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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I have a Favorite Trial Captain thread and a favorite Island Kahuna thread, though I see they're both archived now. I've made a favorites thread for almost everything and them being archived has made it difficult to update for USUM. I wanted to update my Favorite Side Activity thread to included the Alola Photo Club and Mantine Surfing, but then I saw it was archived, and I don't really feel like investing the energy into making a new one right now. Sorry for rambling. My favorite trial captain is Acerola and my favorite island kahuna is Olivia.
  2. I added them in the latest reupload (except for move tutor moves, since move tutors aren't in Spork until the postgame at the Battle Frontier). I wasn't sure whether or not I should've mentioned it since people might be trying to avoid that kind of information until USUM's release tomorrow, so I chose not to include it in the re-upload changes mentioned in the post. But I wanted to do that in advance while I had quick access to the pastebin with all the move changes.
  3. Re-uploaded with the following changes/updates: -Changed the event Pyukumuku's received level from 30 to 20 to account for the issue with Purify. I removed the Purify issue from the known bugs list because in theory it shouldn't occur anymore. -Added abilities: Electric Surge, Psychic Surge, Grassy Surge, Misty Surge (the Tapus, like all legendaries, won't be obtained until postgame but their abilities are functional now) -Added items: Electric Seed, Psychic Seed, Grassy Seed, Misty Seed, Pink Bow The Pink Bow was a Gen 2 item that raised the power of Normal moves. In Gen 3 onwards it was replaced by the Silk Scarf. In Spork it will raise the power of Fairy moves, since a Fairy equivalent of Silk Scarf, Miracle Seed etc. didn't exist. The seeds can be purchased at the Battle Mall, from the vendor who sells the weather rocks + a few other items like Safety Goggles. The Pink Bow can be purchased from the vendor who sells the other items that power up moves of a specific type. It can be expected that progress will be slower once USUM come out on Friday. It's possible I'll make it to the Champion battle before then, since Victory Road is just a straight path with no puzzles or obstacles other than several story-related battles. I also added a bug to the Known Bugs list in the first post: Hyper Potion heals 200 HP in battle and 120 HP outside battle
  4. I have good news! Palletite's sister messaged me, and Palletite is ok! She's a bit overwhelmed with university at the moment, and wants to come back, but isn't sure when she'll be able to. I mentioned to Palletite's sister that Palletite can take as much time as she needs to come back, and that I've been working ahead but will hold off on episode releases until she returns.
  5. A game having a lot of postgame content is a positive for me. Although similar to FairFamily, if a game still has story-related events after the credits scene, I consider those events afterward to be the end of the story rather than the credits. For example with GSC/HGSS, a lot of people call Kanto postgame, but I see Kanto as the second half of the story. To me, the end of GSC/HGSS's story is defeating Red. With Pokemon specifically, things I'd consider postgame are: the repeatable rival/Gym Leader/E4/etc. rematches, battle facilities, and unlocking of National Dex with more species of Pokemon showing up in the region (which usually comes with a few new areas to explore). The kind of postgame events I enjoy doing are sidequests, new areas, and sometimes new game modes and minigames. Of those, I'm most likely to be invested in sidequests and new areas, while minigames in general are hit or miss for me. Some minigames are really fun and could entertain me for a long time, while others I don't really care for.
  6. Oh, my username is Ice Cream Sand Witch, or ICSW for short. Cherub is my post count rank/member title. Usernames are above the member title/rank, in the white space at the top of posts next to the timestamp. If you want to change the UI, you can copy/paste these images from the Graphics -> Pictures folder of another game or Essentials itself: battleFoeBoxD, battleFoeBoxS, battlePlayerBoxD, battlePlayerBoxS. When asked if you want to replace, say yes.
  7. Nature changer: Planned, but on hold. Instead of it being like Reborn/Rejuv/Desolation's where the nature is changed at random and has a chance of not changing at all, I want players to be able to choose the nature to change to. If it were like Reborn/Rejuv/Desolation's I could probably just copy/paste from there and remove the Heart Scale requirement, but since no game (as far as I know) has one that lets you choose the nature, I'd need to figure out how to script it to where the nature can be chosen. Ability Capsules: yes. One is a reward for completing the Abilities quiz at the Trainers School, and they can also be bought at the Ability Capsule Corp in Olidroll City. IV Stone: Not planned. If possible, I'd just either remove IVs from the game entirely or set 31 as the only possibility, but that would mess with Hidden Power*, and I'm not sure how to remove them/if that would cause error messages when loading the game. *It would the natural Hidden Power, though the ones you can get from the NPC in the Battle Mall would be unaffected because those are all separate moves And IV Stones like Reborn/Rejuv/Desolation's nature changer act randomly IIRC, when I would want the player to be able to choose. In the meantime, I can alter players' natures, IVs, and other aspects of their Pokemon through save file editing. I'm happy you're excited for future episodes!
  8. According to Serebii there's an image of Team Rocket's headquarters, but I didn't see it in either of the two images posted. Where is the headquarters?
  9. Ame has confirmed Julia will be getting Oricorio Pom Pom, yes. Here are the team changes that we know about Cain: Alolan Muk Julia: Alolan Geodude*, Oricorio Pom Pom Shade: Mimikyu Aya: Salazzle Serra: Alolan Ninetales. Additionally, the TM she'll be giving will now be Aurora Veil, with a team and strategy centered around the move It's possible that there are others I'm forgetting. I remember someone saying "Shelly needs a Ribombee" and Ame said something like "everyone needs one", but I'm not sure if that was confirmation or not that Shelly will get Ribombee. *Ame didn't explicitly say "Julia is getting Alolan Geodude", but when asked on tumblr, she said there are precious few Electric types that get Explosion and that it would be a shame to pass one up
  10. It's part of an E17 sidequest that was originally supposed to be in E16 but was pushed back. I learned this when putting together the relationship variable guide during E16 beta.
  11. I just checked the event pages for both the chair and the note in RPG Maker, and it seems like you don't have to find the note before you can get the money under the chair. Is it possible you already got it before and just didn't remember getting it?
  12. Aggron would definitely be a perfect fit for a metal band since it's not only a Steel type but gets the Heavy Metal ability. Though for Noise Pollution, the theme I went with was Pokemon that can learn Boomburst. There's a metal band with a parrot for a lead singer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwXKR9EWhXo Re-uploaded with these fixed: -with the four gentlemen betting/arguing with each other at Inoset Island, the one on the right now faces left continuing to look at the other gentlemen when spoken to after the 10th gym instead of up -fixed typo in that same gentleman's speech, where consequences was spelled "consquences"
  13. Open RPG Maker, go to File -> New Project, name it Reborn, then it'll be in an RPGXP folder in your Documents folder. Then copy/paste everything from the Reborn game folder in your Downloads folder into the one in your Documents folder. You'll also need Reborn's PBS files in order to open it in RPG Maker. You can find a download link in this topic if you don't already have them. Yeah, Ame said they may be used for sidequests or extras but not to expect too much from them because they were added so late into development, and that they would've played a bigger role if they were added in an earlier episode. In the present, there are a few lines of dialogue that change depending on relationship points. Here are two examples. The first of these is when Cal meets you in the city to explain he rigged the PULSE, and the second is when meeting Victoria in front of Kiki's grave.
  14. In the set of rooms to the right, in the guest room furthest right, interact with this chair: I don't remember if you have to be standing on the chair or next to it, though. Re: the elevator being blocked off, as of V9 we don't have access to it.
  15. Re-uploaded with the following fixes and updates -Improved walls in Olidroll Underground. I forgot about that one when I was updating the cave walls before. -Ion Deluge now has the correct move effect. (previously it had Powder's function code) -Changed music in Premoggin Softlands and Premoggin Canyon to this -Changed Inoset Island's music to this Also: in the post I made about the postgame singing career, I mentioned I wanted to include metal, but wasn't sure who could mentor the player in it. I don't know why I didn't think of them at the time, but the Pokemon band Noise Pollution, who've been mentioned a few times in-game, will mentor the player in metal. Noise Pollution's lead singer is a Chatot.
  16. TIL from here that only ace members and up can see who reacts to their posts and statuses. I assumed everyone could.
  17. Only one gym left! Non-spoilery pic Spoilery pic (the area name gives away which gym leader is the 17th the player battles): It'll take longer to get to the 18th gym, since a lot happens between the 17th and 18th gym battles. Internal testing for Reborn E17 started recently. The next testing phase after that is alpha testing, which is when I'll be able to play/test. When that happens, I'll probably be taking a short break from Spork, since in addition to testing I'll also be noting down relationship variables to update the Relationship Variable Guide when the time comes for that. Before and after then, though, I'll try to continue at the pace I've been going.
  18. Elekid can be obtained by giving an NPC in a house in Calcenon City an Electirizer.
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