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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Crescent does have some mom-like qualities towards the player, like the "How many times do I have to tell you not to get involved with these people" speeches and telling Nancy she wants to see us smile. But the four lights of the light prophecy were "not born of man", so I think it's more likely dolls like Nancy can have kids. Unless Crescent isn't human herself, or man in the prophecy can literally mean male and not just human and we don't have a father. Otherwise I think Crescent is the mom friend rather than being our mom. EDIT: I just realized all this assumes we're part of the light prophecy to begin with. Maybe we're not . o .
  2. RPG Maker -> New Project -> Name it Reborn -> the project goes to the Documents folder on PC -> copy over all the folders and files from the Reborn folder into the new one in Documents including the PBS folder.
  3. I found you in Tanzan Mountain!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sheep


      Inb4 it's Inuki looking to shift blame.

    3. IntSys
    4. Ikaru


      Nope, that's definitely my doing. When Ame dumped that map on me she said, and I quote, "just do w/e" so I did.

      Just following orders.

  4. If you got the archives key and read the secret diary, you would've gotten an extra choice where she wouldn't have.
  5. That's a neat perspective. I actually forgot to take into account Eve and Zero having friendship evolutions even though I did so for Noel :x There are people who prefer non-human animals to other people, so Zero could be like that. Maybe he has not a good history with people, while Umbreon was his first friend. Whereas Eve's biggest priority is her sister, so while she treats her Pokemon well, everything she does is ultimately for Lumi.
  6. There are a few NPCs throughout the games that have said there are no good or bad Pokemon, only good and bad trainers. I also personally don't consider the Pokedex a legitimate source of information. There are some entries that contradict each other. For example a lot of Slugma's entries mention that it never sleeps because if it stopped moving its body would cool and harden. While Emerald's entry mentions that it sleeps near magma. And Magcargo's entries say it's 10,000 times hotter than the sun.
  7. (based on their personality and things they've said) Characters who I think care about their Pokemon as friends/partners: Cain, Victoria, Julia, Corey before all the bad stuff happened to him, Shelly, Kiki, Radomus, Luna, Adrienn, Amaria, Hardy, Taka, Lumi, Anna, Laura, Bennett, Cal in the present, Arclight Fern to an extent. Ame on tumblr replied to an ask about how Fern treats his Pokemon, and she said she imagines he would play favorites, as in ones that do well would be used more in battles, but that he wouldn't abuse them if they lost. Characters who I think use Pokemon as a means to achieve their goals: Corey after the bad stuff happened, Titania, Saphira, Lin, Solaris, Sirius, Eve, Zero, Sigmund, Cal when he was just trying to prove himself to his brother, Blake P.S. I still think it's kind of jarring seeing Titania swing her Aegislash against a wall. Ones I'm not sure of: -Florinia. I think before she tried to purge her emotions, she probably cared. Now it's kind of hard to say, but I imagine bonds became secondary to things like strategy. Also, the real person who was Florinia in the online league wasn't even interested in Pokemon and was only there because of her friends (Julia, Amaria, Titania), although I'm not sure if that's ever going to carry over into the game. -Shade. Anna says he's nice, so that's promising, but we don't really know much about him. -Aya. She uses Cain's Pokemon that he left behind, so it's unclear if she was a trainer before then, and we don't have any indication of how she treats them. Based on her personality I'd say neutral at best, and at worst has some hard feelings from being reminded of Cain from them. (although in Agate Cain and Aya did talk out their issues somewhat) -Serra. She's a shell of her former self, so we haven't seen much of a personality from her. Considering she gave up her modeling career for Bennett and took in Luna, I'd like to think she does care for them. -Noel. He doesn't really express emotion so it's hard to tell, but I'd like to think he does since he has a Clefable, and Cleffa evolves into Clefairy through happiness. Although evolved forms of baby Pokemon like Pikachu and Clefairy can be found in the wild in Pokemon games, seeing as he has a Cleffa doll I think it's more likely he raised it from a Cleffa. -Samson. I think as of right now he's the least developed character in Reborn, and at least to me doesn't seem to have much of a defined personality. -Charlotte. -Terra. She could probably create hacked Pokemon. -Ciel. Based on her personality I'd think she does, but like Samson she hasn't had much screen time. -El. While he did use Ditto as a means of achieving a goal (turning people against Radomus), I imagine he might consider Pokemon as Arceus's creations and thus consider it wrong to mistreat them. -Heather
  8. Since episode 3 will be coming out soon, I'd rather wait until then and have people see for themselves. I will say that the final leader of episode 3 is a familiar face and/or name, and that leader's sprite is currently being worked on.
  9. There's not a nature changer yet, and there's no level cap. Sandy mostly got the gym order right, but the fifth leader is Water instead of Ground or Ice.
  10. Cellia has a trainer emporium that sells all the evolution stones and items. First she's at Cellia Docks where you need to talk to her, then go to her shop in Central Cellia and defeat the Black Foxes. EDIT: I forgot, after that you have to go to the lost and found to start the part of the quest to get her stock back. Then you can buy from her.
  11. I recently found a fangame called Pokemon Apex, which I think is really cool. I'm not finished with it yet, but I'm far enough in to describe it I think. Downloading it is a little different than most Essentials fangames. You need to download the Apex Launcher, which is similar to Uranium's patcher in that it finds and downloads the latest release of the game. After it downloads you can either play it from the game folder on your computer or launch it from the Apex Launcher. Currently it's in Build 5. It goes up to an area called Amon Desert. Although you can find info about the game from the link, I want to talk about it myself too and mention what's in the game and what I like about it. I'll try to be as brief as possible with the story to avoid spoiling too much. One thing the creator mentions about the game is that you'll need to think and not just power your way through battles. I've found this to mostly be true so far for me. The battle I struggled with the most was with a trainer that used Duskull, Shuppet, and Gastly, the first and last of which had Night Shade. These Pokemon were level 20, which is the same as my team since that's the first level cap. At around ~60 HP, it was definitely a struggle to KO Duskull before it KO'd one of my Pokemon. I think I won because it hurt itself from confusion. (Gastly went down quick from Confusion, due to being weak to the move and not having very good defenses) With Apex's level cap, Pokemon stop gaining EXP when you reach it. The starters for the game are Croagunk, Baltoy, and Cacnea. I haven't run into a Pokemon Center yet and I'm not sure they exist. There are however characters who will heal your Pokemon as well as an inn in the second city where you can sleep on a bed to heal them. About the level cap, it's not raised through badges. There is a league, but it doesn't seem to have Gym Leaders (there is a Champion though), and so far seems to not be relevant yet (at least where I am in the game) since it's only been mentioned by an NPC. I won't reveal how the level cap is raised because it involves story spoilers. To briefly describe the story, you start out in a world based off Earth, where Pokemon don't exist and you're a normal high school student. You spend some time here before running into people from the villain team (not given a name yet at least where I am, but they wear cloaks that completely shroud their bodies) and through some encounters with them you end up in the Pokemon world. This is the prelude, and chapter 1 begins with you waking up in an area called Sagaxis Forest, without knowing where you are or how you got there. Another thing mentioned by the creator is that it rewards people who explore. You can interact with photos, telephones, TVs, sinks, cabinets, trash cans, etc. and your character will have reactions to them. Doing this in the high school will lead to your character talking about things they've done or how the teachers use them. I've also read there are secret caves. On the character, while you can choose your gender and name, you're a speaking protagonist with a set backstory. The graphics use FRLG tilesets, but there also seem to be custom tilesets for some areas too. I don't recognize any songs from the soundtrack, so I'm not sure if they're from a game I haven't played or if they were made by the creator. It has a lot of unique trainer classes, some of which even have different skin tones among them, like the Lolita trainers. Many can be rebattled through the Pokegear and the wild Pokemon are also close in level to them, so earning EXP isn't difficult.
  12. I think Zane meant Torchic isn't currently available to the player (outside starter choice of course).
  13. Oh, I agree about the uniqueness. I said earlier in the thread I think it'd be better if IVs didn't exist to begin with. The reason I quoted that part specifically is because Ame responded to a lot of people and that was the response to the IV boosting suggestion. Without IVs, Pokemon would still be unique. There's natures, EVs, movesets, held items, nicknames if you're into that, shininess, etc. I don't really understand what Ame meant about it being the "only" thing keeping them unique when there are tons of attributes about Pokemon that make them unique from one another. I'm indifferent about EV and IV boosting features myself since I don't care about them unless I can instantly edit them (which I can and do in RPG Maker's debug mode), but I don't agree with the uniqueness reasoning. That being said it's Ame's game and she has right to not add a feature if she doesn't want to, doesn't agree with the idea, doesn't know how to implement it, etc.
  14. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15348-spoilers-e16-status-discussion/&page=152#comment-552906 "I currently don't intend to add IV boosting. It's the only thing left that keeps Pokemon unique from each other, and I don't think it matters -that- much anyway except to the diehards... which is about as I'd want it, probably."
  15. That's how item-stealing moves and abilities work. You get the item for the battle, but you don't get to keep it after.
  16. I can't walk through the speed room walls or any others. Maybe I fixed it sometime between the last re-upload of ep 2 and development of ep 3 and forgot about it. This guy on Bolaii Beach sells all the evolution stones:
  17. I just checked and I'm not able to walk through the training center walls, although that's interesting since they did used to be walkable through (Virima's were too).
  18. That's been fixed. I edited my last post with this note a few minutes after posting: Also, only one picture of being able to walk through the trees will be needed. If one of them can be walked through, it's likely all of them can since passability of a tile is determined by the graphic of the tile in the database rather than each individual instance of it. (although there have been cases where a tile is set to non-passable but a few can still be walked through for some reason)
  19. Fixed the treetops in Classic Park being passable. Also, only one picture of being able to walk through the trees will be needed. If one of them can be walked through, it's likely all of them can since passability of a tile is determined by the graphic of the tile in the database rather than each individual instance of it. (although there have been cases where a tile is set to non-passable but a few can still be walked through for some reason) EDIT: The water in Aliora is known. I've tried before to fix it but was unsuccessful.
  20. Do the "Cleanup Collaboration" ranger mission. One of the items you'll get from it will be Soft Sand.
  21. I'll make Gellene's Poke Center roof non-passable. I remember the corner disappearance happening to me and thinking it was strange. I'm not really sure why that happens O_O
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