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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Spork and Delicia's Delicious Dreamland are the only games I plan to make, though I do have an expansion for Ocean Coast planned in the next reupload, which I'll detail in a post in the thread coming soon!
  2. That's fine! There's a lot in the Data Vault, and I didn't really expect many people to read it all in one go (honestly, I was worried it'd be so much that people wouldn't even want to read it at all). I've always thought it was neat to learn about what was originally planned but ended up being changed in games. That's why I included it, and I'm happy to know that others like learning about that kind of trivia too!
  3. After you've found all four of them, speak to the scientist at the Pokemon Research Institute who was interested in them (you need to do his sidequests first though) and he'll merge them and give you instructions from there. If you don't mind spoilers:
  4. Spork has the same shiny chance as Reborn and Rejuvenation For Pokemon that evolve through trade in the official games: Link Stone For Pokemon that evolve through trade + held item: you need to use the item on them like an evolution stone. For example Slowpoke evolves into Slowking when you use a King's Rock on it
  5. The move relearner will reteach moves for free, so you don't need any Heart Scales for her. She's in the Services District of Olidroll City.
  6. I'm happy you enjoyed the game! Although I didn't post in the thread I did keep up with it. I really enjoy when people make playthroughs like this because it's fun seeing what everyone's experience is like and what their thoughts are. I actually did want to post once. You said that you started just posting videos and didn't do the written thoughts in the thread anymore because you felt you weren't saying much and were forcing yourself. But I did enjoy reading those (but also respect your decision; it's not healthy to force yourself to do something).
  7. There's been thunderstorms almost every day here for the past month or so, but I don't mind because I love this kind of weather!
  8. Your next destination with the police quest is Opaque Valley. You'll meet the dentist a few times there; just keep following him. The marble in the Battle Frontier is visible in the overworld. It's at this spot:
  9. Two mentions of this in a row XD I can get you unstuck if you send me your save file (instructions on how to do so if you aren't sure can be found in the above few posts).
  10. You can send it here or in PM, whichever you prefer. The save file will look like the one in the picture I posted, but I'll be able to tell if it's the right one when you upload.
  11. You're not making me mad. I wouldn't get mad at someone for not understanding something, especially since I have trouble understanding a lot of things myself. I'm bad at wording things so it'd probably have been better if I found a guide instead of typing it out. (I actually did try to find a guide first, but didn't find one under the terms I searched; I used some different terms and found one now though) Here's a guide for Pokemon Reborn, but this works for all fangames. I hope this is easier to understand. http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/save/
  12. Go to the C drive of your PC, then Users -> your PC name -> Saved Games -> Pokemon Spork -> in that folder should be this: The "Game" file here is your save file. At the bottom of the reply box when making a post there's this: Click on "choose files" and you can upload your save file as an attachment in the post.
  13. I spent some time testing this out. After around 50-60 entrances, I ended up getting stuck in a black space tile above a wall. Cave of Compliments is a mystery dungeon, meaning that the cave's layout is randomly generated every time you enter. Considering the ability to set a map as a mystery dungeon is a default feature in Essentials, I'd have hoped it would've been tested to know which tiles are non-passable and use that info to determine where the player can and can't be set when entering. If you send me your save file, I should be able to get you unstuck.
  14. In the Candy Shop in Olidroll City, there's an employee near the counter who will make one if you bring him the items he asks for.
  15. You weren't bothering me at all! It's always best to report something you think could be a glitch, and it definitely does look like a glitch without knowing that icons weren't included in Ame's USUM sprite pack.
  16. This is intentional. When Ame released the USUM sprite pack for the new UBs + Zeraora and Dusk Lycanroc, party screen icons weren't included in the pack. I needed to use another Pokemon's icon as a placeholder, because if a Pokemon doesn't have a party screen icon graphic, then going to your party while having that Pokemon in it would cause the game to crash.
  17. Wow, you've made a lot of progress since two days ago . o . I guess the errors have gone away now? Next you need to go to the east exit of Crystal Caverns, which leads to the Marvelous Marsh.
  18. Beating the online league wasn't the only way to get ace membership. After the online league was finished, you could become an ace member if you had a certain amount of rupees (I forget the exact number), 750 posts, and had an account for a certain amount of time (I think six months?) and after rupees were replaced with EXP, you could become an ace member when you reached 1,000 EXP, but I don't think anyone got enough EXP to become an ace member before the system was abolished. After that happened, the ace section of the forum was replaced with a secret club. IIRC the online league was stopped because of technical problems when switching from Pokemon Online to Showdown, but I wasn't around back then so I'm only going off of memory from what I've read on the site.
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