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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I'd say USUM had the most updates from its previous two games out of every third version (not including BW2 which were sequels). USUM added: -several new features: Mantine Surfing, Alola Photo Club, Battle Agent Sea (not new for the series, but new for Alola), Ultra Ride, the Pokemon in the overworld that play with you, maybe one or two others that aren't coming to mind. -A ton of new sidequests. Probably at least 20-30. -Massive changes in lategame story. Not expanded, outright changed (and improved, for me). -The Ultra Recon Squad and being able to explore more of Ultra Space. (unfortunately no Ultra Megalopolis exploration, but there's still the expansion of Ultra Space). -new Ultra Beasts For me, it was worth it just for the improved Lusamine. It could've been the exact same game as SM except with a better Lusamine and it would've been worth it for me. I don't like darkness (I have a hard time even playing Reborn when stuff happens) because I don't believe Earth is our real planet and don't believe Earth darkness like torture exists at home on our real planet, so a less dark Lusamine is a better Lusamine for me. USUM Lusamine's Aether stuff was toned down a lot, her motives are explained in more depth and easier to digest, she gets more redemption and closure, and you can visit her any time in Aether in the postgame. Lusamine is one of my favorite fictional characters (if not my favorite), and I want the best for her. I want her to be happy, and I want her to be a parent that Lillie and Gladion, as well as all the Pokemon she takes in, can admire. USUM being DLC instead of a new game would mean I couldn't get it if you had to pay for it, because I'm not capable of or allowed to do online money. I can only do physical money, so it needs to be available in a store to buy for me to get it.
  2. Reuploaded with the following changes and updates: -the cafe scene with Ashley and Kayla can now be activated by speaking to them and not just by sitting across from them -added Reborn E17's new attack animations -can no longer walk through the classroom doors at the Sea Star School -Farfetch'd in Tinder Forest now give a Stick every time you talk to them instead of just the first time
  3. I think I preferred the player to be across the table in the scene for aesthetic reasons, but I don't remember exactly. You're right that it can be confusing, though. I've seen videos where it takes people a little while to realize that you can only activate the scene if you're across from them. Now that it's been brought up here I'll make a note to change this for the next reupload. I also was at that part of the game in early 2016 and didn't know as much about the eventing commands back then. It's possible I didn't know how to make them keep facing across the table until they realize the player is there, or how to make the player move to the table seats if they're interacting from the sides (which would allow me to keep that aesthetic of the scene if I want while not having the confusion that exists currently).
  4. You have to interact with them while being on one of the chairs across from them at the table.
  5. BECOME AN IDOL After the post-Champion story, you can become a pop idol like Chelsea. During the daytime in DJ Ultra Beats' gym, you can sing. The first time will be practice with Chelsea in the back of the gym, where you'll repeat back to her words from a song she sings earlier near the final gym battle, and then you'll sing that song on stage. After that, Chelsea recommends coming up with songs of your own. Including your cover of Chelsea's song, there are five songs total. For the four that the player makes, you'll have to fill in words the first time, and once you've done all five, you can choose to sing any one and the player will sing them automatically without you having to do anything. After every performance, more people will come to hear your singing! (the female player's official name is still Sierran, I just asked Nakuto for a save file since the computer issues took away mine. I didn't have any save files stored in my flash drive) (this is probably obvious but sprites shown for DJ Ultra Beats, Kayla, Blueberry, Agne, and Alumia aren't final; they're temporary until Palletite is able to return)
  6. Computer is fixed! And now it's set to only do the crucial updates. I don't have anything on it anymore, so it's like starting over with a new computer. But since I have my flash drive, I only need to redo the Dialga quest, which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. But there are other things I had before on my computer that I need to re-download. I should hopefully get back to working on Spork by tonight.
  7. Edge and Pixilization have met Rose.
  8. Update: The error is apparently caused by Windows being removed from the PC. The update my computer did was apparently infamous for causing that to happen. The Staples people think they can fix it in 1-3 days. I don't know if I'll still have everything on the computer or not. Even if I don't, with the copy I have on my flash drive, I'll only have to redo the Dialga quest. In my last post I wondered whether my flash drive would be damaged too, but I don't think it would be. I'll have to make sure to change the settings for updates so it only does the really important ones.
  9. (typing this from mobile) Currently experiencing computer issues. I had a notification that my computer was going to restart for an update. I wanted to postpone it at first but decided to do it to get it over with. When it restarted, it said it didn't restart correctly and needed to be repaired. Things I tried that didn't work: -restarting again (multiple times) -turning it off and on again -system restore to earlier today (it said the restore was successful, but after restarting it was still in the infinite loop of saying it need repairs) -going to startup settings and choosing the option for it to not try repairing for startup failure. When it tried to do so, the loading circle froze when it was starting back up. I tried 3 times. -Various command prompt things I read about online. I apparently don't have access to the boot command that could (possibly?) fix this issue for some reason and trying to give myself access also failed I was able to find the error code, though, and the solutions I found all require resources that I don't have. I can't proceed, so computer people will need to be contacted. I hope this can be fixed soon. I'm sad. I wanted to show the singing career in the postgame soon... I hope I don't lose any data, too. In the worst case scenario I'll have to do many legendary sidequests again, and I'm not looking forward to doing Tapu Bulu's quest again if I have to. That was exhausting. I don't think my flash drive would be damaged, but that's what would happen if it is. Because I'm sad and bored, here's some info that was going to be part of the post where I showed the singing career: -I forgot that the bag only displays up to 99 of an item until I got the 100th marble. But this won't make the end of the quest impossible, because I use a control variable for when the player obtains marbles. Mable's Gothitelle goes off of this variable instead of checking how many marbles are in the player's bag. The marbles aren't related to the singing career, I just thought this should be mentioned. -I decided to split the singing career into three different events. The player will be able to become a pop idol like Chelsea and perform during the daytime at DJ Ultra Beats' gym. If you go to DJ Ultra Beats' gym at night, you can watch Noise Pollution perform. And there's a legendary sidequest that involves rapping with the legendary in question. I split them into three events because I have different levels of confidence in doing the styles involved well, with the most confidence in Chelsea's. Mainly, I have songs of Chelsea's planned out, but I don't know enough about metal to have the player perform it. (I'm still going to show a screenshot of the singing career, this is just information about the change)
  10. The UB overworld sprites are bigger than the rest of the Pokemon OW sprites because they weren't made with fangames in mind (as far as I know). They were made by artists on Deviantart. Personthing used them for his Rejuvenation Follower Pokemon mod, and that's where I got them from. Celesteela and Nihilego were made by Zender1752, and all of the others were made by OldSoulja.
  11. Reuploaded with the following changes/updates: -The Pokemon Breeders that use Audino now all use Healing Wish. An NPC was added to Virima City who explains that these are a new type of battle simulations made by Isabelle to help people with training. -Forest Opening now has the same music as Forest of Feeling and Aliora Meadow -Can no longer walk through walls near the entrance of the cave at Classic Park -Fixed an NPC's speech in Gellene Town who referred to Gellene as a city instead of a town
  12. They used to only have Healing Wish. I'd like to change them back for training convenience, but at the same time from an in-universe perspective I'm not sure why a trainer would only have a move that faints their Pokemon...maybe I could make them something like the simulations.
  13. The Day Care center is at the Legend Dairy, which is to the east of Aliora City. Aliora City is where the 4th gym is, but you don't need the 4th badge in order to access Legend Dairy or the daycare.
  14. The move relearner is in the Services District of Olidroll City. Olidroll City is where the 6th and 7th gyms are.
  15. I don't really think some Pokemon are inherently better than others. I just think there are different things each Pokemon excels in. Even if some Pokemon do make the game easier than others, I don't mind if someone wants to have an easy time with the game. Spork isn't really intended to be difficult.
  16. I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Tapus aren't available as starters. The intention is for all non-legends to be starters, and I don't consider the UBs legendaries aside from Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma.
  17. This is known, but I'm not sure what causes it. It's probably the strangest bug that's ever been in the game. Without knowing why it happens, I'm not sure I can fix it (and I think this bug is funny), but thanks for the report anyway ^^ Reuploaded with the following changes/updates: -added the move Nature's Madness (as mentioned when I added the Tapus' Surge abilities, it's not publicly available, it just exists now) -Removed part of a line of dialogue after Chelsea's gym battle. Previously, she said that the Sea Stars had their own underwater society in the Sea of Knowledge, but that "not everyone can get to it". She now doesn't say that not everyone can get to it, as that makes it sound like you need some kind of approval to enter and doesn't really make sense. I'm not sure why I wrote that part. -Gellene Town and the False Fortunes building now have the same music as Wonky Woods -Deleted some Essentials sound and music effects that I wasn't using
  18. I'm nervous about people commenting on how long it's been, since I don't want people to be impatient with Palletite. Even if the semester's over I imagine she wanted to spend time with friends and family over the holidays, or may have other things to do in addition to university. Punkeev did mention that Palletite was embarrassed about the time, so I'm sure she'll return as soon as she's able. If there's any news in the future I'll mention it, but I'd rather people avoid saying that it's been a long time or anything similar. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Palletite's sprites, but her IRL situation comes first and I'll wait as long as necessary. I'm not comfortable with people being impatient with her, and I don't think Punkeev wants to see people being impatient with Palletite either.
  19. Alolan Muk is a neat concept to use for jello! Reuploaded again with the Jelly Badge.
  20. The Spinarak in the Thread Badge looks amazing! Re-uploaded with the revamped Sheet and Scale badges and the Thread Badge.
  21. The current public upload is still just up to episode 4. I won't be updating the public release until Palletite returns. I plan on adding the animations from Reborn E17 in the future.
  22. Re-uploaded with the following updates: -Dylan's Zoroark is now a Crawdaunt -Chelsea's Poliwrath is now a Pyukumuku -Ivan's Pyukumuku is now an Octillery -Pandora's Dusknoir is now a Froslass -changed the Kangaskhan in Dark Dungeon's third dream sequence to a Komala Explanations for each of these changes: Dylan is a bartender, and bartenders serve drinks, so I thought it was odd I didn't give him a Water/Dark type. I thought Zoroark was the one that fit him least, so it was the Pokemon exchanged for Crawdaunt. I only had Poliwrath on Chelsea's team because of the "Feel my Poliwrath" pun. Since she was born in Alola, I wanted to give her another Alolan Pokemon besides Brionne. And after giving Pyukumuku to Chelsea, I replaced Ivan's with Octillery, which I actually thought he already had. I know it was a Pokemon I considered for him at least. I don't feel like Dusknoir fits in with Pandora's theme. The rest of Pandora's Pokemon are flashy and/or match her outfit's colors. Froslass matches with Pandora and I feel like it suits her very well. The third dream sequence in Dark Dungeon is based on something I wrote two years ago that I recently found again. I apparently remembered it wrong because I thought the koala character was a kangaroo. This is the story I wrote: "I enter an elevator. Inside the elevator, it's snowing. There's someone else here, who becomes my client that I make coffee for. He has a stuffed koala. Just as I finish making the coffee, he realizes he forgot something in his car, which he left on Neptune. He leaves to get it. I ask the koala what I'm supposed to do with this cup of coffee now that my client isn't here to drink it. The koala says "Just splash it on somebody, I guess" and vanishes through the elevator walls. I exit. In the hotel lobby, I meet that guy that's on the "Aliens" meme pictures. I don't say anything, but he mentions that there's freshly baked peanut butter brownies in the cafeteria, so that's where I go. I eat some of them, then I head outside. I think to myself how I'm always mixing up automatic doors and revolving doors. I fall asleep as soon as I get outside, just now noticing I don't have the coffee anymore. I wake up in a stadium where a rock-paper-scissors tournament is taking place. I end up making it to the third-last round where I lose to someone who goes a second after me. I'm upset that my opponent cheated, but I don't want to make a scene and I did well enough overall in the tournament to be satisfied, so I turned around to leave. Just then, the coffee cup, the koala, and his animal friends burst onto the scene. The coffee cup calls out my opponent. "Hey, you cheated!" The coffee cup goes a round with the cheater and wins, with close supervision to ensure he doesn't cheat again. I'm put back in the tournament, and make it to the finals where it's me vs the coffee cup. "Did you think you'd go home because of some pathetic fraud? I'm your real final opponent!" Every time, we pick the same thing. This ends up going on for 10 hours, with strong gusts of wind bouncing around the stadium because of the intensity of our match. By the end of it, we're standing atop platforms pushed upwards by tornadoes, and we pass out from exhaustion. The koala says that both of us did good. The scene cuts to me, the coffee cup, and the koala + animal friends eating waffles. We'll have many more adventures together." also, I've finished the post-Champion story!
  23. Ame might've deleted the community release links for E17 since the public release is out now. You can find the public release here: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31724-episode-17-rust-thicker-than-water-now-publicly-available/
  24. Spork's post-Champion story has four parts. I've just finished the second, which is the main part. Most of the third part will be optional other than the beginning and the end, but you can always revisit the optional part. It's up to players how much they want to see and do, but by going everywhere you'll find background details not revealed anywhere else, like info on things that were changed or didn't make it into the game, and also extra info on characters like favorite food. The fourth part is related to something else and is just a few quick scenes.
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