret the sounds they make into words.
  5. Shelly still loves Bugsy despite being ignored, so I always figured it was some generic "forgiveness" phrase that Cal didn't take kindly to because Shelly didn't understand just how much of a jerk Blake was.
  6. TFW you scrap an idea for something else because the original idea didn't make sense, but the scrapped idea does make perfect sense as an extension of a separate idea so you use it for that.
  7. A lot of people seem to have thought Adrienn was male. I knew xe was non-binary because I had read that before meeting xem in-game, but if I didn't know that and the conversation about xe being non-binary wasn't brought up by Cain or mentioned on xyr's showdown trainer card, I would've thought xe was female. Sometimes I even accidentally almost use she instead of xe.
  8. IIRC, Cal hit her. Luna's biological father is El. That's how it was with the actual people on the Showdown server; Luna was apparently disobedient to El and moved away from him, then he joined the league because it was the only place to contact her, and she lived with both Serra and Radomus at different points.
  9. On. Having them on the side takes longer because you have to dip each individual fry.
  10. Who was the merchant who sold the gem keys? I remember it mentioned there was a merchant. What does Radomus want with the Amethyst Pendant? What (if anything) happened to Terra when the power was unplugged? What the fuck is a physics?
  11. But they were talking about how powerful it would be with Flash Fire.
  12. A Fire/Steel Ferrothorn would be 4x weak to Ground.
  13. Slateport City or Laverre City. Those are probably my favorite settlements in Pokemon.
  14. It's cute. It kind of looks like a plushie. What exactly is meant with it making other Pokemon the same nature as it, though? Does that mean wild Pokemon? The rest of your team? Is that some sort of secondary effect of Synchronize that I wasn't aware of?
  15. What I want to know is how some people (I've seen at least two) make it up to Valarie without battling Marianette, since you kind of have to in order to melt the rail o . o
  16. That's why I said his Champion team was all Flying. Champion team being his team in GSCHGSS, where he's the Champion of the Indigo League.
  17. She's ~officially~ a Ghost-type trainer, but because of the scarcity of ghosts back then, ended up also using poison types. Just like Lance's team as Champion aren't all Dragon, but they are all Flying. idk why they even bother making certain type specialists if they can't fill a team with Pokemon of that type. What's weirder to me though is how Sabrina has a Venomoth.
  18. So today I realized it's possible to go through Valor Mountain without ever seeing Melia fly there. After getting Magma Drift from the TM shop, I went straight to the mountain, did everything there, went back to Tesla's after I was done with the mountain, and before I entered I saw Melia flying away on her Togekiss and telling Venam "If you're really my friend, you won't follow me." Then there she was, inside. I was really confused until I realized I actually skipped a scene earlier that I completely forgot I was supposed to see.
  19. She doesn't give you one. The tentacles grab her before she has the chance.
  20. You have to keep talking to it. Eventually she'll reveal herself.
  21. Both of them are awesome (and so is the new paralysis animation). Thunder reminds me of what it looked like in the Gen 3 games, with two bolts to the side of the target and then one that hits it.
  22. What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? Hail if I know!
  23. And Cradily. I guess the Huntail replaced the Floatzel.
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