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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Re-uploaded with this fixed. In Sun and Moon, Knock Off's PP was decreased from 25 to 20. What probably happened was that I mixed up the power and PP resulting in the power being lowered instead. I'm pretty sure I moved her to the far left corner of the map out of the player's sight, but just in case: if anyone happens to return to Inoset Island after the 10th gym and sees Emily floating in the water, I've started working on episode 4 and had to briefly move her where players can't reach her in order to do this re-upload.
  2. The exact quote is "Do you understand now? Steel will not make me bleed. And your shining armor is but tinfoil to the brimstone breath of the New World." To me it sounds like it's being directed at Titania, since she's the Steel leader. The writing style also sounds to me like the way Lin speaks, which makes me think Lin is saying this after a battle with Titania that Titania loses.
  3. Nobody really knows except Ame, but there's a speculation thread about it.
  4. Right now Rejuvenation uses the default Essentials animations. Not all moves have their own animation in Essentials. The ones that don't use Essentials' Tackle animation, though I don't remember if Earthquake has a unique animation or if it just uses Tackle. Jan did say he plans to use Reborn's custom animations in V9 when asked in the status thread a few weeks ago IIRC.
  5. Oh, okay. I automatically assumed you'd need to renovate the railnet for anything train-related. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I did since we'll be using the train in E17 regardless of whether we donated to the railnet.
  6. Yes, all the stones. I'm not sure where to find Aron.
  7. Restoring the railnet also allows you to reach the end of the current Corrin-Rogue quest, key word being current as it will continue in the future. E16's part of the quest ends with him taking the train into the desert.
  8. IIRC, the Trainer Emporium in Cellia also sells all the evolution stones, though you need to take the shop back from the Black Foxes and then find out what happened to the stock first.
  9. There are four battles that made me wonder if I was capable of getting past them to continue the game: Florinia, E14 Serra, the final Aster & Eclipse battle, and Adrienn. I specify E14 Serra because I made another file on E16 for the relationship points, and she wasn't as difficult as she was when I first battled her in E14. Her battle changed a lot in E15. She was given a field effect and had significant team changes. The main difficulty with Florinia and Serra was probably the fact I was outnumbered. I had 2 Pokemon for both of them, and had to bring my number up to 4 for Serra (and still only won on my last Pokemon with 9 HP). The last Aster & Eclipse battle was difficult mainly because of the sheer number of Pokemon they had. I still had 4 at this point in the game, so it was 10 vs 12. I also can't rely on knowing what Pokemon they'll send out next since it doesn't tell you in double battles, so switching when I'm at a disadvantage would always take up a turn. My team just wasn't built for Adrienn's in a double battle format. I have type coverage against all of xyr's Pokemon and maybe could've won handily in a single battle, with the main problem being Mega Mawile as Delphox can KO it with Flamethrower but it has to be able to take a Sucker Punch for that to happen. But it was actually close to impossible for me to win in a double battle. On my original save file I didn't even win legitimately; I gave up at some point and used RPG Maker to give myself Pokemon that would counter Adrienn's like Magnezone. (I could've just pressed control in RPG Maker to skip the battle, but I didn't want to go that far if I didn't have to) On my second file I didn't have as much difficulty, winning on my first try. (my second file has a few different team members)
  10. There's also a trainer on the part of Opal Bridge that leads to North Obsidia named Inuki. He's the psychic with the Porygon2 who talks about electromagnetism. There's a trainer in an alleyway of Peridot Ward who says he'll kidnap you for ransom named Erick, and another trainer somewhere (I forget exactly where) named Andreas. Erick could have been a reference to forum member Neo whose name is Erick, and Andreas could be a reference to member Eternal Edge. I think both of them have been here since the early days of the community. I'm not 100% sure if they're intended references though; Ame could have just decided "I'll name this trainer Erick and this one Andreas". In Ame's "Twenty three" thread she mentioned a trainer in the Onyx Trainers School who was a member of the community who committed suicide and Ame wished she could have done more to help her. This is the Arcade Star who asks if you think you can best her. I think her name was Lithi or Lilith. After Amaria's car accident and memory loss, Ame tested her to see if she was still okay to be a Gym Leader in the online league. Amaria 6-0'd Ame with a Ludicolo.
  11. Caz has put status bars in the first post for episode progress before. He also does announcements sometimes. It should be noted that Caz said he'd be disappearing from the forums for a while as starting February he'd be going to university as well as having two jobs just to eat and would have less time to work on the game, so ep 5 won't be coming for a while.
  12. In the online league, challengers who beat the normal league could participate in the X-League, where leaders and challengers could use legendaries.
  13. No, Reborn will have 19 episodes. Ame probably said this because E16 had the longest development time of any episode, taking over a year to make.
  14. As the episode was released not long ago, I think it'd be better if that question was put in spoiler tags. I'll be putting my answer below in spoilers.
  15. Re-uploaded to fix a few minor issues. -Dazzling Gleam now hits both opponents in a double battle as it's supposed to -In Lee's pre-battle speech, fixed "teahcing" to "teaching" -When speaking to Kayla in the research institute, she said "I'm afraid I can't share any details with anyone about what exactly the project is. Not even Ashley." twice. Deleted one instance of it. -Made the tops of barrels passable again in the BCC because there was a grunt who couldn't pass through the barrels to reach and battle the player. It didn't occur to me until after I was already re-uploading that instead of having the tops of barrels walkable through I could've just changed where the barrels are placed... XD I'll do that for the next re-upload or episode.
  16. The volunteers appear throughout all the wards in the city, yes. Some are outside and some are inside buildings. I think I remember a thread where people put together a guide for where each of them is.
  17. It isn't mentioned. Maybe they wanted her to have a more diverse team so she'd be less weak to Fighting types. Or maybe her new Pokemon were given to her specifically for their roles (like how she attempted to use Zoroark as a decoy). I think it'd be cool if it was the latter.
  18. Before Reborn was a game, it was a Pokemon Online league. It from from 2010 to early-mid 2014 I think. The characters in-game (again, minus Solaris, ZEL, Taka, and Sirius) were all leaders from the online league.
  19. Amaria's amnesia is based on an incident where the real Amaria had memory loss after a car accident, so I do believe it's real in-game too.
  20. The key Titania has is the Sapphire Bracelets. I also don't believe Titania will be offed. The characters from Reborn (minus Solaris, ZEL, Taka, and Sirius) are based on real people from Reborn's old online league. The real Corey really did jump off a bridge and the real Kiki really did have a terminal illness. That's why they don't make it through to the end of the game. I doubt this will happen to any other characters besides the Team Meteor members. Ame herself said in the E16 Status Discussion thread by the time she was willing to lift those restraints (ending characters whose real counterparts are still on earth) the game's story was already planned out. (about Ame going even though the real Ame is still here, Ame never wanted to insert herself into the game to begin with so it makes sense she'd want to off her character)
  21. Ame did say he did famously during his trial battle, so while El used shady tactics to get him in his skill is legitimate. It's possible that that combined with him having a change of heart (E15's TV event is Gossip Gardevoir telling Serra about Bennett's Team Meteor ties and Serra telling GG to take her to him) might be enough for him to stay.
  22. If Lin does turn out to be the Champion, I imagine they'd be too afraid of her to drop her.
  23. It's not intentional. Ame hates how there are so many similarities between Titania and Erza.
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