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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Even if you didn't have the first badge you should still be able to talk to her and no one should be blocking your way, so it sounds like you're mixed up on where Leaflet Park is (maybe you're confusing it with Goldenleaf Forest, which will be blocked until beating the 4th gym leader?). Leaflet Park is here: and the NPC you need to talk to is here:
  2. So I just looked at the audio folder and the song that plays for Route Two-o is "Bacon Pancakes". When I played the game yesterday I thought the voice in the track was saying "Making fangames". The fact that part of the game is a tribute to fangames that were cancelled probably influenced me hearing it like that.
  3. Is your refrigerator running? Is your refrigerator stunning? Is your refrigerator cunning?
  4. From statements like "btw theres blood coming out of its mouth because it totaly fits vivillon's nature" and "also it has a demonic aura so you can see how dangerous this pokemon really is" I got the impression that it's an April Fool's joke.
  5. I don't do trading or other online stuff but if you send me your save file I can change your Ralts's nature. Is there any nature in particular you want or just anything except adamant?
  6. It should also be noted that you don't get to choose which nature your Pokemon changes to. It's a randomly selected nature, and it's also possible the nature won't change at all. It's advisable to save before talking to him in case multiple resets are needed to get the nature you want.
  7. "Antici-" At first I thought this was supposed to mean Anticipation doesn't work in Psychic Terrain, then I read Ame's comment XD
  8. You have to beat the normal Redemption League to do the X League, yes. The original Reborn League also had an X League that functioned this way.
  9. Fixed for episode 4. (I would normally re-upload now, but I've reuploaded ep 3 so many times that I need a break from doing it x . x especially since I have to move events around every time to prevent the player from seeing ep 4 content)
  10. Was it ever said we'd be able to defend the Champion title? I don't think I've seen it mentioned anywhere. EDIT: @Mr. Divergent All league members (Gym Leaders, E4, Champion) have access to the nightclub IIRC.
  11. Re-uploaded with the name-changing office in Virima City no longer accessible. Changing names through there caused the player to lose their Pokemon, items, badges, Pokedex, money, and Pokegear. The first incident of someone losing their Pokemon, item, etc. data was about two weeks ago, but neither the user it happened to or me knew what caused it, and the user didn't experience any problems again after having the data recovered. At the time I thought it was most likely an issue with the user's computer, since I hadn't heard of anything like it happening before. But the second incident was today and the user mentioned the name-changing office. I tried it myself and it happened, so the name-changing office had to go. The outside of the building is still there, but the inside has been removed (including the NPCs that were there) and there's a guard in front of the door who explains why it was shut down.
  12. If I remember right Crawli should be at the bottom of his gym where you fought him. If he's not at the arena, the doors behind him where he entered the arena from to battle should be open and Crawli and Venam should be there.
  13. If you say no you still lose a point with her, yes. It may be worth noting that I made that guide before I knew "not reading the diary" meant saying no and Titania still thinking you read it. Back then I just thought I hadn't found the event for not reading the diary, since I assumed you wouldn't have to interact with the diary to begin with if you chose not to read it.
  14. Vikavolt learns Thunderbolt when it evolves from Charjabug. However I'm not sure if Essentials has a way of doing that method, which I think was introduced in Gen 7, so in Spork it's only a level 1 move. I was able to get around this for some like the starters' signature moves by having them learned at the level they evolve, but Vikavolt evolves through stone. You can have Vikavolt learn Thunderbolt through the Move Tutor in Olidroll.
  15. Posted this once before (a few minutes ago actually) and for some reason it quickly got moved to a thread in "On the Hunt" about someone asking advice for their team? It couldn't have been me having multiple tabs open and mixing them up because I don't go to threads asking for team advice and very much remember seeing the above posts in the thread right before posting (I also didn't have multiple tabs open). Anyway, Radomus. -One of his outfits from the online league had an Ash Ketchum hat: -Isn't a stranger to being a father, being the adoptive father of Luna. Double points if the theories about him being Anna and Noel's father turn out to be true.
  16. In terms of difficulty, it's more challenging than the main games as said before. All Gym Leaders have a full team of six Pokemon. There are also a lot of field effects that change things like the power of moves and moves of a certain type, the type of moves (some moves do additional damage of another type on certain fields), ability effects, whether certain moves work (Ground moves don't work in water-based fields), etc. and some moves can change or destroy the field. In addition to battles the puzzles can also be very challenging to figure out. Story-wise, I'd say it's more detailed than a lot of the canon games. You get to know the backstory for a lot of characters and see Gym Leaders often outside of the gym battle. There are dark parts so beware of that if you're not into dark stuff. It may be worth noting that almost every character in the game is based on Reborn's Pokemon Online league which existed before the game, and many events and interactions within the game are based on ones from the online league. There are also a lot of sidequests. P.S. Are you on Global Pokedex Plus? I definitely remember a user there named Beauty Shannon.
  17. Re-uploaded episode 3 with the following fixes/changes: -You can now see how many Marbles you have from your bag -Tsareena learns Trop Kick at level 29 -Charcoal costs 100 now like the other type-increasing items instead of 9800 -Fixed typo in Pandora's speech where "anything" was spelled "anytihng" -Fixed bug where if you lost to Pandora and went back to battle her again, the game would freeze -TM location list is now complete -Can no longer walk through the PC in the Pokemon Research Institute -Gave Felicia's Delcatty max friendship since it has Return (meant to do this originally but forgot) -Fixed typo in Barker's speech at the Battle Mall where "And who might you be?" was "And who you might be?" -Added rocks to the water west of Virima City and in some parts of Bolaii Coastline and Bolaii Beach to prevent the player from surfing in areas that weren't meant to be surfed Also added episode 4 progress below the download link for episode 3.
  18. Considering Caz is now working two jobs and going to university just to be able to eat as of February and said he would be disappearing from the forums for a while, I doubt there'll be news anytime soon.
  19. On the second floor of the school, there should be a kid staring at a wall next to a plant. Talk to him from the opposite side of the plant and this will cause him to bump into the plant and knock it over. A door will open and a teacher will come out saying he'll go get a janitor. Go through the door that was opened, and from there go to the northwest door. The person to give it to is at the end of that room (although she can't accept it and the Sweet Heart is actually used for a different quest, going there is still worth it for the pun and field effect read-out).
  20. There are no release dates. Episodes are just done whenever they're done. You can follow its progress in the Development Blog.
  21. The move deleter is in a house at Route 3 IIRC
  22. I had meant to add rocks in the water to the west of Virima City to prevent players from surfing there, but forgot. I'll do so now. The "Virimaspace" map was made very early in Spork's development and its only purpose was to prevent the player from seeing black space above the beach. Before I knew you could change the size of a map after making it, I used maps like that just to fill in the black space. It wasn't until 1.6 that I realized I didn't need to do that.
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