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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I remember it being said that V8 is short but V9 will be big and hectic, which I can easily see given our destination.
  2. I guess Never Ending Nightmare and All Out Pummeling are the Ghost and Fighting z-moves respectively. I always assumed there would be four trial captains to go along with four islands, but it's cool to see more. I wonder if we'll get to battle them, or we just do the trials and then face the kahuna of the island? It's been mentioned the kahuna is battled after clearing the island's trials, but it hasn't been mentioned if we'll get to battle the trial captains themselves. I hope we do. Maybe there's actually 2 trial captains for each island, so 8 trial captains like the gym leaders and 4 kahunas like the E4.
  3. Young Silver = so much angst. Also if I were Suicune I would Hydro Pump the piece of trash that threw the rock. If they feared them so much, how come they were brave enough to make angry faces and throw stuff?
  4. For the split paths, I went with Erin. I chose to not say anything about Flora. Erin encourages doing research and forming your own opinions, while Flora and Florin are extremely biased. One side (Florin) says that the GDC government keeps order and Cassandra tries her best. The other side (Flora) says that the government are corrupt and need to be replaced. I personally believe neither side is innocent. In the Hair Salon help request, we learn that Cassandra doesn't like little kids getting free haircuts, so there are probably other things like that she doesn't like. Bladestar destroys nature to blame it on the government, and sabotaged every route to GDC. Flora did regret having to get rid of some of the forest in Darchlight and said she'd revert it back later, but she's still creating a problem herself and framing the government for that problem. I also think Bladestar is responsible for the state of the Badlands. It's difficult for me to choose a side when neither are angels. So I'll let them duke it out in GDC and see what happens from there. I feel like this might lead to the route I like best. If I don't trust either, it might be logical to weaken one side, but then that gives the GDC government who I also don't trust the upper hand. If they're both at full force, there's a better chance of there not being a clear winner and/or the player being more of a key factor.
  5. In one battle where you tag team against two of the cultists, instead of slashing them she tells them to leave Team Meteor and start a new life making their own decisions. That makes me wonder if she was reconsidering her actions. But given the conversation with Taka where she said "Well...tough", it's difficult to tell.
  6. I can see both sides of the issue of what Titania has done, so that's not my main problem with her since I can be swayed back and forth on that. My main problem with her is that she thought it was so simple for Taka to just say "I quit" and pack his bags, when she couldn't do that with Amaria. She explains her dilemma to the player, but refuses to budge when Taka explains his dilemma. I really liked Titania's book about fairy tales in the school. It was actually reading the diaries and books of the school that made me realize how much depth Reborn has compared to the standard fangame or rom hack. But I feel like Titania kind of tries to force herself to be this strong, stoic, badass person who always handles her problems. She's the opposite extreme of the damsel in distress: instead of always having to be saved, she refuses help even when she needs it and holds the feelings she thinks are "weakness" like sadness inside. I think it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, for someone to literally never need help ever, and Titania doesn't recognize a middle ground of "even strong people break down sometimes". What usually happens to people who act strong on the outside while they're falling apart on the inside is that they finally pop, and when they do, it's a disaster because years-decades of held in emotion come flowing out. They don't know how to handle it because they've always avoided having to handle it, and they don't seek help because they feel too ashamed of needing help. I would really love if this became part of Titania's character development, where she realizes she doesn't need to act tough all the time and that it's okay to cry and need help. I think it's a strong possibility given she (most likely) has the Fairy Tale field which means the subject will probably come up again. Right now Titania is near the bottom of Gym Leaders for me (#16 if I were to make a favorites list), above Hardy and Samson since they both feel eh to me and I think it's more likely for me to like Titania more in the future than it will be for Hardy and Samson to go above feeling eh. @Damage: I think the reason Sirius doesn't get talked about for what he did that much is because people expect Sirius to be ruthless, but less people might expect it from an ally. Also did you mean someone else by Saphira? Saphira doesn't have a brother.
  7. Symphonic Horizon will have that where specific characters have specific Pokemon that can't be deposited in the PC or put in the Day Care.
  8. Oops, I don't read/notice thread tags and tend to forget they even exist x . x
  9. The new Gearen City is stunning! It by itself is worth starting a new file for in V9.
  10. If this ends up being for Titania, with the name of the field I predict there'll be even more people thinking or asking if Titania is based on Erza from Fairy Tail
  11. White Beryl is actually already in the game's soundtrack for listen in the Pokegear.
  12. Am I the only one who likes Brionne? I really like Torracat and Brionne. I'm not as fond of Datrix, but it isn't bad. It's cool that you can do something with Pokemon in the PC now, instead of just leaving them in storage. The Festival Plaza also looks like it could be fun. Also, Greninja already has a hidden ability, so how exactly will Battle Bond work? Is it exclusive to this specific Greninja somehow? I don't plan on using it anyway, just wondering how it would work.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions! Holiday Pokemon exclusive areas are an awesome idea, and I'll definitely include them! I'll do Espurr's while working on making Wonky Woods wonkier. I think for the Mother's Day and Father's Day idea, it could be a double battle against a male and female Pokemon, with the choice of which one to become, and different areas accessible for each. I have a duo of Pokemon in mind for it if I decide to go with those holidays.
  14. INTRODUCING HOLIDAY POKEMON There are four Pokemon in the Ceolis region known as "Holiday Pokemon", each representing a specific holiday with appropriate colors. These four Pokemon can't be caught, as they're under the ownership of Isabelle, who you may remember being mentioned along with her actions. (I've made these their shiny colorations, so you can still find them in the wild) However, you can become a holiday Pokemon yourself! By defeating one in battle, the holiday Pokemon will alter your appearance to look like them, as shown below in the second pic: You can change back to your regular self by speaking to the holiday Pokemon again, and you can change back to the Pokemon at any time. There will be one holiday Pokemon per episode. Episode 1's is the Halloween Espurr shown above. I won't give away the other Holiday Pokemon species, but I will say that Episode 2's represents Christmas and Episode 3's represents Valentine's Day. I haven't yet decided on the fourth Holiday Pokemon's holiday, and suggestions are welcome. While I was putting in the data for the Halloween Espurr battle, I learned that it's possible to change the type of Poke Ball an opposing trainer uses for their Pokemon when they're being sent out. So I changed them to match the ones used in specific characters' sprites. Meaning Jim's Pokemon now come out in Quick Balls, Chelsea's come out in Dive Balls, and everyone from Team Portal's come out in Premier Balls. I thought it was really neat that Palettite used different kinds of Poke Balls for some of the characters' sprites, so I'm happy to have found out this can be done with trainers sending out a Pokemon to represent that during battle! Shown below, Chelsea sending out Mantine in a Dive Ball: I'm making Wonky Woods even more wonky. This is my favorite map of episode 1 to do.
  15. Did we ever find out what that tweet with Zubat and Dragonite that said to stay tuned was about? Dragonite was in the photo feature (I forget what it's called) but I don't think we've seen anything about Zubat yet. Maybe it'll be shown tomorrow.
  16. He does, but the scenario is slightly different. If Corey is exposed, Heather runs away because she finds out he was with Team Meteor. If Corey isn't exposed, she comes in the gym after the battle to say she's done with his rules.
  17. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich shaped like a robot. It's the closest I could find to a Magnezone
  18. If you don't save the police officers, they don't come to go after Team Meteor and Corey isn't exposed. Heather doesn't find out he's part of Team Meteor in this story split until a lot later on, where she says he would never be one of them.
  19. 1. I consider the spin-offs different from the handheld series, and each spin-off universe different from each other, just like how the games and anime are two separate universes. Mystery Dungeon has no relation to the main series, and the Ranger games have no relation to Mystery Dungeon, Colosseum and XD weren't even made by Game Freak (they were made by another company called Genius Sonority), etc. Even then, I didn't deny that the Wurmple and Swellow thing happened when it was explained. 2. I don't believe it's possible to avoid all negative emotions. The planet I believe is our real home isn't a perfect place with no problems either, it just doesn't have Earth darkness. 3. I ASKED THREE TIMES (FOUR NOW) IF WE COULD END THIS CONVERSATION, AND SAID PLEASE EACH TIME ; ~ ; I never even wanted this conversation to begin with. The only reason I replied was because someone who replied to me mentioned it in the wild Pokemon conversation (as in if someone brought it up but I wasn't in the convo and was never addressed I wouldn't have replied), and whenever someone says something in reply to what I said to this I have the urge to reply back because if I don't I think people will think I had no answer. So please, for the fourth time, please stop replying to and acknowledging this conversation, including not replying to this post.
  20. Suzerain's answer whenever asked is "When it's done", but he says people will know at least a week in advance before it's ready.
  21. I was remembering the time you speculated it, but I didn't remember it was speculation so I thought you read it in an interview. EDIT @ Pyrrhon: Ame said there probably won't be a ferris wheel and there'll just be NPCs blocking it off since she doesn't feel like making a ferris wheel tileset.
  22. Oh. Well, I consider Mystery Dungeon games a separate universe from the main series that involves badge-collecting, so at worst that would just make me unable to play Mystery Dungeon anymore. I've already beaten the Mystery Dungeon games and I remember reading that Super Mystery Dungeon is the last one they plan to make. If I play MD again and I'm really into it but the dialogue effects me that much I could try convincing myself that either the eating is non-literal and it's just Wurmple being afraid of Swellow because Bug is a bad matchup against Flying, or it was comedy and not actually serious (I could try stretching it really far and say it was fourth wall breaking), since I don't think that really fits in with the rest of the atmosphere of the Mystery Dungeon games with the themes of friendship and teamwork. Can we please end this conversation now, though? (this is directed at everyone) I've asked twice previously for it to end. It's no one's fault because no one could've known how I was going to react to the subject matter but I didn't really expect the last conversation about what the protagonist has done and what happens to wild Pokemon to turn into this. It's exhausting in more than one way and my feelings about talking about whether Pokemon eat Pokemon can be summed up as having a possessed chandelier (not Chandelure, just a regular chandelier that's possessed) slowly putting one of its candles into my mouth. It's not lit but it tastes like a mixture of wax, electricity, the smell of something that was burning not long ago, and for some reason shampoo.
  23. I think Caz means a postgame story. As in the story continuing after the Champion like Delta Episode in ORAS.
  24. 1. Like I said, I'm going by the logic of the planet I believe is our real home rather than Earth logic, which I explained across the posts I made. 2. I said I wanted to end the conversation (and also the whole "I don't want to have to stop playing Pokemon on the off-chance someone can actually convince me" thing), so please don't reply to it anymore (including this post) ; ~ ; when people reply to it I feel the need to reply back and get the last word in because I assume if I don't respond people will think I didn't have an answer.
  25. They're not the only Pokemon based off species that eat each other on Earth. You could say the same thing about birds and worms (which I mentioned with Taillow/Swellow and Wurmple). I believe ants are one of the soulless animals since they just do mindless eating and reproducing with no other purpose than to make more ants, and don't have personalities. I don't really know anything about anteaters besides they eat ants and they have a nose similar to an elephant trunk, and I think that style of nose/snout/trunk is cute. ^.^ That being said, with the factors of happiness and affection and possibility of disobedience in some situations, I believe all Pokemon have souls, even ones based on animals that don't. The nice thing about the fact that a Pokemon would never be shown eating another Pokemon on-screen is that players get to fill in the blanks with their own interpretations (or not think about it at all if they're not interested), so I can apply my own "Pokemon don't eat other Pokemon" logic based on the logic of what I believe to be our real planet. Just like with Pokemon's silent protagonists, we can imagine them with our own personalities if we want. EDIT @ Commander @ the many entries prove it: I'm not sure what MD stands for but again, I don't consider those a reliable source. Not with the contradictions (like Slugma) and exaggerations (like Magcargo being 10,000 times hotter than the sun) and such. idk why people are even trying to convince me that some Pokemon eat others though because I said I'd stop playing if that was the case ._. I don't think there's anything currently that would convince me but I don't want to have to stop playing Pokemon. I like playing Pokemon. So I'm requesting that we end this conversation here.
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