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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. TIL there's an opposite to paranoia called pronoia, where an individual believes everything is trying to support them.
  2. Hi, welcome to Reborn. A shiny ice cream sandwich appeared.
  3. I have a group of friends that go to restaurants to sample the food. They're my taste buds.
  4. Hi, welcome to Reborn. Here's a waaay belated ice cream sandwich.
  5. Hi, welcome to Reborn. An ice cream sand witch must greet new members with an ice cream sandwich.
  6. What happened to Anna's Gothitelle? Does she not have one anymore?
  7. TFW the lower part of your desk (looks like a tray and can be pulled out) falls and is just hanging lopsided and have you have no idea how it happened.
  8. I use a lot in Facebook messenger, but not many on here. I think I've used . o ., why not , and o . o mainly.
  9. I went to buy a stretcher, and was asked if I wanted to try it out first. I said "No thanks, I don't want to get carried away."
  10. You can only set it when you're asked which difficulty you want in the intro scene.
  11. I don't have the energy to go through possible stats and abilities, but here are ones I'd like to see in the future. +any Pokemon that desperately need some kind of boost I was originally going to include Vivillon, but it would be a pain to make megas for all those forms. I was also going to include Pyroar and Meowstic, but that might also be difficult. Mega Florges might be interesting aesthetically, but it already has a ton of Special Defense and is annoying enough with Confide.
  12. Such new member. Very welcome. Much ice cream sandwich. Wow.
  13. I don't have any hats. I'm not really interested in them + they can mess up your hair. Although I have worn silly hats for a photo booth before.
  14. Hi, welcome to Reborn. Greetings from the Ice Cream Sand Witch!
  15. Do you like local puns? I do. They're right up my alley.
  16. TIL misophonia is where someone gets irrationally aggravated by certain sounds. This explains why some noises (ex: someone exhaling after drinking, a phone ringing, yawning) make me angry.
  17. TFW you wake up to see a huge bloodstain on your pillow and you have no idea how it got there because you're not bleeding.
  18. I actually forgot about doing those before battling Samson. I meant the Crustle puzzles, going through all the different caves, the Aster & Eclipse battle (it took me around 20-25 tries) and the atmosphere itself just feeling like that. I'm a she, btw.
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