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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch
That makes sense. I didn't really consider that before . o .
Meme Dream Team Ice Cream Xtreme Pokemon that can be used: Froakie - Frogadier - Greninja: Dat Boi Mudkip - Marshtomp - Swampert: so i herd u liek mudkipz Machop - Machoke - Machamp: John Cena Growlithe - Arcanine: Doge Munchlax - Snorlax: Wake me up inside Elgyem - Beheeyem: Aliens and Ayy lmao Glameow - Purugly: Grumpy Cat Hippopotas - Hippowdon: Darude Sandstorm Magnemite - Magneton - Magnezone: How do magnets work? Spinarak - Ariados: How do I shot web? Hoothoot - Noctowl: O RLY owl
- 40 replies
- ShadowPulse
- What if you had an evil team?
- (and 8 more)
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'd been meaning to do that for weeks but kept forgetting. There are now screenshots in the OP. I also re-uploaded 1.6 to correct two oversights I made. 1: When Litwick asks if the player is a buoy or a grill, I forgot to update Sierran's intro scene sprite to her new battle sprite for 1.6. 2: There were trees blocking the way to the Beedrillite in Aliora Meadow, so it was impossible to obtain. Both of those have been fixed in the new download link. Also I realized the small trees in the Forest Opening could be walked through, so I fixed that too.
Found it. "Victoria dropped. Cain still hasn't been able to battle Radomus or Luna. Fern 's been better focused and has fought all of the post-Agate area leaders so far plus Amy and minus Charlotte, so that makes him about even. I might be forgetting something in saying that. Don't hold me to it, I'm going through this quickly. The order of leaders vaguely follows a rule from our server league where you can fight any of the next 4 leaders based on your lowest missing badge. So say you've only beaten Julia: You could technically fight Florinia, Corey, Shelly or Shade. You can't fight Kiki until you've beaten Flornia though. They'd only need the purple crystal plug. There might be more than one."
After the Route 1 battle he said he was going to look for a leader that fit Noel's description. I think Ame actually said he fought every post-Agate leader up to Amaria or somesuch. I didn't remember exactly what she said, so I just said "up to Amaria" for simplicity. I'll try to find the thread later.
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Oh, someone drew this and asked him to sign it? I thought Masuda drew it himself and it just wasn't intended to go on the internet. -
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I just thought of something while I was eating apple cider donuts. It's a common theory that the Aether Foundation are villains + Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine are connected + Gladion broke away because he didn't approve of what Aether was doing. Part of Team Skull's background is rejection. Guzma couldn't become a trial captain and the grunts supposedly couldn't pass the trials. So what if it's not that Gladion didn't approve of Aether, but he was rejected for some reason like Team Skull was with the trials? -
I don't remember the specific thread Ame said this in, but Fern has obtained every badge up to Amaria. (also Victoria dropped and Cain still hasn't fought Radomus)
...oops, I forgot about this. This happens with Link Stones and Marbles obtained pre-1.6 (if you obtain one of these items with a pre-1.6 save file after updating though, it will work). I think it happens because I deleted the 6th gen Exp Share from the items data as I didn't plan on having it in (it's a separate item in Essentials from the Gen 1-5 Exp Share) and had to rearrange item numbers and such afterwards. I didn't know deleting an item would cause this to happen and I'm not sure if there's a way to fix it universally, but I can fix it individually. If you send me your save file I'll remove the blank item from your bag and give you 15 Link Stones. If you have the 2 Marbles that were obtainable in 1.5 I'll give you those too (although the game will still know you have them as I have a control variable called "Marble Count" for when I place Marbles). I'll do this for anyone with a pre-1.6 save file, and I'll make a note of this in the Known Bugs list in the OP.
Arclight will make sure that E16 is Arclit.
The badge order of the remaining badges has changed every episode to keep people guessing. Also the remaining badges in order as they are there are Titania, Adrienn, Hardy, Saphira, Amaria. The badge designs were listed on the leaders' cards in the online league, shown here. Personally I think E14's order for the last 5 badges (Adrienn, Titania, Amaria, Hardy, Saphira) seems the most likely.
So there could be an even bigger asshole than Texen? O . O
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1.6 is now out! This will be the final update before episode 2. It has a massive amount of additions and changes. BUG FIXES -Gen 6 mechanics should now be working properly -You can now fish in Western Waterway -The game no longer asks if you want to teach Blizzard to Orange's Rotom before battling her SPRITE UPDATES (credit goes to Palletite for these) -Frank and Sierran's back sprites have been updated -Sierran's overworld sprites and battle sprite have been updated -Emily now has a back sprite, and her battle sprite has been updated -The color of the dentist's uniform has been changed. He also has a battle sprite, but the player won't see this in-game as he isn't battled until episode 2. -I used some of Taboo's shiny Pokemon sprites, and also made shiny Espurr Halloween colors for its Holiday Pokemon event MAP UPDATES Almost all maps have received updates. Some of the most notable changes include: -Virima Town is now Virima City, with episode 1's part of it being a small suburb (the bigger part will be explored in episode 2). There are also more houses in Virima now. -Houses and various other buildings have been made smaller due to previously being way bigger than necessary -Added a study room and a practice arena to the Trainer's School -The Forest of Feeling is now purple-ish/pink-ish instead of gold. The battle background has been recolored to reflect this. -A new building (tent actually) has been added to Gellene Town called False Fortunes -A new map called Halloween Hideout in Wonky Pond. Must be Halloween Espurr to enter. NEW SIDEQUESTS + EVENTS -Holiday Pokemon feature added -4 Marbles have been added. Actually 7, but 3 of those require Surf which is obtained in episode 2. I also made a Marble location list since there are going to be 100 of them total. Not including Marble-related business, there are 5 new sidequests, 2 of which will span all 4 episodes of Spork (one of those 2 being False Fortunes which goes as far as the postgame). POKEMON AVAILABILITY (obtainability list has been updated with this information) -Players can now choose any first-form or standalone Pokemon as their starter, excluding legendaries -Chingling, Shuppet, Duskull, and Zubat are now obtainable as wild encounters in the Halloween Hideout -Fennekin event added -Metal Coat and King's Rock are findable to get Steelix and Slowking or Politoed ("or" because there's one currently available) MISC UPDATES -Emily now gives 5 Poke Balls at the Tourist Info Center in addition to the Pokedex -The Poke Balls shown when a trainer sends out their Pokemon in battle now match the type of Poke Ball shown in the character's sprite -The name of the Psychic trainer class has been changed to Mystic. I kept the teams for the ones in episode 1 the same, but in the future expect them to also use Ghost and Fairy types in addition to Psychic. -The move tutor in Cianosa has been removed. She'll be in Olidroll City in episode 2. I actually planned on removing her before the initial release of episode 1, but forgot I placed her in Cianosa to begin with. -Grace's name has been changed to Draga. I don't really have the energy to explain the reason behind the name change right now and it goes beyond Spork into personal life territory. But about the name itself, Draga is a Slavic name meaning "dear" or "precious". -Minor dialogue additions for the Crolea scene at Western Waterway and to Quinn in the BCC Building. -The item icons for the Kee and Maranga Berries are now the same size as the rest of the berries instead of being 1/4 their size -Added Swirlix to Delicia's team in the library battle If you don't plan on starting a new file for 1.6, I'd strongly recommend saving in a Pokemon Center or Pokemart before updating, as they're one of the few places that were untouched. Although I really think it's worth starting over for with how much has been added and changed ^^' I would like to thank Sweet Power Baby and Palletite for their help with 1.6. SPB offered suggestions for map changes and event details, and Palletite continued with amazing sprite work! also @ Spark Dynamo: there's now an Ability Capsule in episode 1
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Oh yeah, I forgot the English and Japanese trailers sometimes show different things. -
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Question: so I keep seeing sites say that Olivia has a Lycanroc, but I don't remember that being shown in the trailer? The only Pokemon I see her use in the trailer is Nosepass. -
It looks like we'll have an Arcfight.
My hypothesis on the two types not used are Dragon and Ice. Dragon because Baron already seems to be a Dragon specialist (although it's possible he's also the Dragon leader and we don't know yet, but I doubt that since Ava didn't recognize him). Ice because episode 3 had two large icy areas, a mountain and a forest, with no mention of an Ice leader. Ice is also Caz's least favorite type according to his sign up post from Pokenations 2. (I know there could be more icy areas in the future and that Baron using Dragon doesn't mean someone else can't use it too (after all there'd be a minimum of 2 repeated types for the E4 with 16 leaders), so that's why I said hypothesis instead of theory)
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Alolan Muk is very colorful. I definitely wasn't expecting that kind of design, but I like it. It looks like it's been painted. Considering Tsareena's kick move, I wonder if it's sort of like a physical Lilligant. Ribombee's scarf is adorable. I might use the final evolution on my team. Olivia is hot. If the island kahunas have type specialties like the trial captains, that would make Hala Fighting, since he was shown using Crabrawler in a trailer. If the kahunas are also the E4 equivalents, that would make Olivia the first E4-class trainer to use Rock types, as every Rock specialist before has been a Gym Leader. Also I thought Ilima was female before, but seeing them in full they look androgynous. (I'm not sure if GF would make a non-binary character, but I'm using "them" because I honestly can't tell whether Ilima is male or female) -
Yeah, this is pretty much how Courtney is in the games too. Just now we have a voice and facial expressions to emphasize it. I like that she said the "Look at that drill" line from ORAS. Her voice kind of sounds younger than she looks.
I always assumed it was Lin. EDIT: I just thought of something! People are worried that the city is going to be destroyed again because of that quote, but what if it's actually a flashback to the first time Team Meteor destroyed the city? . o .
Tabitha sounds like Gary Oak.
There is, and that's included in 1.2.
It is. 1.2 will be the full game, including postgame.