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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I found him the first time I did that, but before I found him I talked to Aelita. Maybe you have to do that first?
  2. You have to surf in the water near the redheaded girl. At the end there'll be a small piece of land where he's at.
  3. 2 interesting things about the Kristilline help requests. 1. The Research request said it was already completed, but I haven't done it. It said this the first time I checked it on the board. (The Defend Me one was already completed too, but I actually came across and did that one when I was looking for Amber and Venam. I don't think I did the research one, because the rewards lady didn't mention it and I didn't get a reward for it) 2. The ???? one said I can't do it until I get more experience, but without doing anything else and without even knowing I was doing the request until I beat the Malamar, I was able to go to the Alien Lab and do the stuff there.
  4. Where do I go after I've been through the whole cave and I can't find them.
  5. You can get there from the bottom left patch of grass along the square.
  6. Found an error/typo in the cut-scene.
  7. A lot of the good TMs are ones my Pokemon have already learned by level up XD but, I think Ciel will give Acrobatics because she's an acrobat, and Adrienn will give Dazzling Gleam because it's the only Fairy TM, unless I'm forgetting one.
  8. Sylveon. It's adorable and looking at it makes me think of Boston Cream donuts.
  9. I guess around 3, for the poll. Music doesn't have as strong an effect on me as it does most other people, but there are 2 types of music that do: Sad music can make me sad, so I don't listen to it. Fast-paced, upbeat music makes me feel energetic and creative.
  10. Today I learned body integrity identity disorder or xenomelia is where someone believes a part of their body, like an arm or a leg, doesn't actually belong to them. I actually watched a video a few years ago about someone who was like this. I forget the whole process but he froze the leg he thought wasn't his in a bucket of cold water and amputated it himself. But I didn't know there was a word for it, or whether it was a documented condition or if he was the only person.
  11. It would be neat to see all the changes to past parts of the game, but I personally wouldn't have the energy to play through it all those times. I'll probably do it once the last episode is out and I've completed everything I want to.
  12. I don't really have any complicated field strategies, but I've done basic things like this: -When battling Terra, I changed the field to misty so I could Moonblast Garchomp and Crunch Claydol for super effectiveness -I beat Cal and Charlotte by going with the field, using Delphox to fight fire with fire -When battling Noel I did extra damage with Flamethrower because it set the grass on fire.
  13. When someone says something and I don't quite hear it so I ask something like "Huh?" and they just say "Never mind". People trying to talk to me when I'm right in the middle of chewing food, or I'm clearly just about to take a bite out of something. I can't talk and eat at the same time (and it would be gross if I did) so unless you want to be my next meal please wait until I'm finished. People who read too much into someone's words or actions. Like for example if someone says "Sorry I can't hang out right now, I'm busy" and the other person's brain translates "I'm busy" as "I'm making up an excuse to ignore you". I don't think this kind of thing has happened to me often, but as a shallow person who doesn't have much going on beyond what can be seen on the surface, this irritates me a lot when I see it happen. People who keep pestering you about something even after you tell them no. Like this one person in my area who appears once every few months or so to ask people to donate blood. I've told her several times I'm scared of needles, but instead of accepting it and trying to look for other people, she tells me that a lot of people are and throws out 2344515497 reasons why I should give blood. I choked someone for repeatedly trying to poke me with a pen (my fight/flight response activated) so I doubt any of those reasons will make me overcome fear. Not that I should have to justify myself in the first place. "No" should be enough for her to leave me alone. (I'm not scared of the needles when getting shots because those are small and I just feel tingly for less than a second, but that's the only time I'd voluntarily let someone near me with a needle)
  14. I've been to four other countries, but never really experienced any big culture shocks. There were little things that surprised me because I didn't know about them, like how in Ireland they don't pronounce the h in words that start with "th", so three for example sounds like tree. But there was nothing mind-shattering that made me go "Wow, everything is so different here".
  15. I always thought Sirius was a reference to Sirius Black from Harry Potter, because that's the only other instance of the name I've seen anywhere and I didn't know about the star.
  16. I've never heard of Rumble before I saw it yesterday, but it looks/sounds fun and I'll download it. From what I read, the diamonds are available in the game itself, so you don't need to pay to get them. As for the idea of needing to pay, I don't like it because I have no way of paying for things over the Internet and I wouldn't think it worth paying for anyway.
  17. I actually thought it was an April Fool's joke at first, until someone on the Facebook page said they were working out the issues. Then I thought it was real, until I figured out otherwise ~12 hours later. That post was deleted ~10 minutes after I commented, and I wondered "Where did it go? What did I miss?" I guess it was deleted because they didn't want the fact it was a prank to be known. But I wasn't being a killjoy...I was just saying I thought it was an April Fool's joke until I saw that post. Thought, because I hadn't actually figured out that it was at that point. I feel bad for ruining the fun Sorry to whoever made that post.
  18. ^Yeah, that's what I meant. I had it backwards. I thought we visited the lake and the island was just the name for the part we visited + the surrounding body of water.
  19. Does anyone know where Azurine Lake's theme is from? Most of the time I recognize right away where the tracks were from in the official games, or can find them on Glitchxcity's channel. But I don't recognize where Azurine Lake's is from, and I haven't found it on her channel.
  20. Banned because at first I read discrimination as "interdimensional".
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