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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I came here at E14, so I didn't really get to analyze any individual episodes. But the E13 content (between Samson and Charlotte) felt really tedious to me. It felt like having to do a lot of hard manual labor but not only do you have extremely thin muscles, you're tired from getting only 3-4 hours of sleep.
  2. ^it would be good for dealing with Skarmory, and if she has one, Empoleon. If not, it's still a high-power option if you don't have anything super-effective. Electric also resists Steel.
  3. Beware of alphabet grenades. If one goes off, it could spell disaster.
  4. What do internet pirates do to make themselves look like real pirates? They download iPatches.
  5. There are a few fangames that have changed the battle system (there's one I've seen called Pokemon Super Eevee Edition that has four Pokemon in battle at once) but I've never seen one where you could have more than 6 Pokemon in your party. Probably either no one's thought of doing it or just no one's wanted to change it.
  6. You're not wrong, you do need to talk to her. You just don't get healed before the first grunt under any circumstances period. The first grunt being the one who asks what she had for breakfast after she threw another grunt.
  7. The reason you're not healed after Zetta probably is because of not needing to beat DR Gyarados. OTOH, it's a bit weird that you're not healed in between battling Melia and the first Xen grunt. I needed to use potions before battle in order to beat him.
  8. Banned for something you didn't do.
  9. Ointment, creams, lotion, that sort of thing.
  10. Hi, welcome to Reborn. Here's an ice cream sandwich. Be careful it doesn't get too close to the flames on your arms and melts.
  11. My favorite is the help center too. I think the requests are fun and the rewards are worth it. I especially liked the alien lab, hair salon, and hidden library ones.
  12. TFW accidentally making a sprite's hair look different than originally intended, but it actually ends up looking good and even fits the character.
  13. This would be better suited to the Grand Hall, which is where intro threads go. That being said, welcome to Reborn. Here's an ice cream sandwich.
  14. Hi, welcome to Reborn. It must have been quite the journey to make it here from Lavender Town. Here's an ice cream sandwich to recover your energy.
  15. People tell me I'm a skeptic, but I'm not sure I believe them.
  16. Going through this thread reminds me that people here are actually real people. When you're only used to seeing someone's forum avatar as opposed to their face, it's easy to forget that.
  17. I did one file where I gave it up and one file where I kept it, and I was able to summon the whale in both as soon as I got to the mountain and made it calm. It's probably set to disappear after getting to a certain point, maybe after the barricade scene.
  18. We also already faced Florinia on the desert field. I don't think there's been more than one Gym Leader using the same field, other than Samson and Ciel and that's because they both work at the circus (the field was also made to benefit them both).
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