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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Question about the Jinx Guild. Will we still be able to donate to the drill in future episodes, or is the new goal solely Beamer Grid research? I don't recall the professor mentioning continuing Jinx's work with the drill, but I was really curious to see where that was going.
  2. In previous versions there was a Heart Scale in one of the rocks at Amethyst Grotto, where spirit Keta is fought. It was re-mapped in V8 and I don't remember if the Heart Scale is still there, but it might be worth checking.
  3. Oh, okay. I thought the only trainers in casual who had less Pokemon were Gym Leaders.
  4. I'm not sure whether this is just an oversight or not, but before the battle on Team Xen's ship, Melia says she's going to use all her Pokemon this time, but she doesn't use her Gardevoir that she used earlier in Blacksteeple Castle.
  5. Duncan looks up to Steve Irwin. Erwin is near Irwin in spelling and (I think?) sounds the same. I ship Duncan x Erwin.
  6. Yeah, Rejuvenation's Department Store isn't coming until Grand Dream City in V9. You can find Shiny Stones by mining. There's probably other places you can find them, but I wouldn't remember where.
  7. If you don't expose her, she won't be arrested and you'll battle her for the badge.
  8. Actually it's 7 months, I miscounted. x . x
  9. I have added the Pokemon with the requested moves, natures, and abilities Game.rxdata
  10. E16's TV event is Amaria being challenged by a league official to see if she's still okay to battle despite her memory loss. She 6-0s the official. It's not mentioned who the official was, but in the online league that was Ame (and it was Ludicolo who did the 6-0'ing). That being said, I imagine in-game Ame would try to play on an equal standing to her if it was a test, so she might not have brought her strongest team, and Amaria also presumably had the field to her advantage.
  11. Additionally, a few weeks before the release of E16 Ame posted the sprite sheet for Alolan Ninetales on her twitter, which I don't see meriting that kind of reveal if it was a normal shiny Ninetales. Plus Reborn's shiny Ninetales is purple, not light blue. Ame has also mentioned wanting Alolan Ninetales by her side at all times. So it's definitely Alolan and not a shiny of Ninetales' regular form.
  12. There have actually been plenty of episodes with a branched story. Ame did mention it would take a little longer because of it, but to not have dramatic expectations. Ame also said during E15 development that it was taking longer because of a branched story, but E15 only took a few months. E16 was the longest because the entire Reborn City needed to be made brand new, plus all of the eventing and sidequests (along with some for Apophyll and Azurine), Ame getting health issues a few times during development, etc. I could be wrong and unexpected things could happen, but I don't think any episode will take as long as E16 did except maybe E19 due to containing the last gym, the E4, and postgame all in one episode.
  13. I actually didn't know this until someone mentioned it in the comments in Sr. F's playthrough. I saved Scarlett, so I faced her in the tournament (and also forgot/didn't think about who it would be if Scarlett wasn't saved in ep 3).
  14. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  15. For your second question, he isn't. You actually battle Hardy in episode 4 in a sidequest.
  16. They're already being worked on with approved designs from Jan; see the post above yours.
  17. The popular theory is that April/Krystal is the Champion because of that dialogue and the need to change her name. A few weeks ago in the V9 Status Thread, Jan said that we won't fight all eight of them at once. Four of them act as gatekeepers to the Pokemon League, where we'll fight the other four and the Champion.
  18. I did the John Cena event, I just didn't know who Fred Figglehorn was.
  19. Oh, okay. I didn't know about any of that, so I assumed it was an in-game event I missed.
  20. Oh. I don't remember anyone named Fred Figglehorn though.
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