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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. TFW your shampoo tastes like orange cake frosting.
  2. I actually read an article about it not long ago. Someone met Junichi Masuda and asked him about it. He said they didn't put anything like that in the game, so the interviewer showed it to him. He just said "Oooooo" a few times and smiled.
  3. I basically decided I wanted a Crobat after I finished E14. I'm a fan of Crobat and I expected Acrobatics to be a powerful weapon, but I didn't know just how much of a powerhouse this Crobat would be. When I was battling Solaris, Gyarados's Intimidate lowered its attack and it still defeated it with just 2 Acrobatics (the first one almost took it to red health) and tore through a few more of his team members before he sent out Excadrill and I switched to Scrafty. I don't think Crobat was intimidated at all.
  4. TIL Dalai Lama isn't the name of that person I've seen on pictures with quotes. Dalai Lama is actually a title of Tibetan Buddhism. I always thought Dalai Lama was his actual name, until I saw he's the 14th one. His name is Tenzin Gyasto.
  5. Ralts is available later on in V6, assuming you do the event that gets you access to it. I personally prefer Eevee because of versatility, but they're all good to use. Ralts has an advantage against the first two gyms, and Axew has high attack (although Rivalry can cripple it, so check its ability).
  6. That makes sense. I wondered how it "monitored" the ecosystem before, because that wording kind of made it seemed like it was omniscient. But, if its cells are scattered in different locations, it would be able to keep track of several places at once without drawing attention to itself.
  7. this isnt about zygarde or the anna may, but I really hope Z or whatever the next game is explains the "You're not the one..." girl that was in XY and ORAS.
  8. I wonder how that works, biologically. Did Zygarde just scatter itself across Kalos for whatever reason? Could there theoretically be more than one Zygarde, if more than one cluster of cells gather and there are enough of them?
  9. Even worse, Fern gives the player a love potion and now we're completely infatuated with him. We don't "get in his way" as he sees it anymore, we're basically his cheerleader.
  10. I do it with Pokemon, if there's a certain ability I want on it or if the Pokemon is event-only and you have to battle it, because I wouldn't want to KO it by mistake. Although I've noticed in V6, I KO'd a Lunatone accidentally and it was still there afterwards with the option to give it a treat. I also save before every battle, in case I lose. I don't want to lose any money.
  11. Put some kind of obstacle in front of an area you need to go to, like a wall or a group of trees. The player will spend hours trying to find a switch or another way around, and won't be able to find one. ...but the obstacle was passable all along, because it was set to let the player pass through it in the tileset database.
  12. Basically that ^ It would be soul-crushing if the city was fixed only to be destroyed again.
  13. A legendary that evolves would be neat. The flat/blob form looks like a baby version of the snake, and it would be odd to see it go from a full grown snake to a baby one, unless it's just a little creature piloting a big body (sort of like how Okami's final boss was actually just a tiny fish in a bowl)?
  14. That's Lysandre. And yeah, the dog does seem like the black sheep of the forms. It looks like one of those cartoon/comic book superhero sidekick dogs.
  15. I didn't even notice there was a question asked yesterday. Would you like to live till you're over 100 years old? Why/why not? - [9/11/2015] Other: I'll never be 100, because I have a condition where I literally stopped aging/developing. For the living part, we live forever on our real planet. On Earth, well, I'm hoping Earth ends within the next 5 years.
  16. I was actually thinking that the "blob" looked like one of Zygarde's scales. So I guess I wasn't far off. I wonder how all those percentage forms work? Do they go by HP? Like, full health = the "perfect" form, 50% health = the snake form, etc. And, I'm guessing the forms affect base stats, not just the perfect form being the strongest but the dog/10% form being weaker than the original snake form we saw in XY. I have no opinion of the Ash Greninja. It's probably just something Ash's Greninja does in the anime, and I don't watch the anime. If it were something like a Cosplay Pikachu gimmick though, that would be neat.
  17. 9/10. Nice edit. I really like the purple glow around her hand!
  18. 8/10 I like when there are two words that both start with the same letter. I find it aesthetically attractive.
  19. That was when she talked to you before you went through the factory shutting down the Klangs. When you got to the fight scene, you battle Nastasia and Ren, then she sends the Klangs for you. Melia and Aelita say something about not underestimating girls when they're mad, they kick the Klangs aside, and then kick Nastasia in the face.
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