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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Tyrunt is currently unable to evolve. This is a bug.
  2. The closest I can think of is making a copy of your save file to go back to in case you miss something for the ending you want. Yes. You can evolve it in the generator room of Cellia's power plant, but first you'll need to beat episode 4's leader and then speak to an NPC at Cellia's benches to start a quest to unlock the room.
  3. Marbles are part of a sidequest, but you haven't been to the place where they're used yet. Episode 3 = 3 gyms, 10 badges total Episode 4 = 2 gyms, 12 badges total Episode 5 = 2 gyms, 14 badges total Episode 6 = 4 gyms, 18 badges total Episode 7 = E4, Champion, and postgame
  4. IIRC, the reason leaders have access to challengers' cards is to make sure the team the challenger brings into battle is the same as the team on their trainer card.
  5. You can buy them from the Trainer Emporium in Cellia. First you have to save her shop, and then find out where her missing stock is. EDIT: You'll first find at her Cellia's docks.
  6. There's not a set release date. It'll just be done whenever everything is finished (including alpha + beta testing to iron out bugs). That being said, you can follow its progress in the Development Blog. It's currently at 35%.
  7. I tested just now. After hiding, I'm unable to see the thread.
  8. I was just wondering, is there any possibility of giving aces the ability to lock their own threads back at any point? I just realized with having two hurt and heals running (and more I've considered for the future), I'd have to report each one when they're finished, and I imagine it'd be way more convenient both ways for me to lock them myself than having to bother a mod to do it every time one ends. Or is "Hide" already similar to that? I haven't used the hide button before since I've had no reason to hide a thread and also don't know what exactly it does or if it's permanent.
  9. It's GlitchxCity's remix of Professor Sycamore's theme. [MEDIA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIQnYkiIAz4[/MEDIA] EDIT: Did the way to post Youtube videos change? For some reason that's just showing the media tags and the link, and not the video.
  10. The hardest for me were Florinia, Serra, and Adrienn. For Adrienn I actually had to edit in a bunch of Steel types in RPG Maker in order to win because my team was just not built for xem in a double battle format.
  11. The league is done is a backroom on Reborn's Showdown server called Redemption League. You send a challenge by typing "/leaguechallenge *insert leader name here*". When it's your turn to battle, the leader will send you a challenge. (they'll ask if you're ready first)
  12. Go to the hotel (northmost building at the docks) and talk to the receptionist. Follow the events from there and you'll be allowed entry into the city.
  13. You'll find it if you go there. Since you said you found it when you were already in E16 content, it's possibly an oversight that the event was still there, as this is before the player meets Titania at Amaria's place. If you did meet her in Aventurine before getting there, Titania will mention to Amaria that you've met before.
  14. Revelation has been discontinued. See the post four posts above yours.
  15. That's the only time we see her do it, but that doesn't mean it's the only time she's done it. That scene could've just been there to showcase it and the other times happen off-screen and/or before the start of the game (as in when the player makes an explosive entrance to Reborn). Just like we've only seen Julia boom something twice in-game, but we know she does it all the time.
  16. There isn't a location list, but there's a list of which ones are obtainable that mentions which are wild and which are events. EDIT: Greninja'd
  17. As of now, nothing can be done with it. Maybe Julia left a box of booms there.
  18. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  19. It's hard for me to only pick one from Reborn's cast. The ones at the top of my list are Julia, Shelly, Shade, Radomus, Luna, Terra, Adrienn, and Amaria.
  20. In response to asks on Tumblr and in Twitch streams.
  21. Ame has confirmed Julia is getting Oricorio, Shelly is getting Ribombee, and Shade is getting Mimikyu. I think there were a few others but those are the three I remember. I think Alolan Ninetales would fit Serra very well, and Alolan Dugtrio would fit Terra. I'm actually surprised Terra doesn't already have Dugtrio since wack-a-mole is a popular game and she has a mallet.
  22. I don't believe what the false information is has ever been specified, just that she's been giving it to them for months. Here's what she says to Taka:
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