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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Ame and the rest of Reborn dev team is making one. More info can be found here. It should be noted however that a few days ago on the Showdown server Ame said this pack will just include sprites, and moves and abilities and such will likely have to be pulled from Reborn's code bit by bit, since Reborn's scripts are too customized to work for every game. Unless something changes, the scripting you did was probably not in vain.
  2. I forget which one specifically, but Melia and Venam will be in one of the rooms in Crawli's Ranger HQ.
  3. Ame did say in response to a question on Tumblr she imagines levels don't actually exist in the same sense that characters in-universe aren't saying "Press A to use this" and are just for players/gameplay reasons.
  4. Oh, my name's actually Ice Cream Sand Witch. Cherub is my post rank, and my username is above that. I don't think the changes in dialogue would be massive except for when new mechanics are added to the game. This actually did happen in E16 with the new Field and PULSE Pokegear apps being added, though. And E17 will add Gen 7. You would first need to get RPG Maker XP and then open Reborn in this program. In order to do so you'd need the PBS files, which you can find by searching for threads where other people asked or by asking Ame herself. There is a character limit for each text entry, but RPG Maker comes with a program called "extendtext" which you can use to bypass that character limit if you need to. I'm not really sure which version of Pokedex Reborn goes by, since I personally don't read the Pokedex entries, but I assume they're the Gen 6 ones. I hope my answers were helpful ^^'
  5. Near the bottom of the previous page of the thread, Sonata said Gym Leader and bracket information will begin on the 23rd. In season 1 there was a clause where you couldn't have more than 3 Pokemon with the same held item, but I read this clause no longer applies in season 2.
  6. Ame has said people are welcome to translate the game to other languages, but that it's probably better to do it once the entire game is complete to avoid having to do it again every time there's a new episode. (in addition to new content, there are sometimes dialogue changes in older content) Also, welcome to Reborn. Here's an ice cream sandwich
  7. I've always wondered what UI stands for . o . I knew UI was the HP boxes, but I didn't know what it was the abbreviation of.
  8. Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, Fennekin, Popplio.
  9. I'm now remembering the one avatar Bazaro used a few months ago that was a zoomed-in screenshot of a figure with the same hair as Venus (but with a different pose than her season 1 sprite).
  10. The first post answers this question: "- Can I use it in my mod/something else - Sure, just remember to credit guys from pokecommunity for their work "
  11. I see Festus, Leo, and Oliver. All the others look new to me though.
  12. It's the end of a sidequest from a story split where you say no every time Blake asks for the Ruby Ring. Ame did say it'd be obtainable in the future for those who didn't do this story split when asked in the "We make Pokemon Reborn. Ask us anything" thread.
  13. -raises ice cream sandwich- SPB has been helping me from the beginning with Spork when it was still just an idea, but now she's even more directly involved, and I'm happy to have her assistance! To add on to what she explained about the harder difficulty mode, this will be a separate download. There will be the Spork in the form it's always been, and then there will be a different download link below it which will have the Battle Tower-like Gym Leader fights. And as a progress update to ep 3, I mentioned three days ago that I was almost to the 8th gym battle. I'm now past that point and am working on the optional side areas near the location of the 8th gym.
  14. trchar130 is the male Ace Trainer overworld sprite. As for trchar136
  15. I realized that issue exists after similar issues were had with Scolipede. The hidden ability script I received allows them to be found in the wild, but I assume only in the wild. I'll try to see if I can get Ability Capsules to allow hidden abilities for Pokemon with three abilities. EDIT: Tried copying Reborn's Ability Capsule code in ItemEffects and it caused an error (likely due to script differences since Reborn uses an older version of Essentials) so it seems like I can't for now. Some battle backgrounds from Reborn are used when they match the type of environment, but there won't be field effects. I'll fix Misty Terrain.
  16. There's not a second Metal Coat right now, but in episode 3 there's someone who sells all the items that make Pokemon evolve that way. When did you download episode 2? Later there was added a script that gives Pokemon the chance to have their hidden ability in the wild.
  17. I haven't changed the shiny rate. The shiny chance is listed as "8" in the script though it doesn't say what that number is out of.
  18. Wonky Woods is completely intended to be the way it is. This is explained by a character you meet there. It's not the only place that will be like this in the game.
  19. Reputation is gained when someone likes a post or status (or reply to a status) you make. It doesn't have any purpose on the site (as in higher rep doesn't unlock any features/privileges), but there's a rank below the rep number in your profile (ex: 0 = Neutral) that changes as you gain more.
  20. Eevee evolves into Sylveon through Shiny Stone. I made Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon evolve through stones. (Leaf, Ice, and Shiny respectively; Glaceon used to be Dawn before I added in the Ice Stone) The evolution stones for those three are noted in the obtainability list next to their names. I knew that some moves changed power, accuracy, etc. through generations but I wasn't aware of many specifics (and also didn't know they weren't up to date in Essentials v16), so that would be helpful. I'll update Thief and Rock Tomb now.
  21. Sewaddle can be found in the Defense Room of Virima's EV Training Center, Forest Opening, and the Forest of Feeling.
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