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About shinymissingno

  • Birthday 08/14/1990

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    The far side of Tumblr
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    Writing, Drawing, Videogames

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  1. I'm enjoying this game thus far, but uh... I'm stuck in the lost woods. I have no idea where to go, and for the last several days have taken to just going up and down between two screens hoping one of the areas that pops up is the exit. I've tried all the little places that were noted down, but none of them led to an exit, so I'm... well, lost. Nevermind! Turns out I was just blind. I can't believe I spent days looking for it and it was right there in front of me.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Ooh, interesting~ Def wanna give this a try. Some of the custom sprites (I may have already downloaded and played a lil bit) look a bit... jpeg-y? pixelly? in places, but they're really nicely done otherwise! Better than anything I could ever do, that's for sure~ And even though there's not much by way of detailed story description in your post, something about it is really intriguing. I hope development goes well! Remember not to overwork yourself! Yourselves? If there's multiple people in the team or not, do remember to take breaks, is what I'm trying to say.
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope you'll have a wonderful day 🙂🍰

  5. Was gonna give this a try, but it seems the download link is busted. I get 404'd every time I try. Aww...
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  7. Have started playing this again after seeing it updated from Ep7, and after changing into and back from 'Adventurer Cradily' I went from the normal 'nonbinary' player character to this... redhead, in a black/purple jacket with greenish brown pants? Who be this? Is this a bug of some variation, or no? Because it's even changed my overworld AND in-battle sprite. They look cool, don't get me wrong but... this was most certainly not who I 'used to be'. Adventurer Cradily has co-opted some poor npc's sprites, I think...
  8. Uh... According to Bulbapedia... no. Not even a little. Level, tm, tutor, breeding - by all accounts, Neither woobat NOR it's evolution should be able to TOUCH the move body slam, unless the rejuv devs added it in for some reason.
  9. Dunno if it's been reported yet, but at least on casual, the Shadow Cacnea in Goldenwood forest isn't shadow, and the guy still talks about how he still has cacnea, after you beat him. Also getting the egg bug where you can't pick them up, yeah. I feel like V11 might have needed some more rounds of testing before being shipped out...
  10. that mega link doesn't exist anymore btw. Still can't pick up eggs.
  11. Looking back on his last post here, he said he was indeed working on it, just slowly, since he was in uni/med school and had little to no free time for working on Desolation. He doesn't seem to have logged in since May, but that last post didn't show any sign of wanting to ditch the project, just that he promised an unrealistic date and was really sorry about not being able to meet it, and that he wouldn't be posting much until he had something to show. I'm gonna keep my belief of 'working slowly and not having a lot of free time'. I'm sure if Caz didn't wanna work on Deso anymore he'd at least log in for a brief 'sorry'. He seemed really touched the fans were still excited for the next update despite his inactivity, after all.
  12. I'm assuming that Caz is probably working on it quietly - probably life getting in the way, or even just wanting to have the game finished before he posts anything. Gonna keep assuming that too, until he asks a mod to lock the thread.
  13. Not trying to double-post but I found what look entirely like a bug as I was playing. In the ranch, there's a massive red tree outside that area with the yellow grass and the scarecrows. A textbox pops up when I interact with it but like... way off to the side? All I see of whatever's on it is 'irits rest in peace' because it's so far to the left that it's halfway off the screen. Either it's an error or that tree isn't supposed to have that function, so... just so you know. Attached an image as well, in case I'm worse at descriptions than I thought. capture000.bmp
  14. I can't remember why I never gave this a look before now. My brain is telling me that either the demo was shorter-sounding than I'd have preferred, or that for some reason it was all because of the pixellated quality of the Professor's initial full-body sprite, which sounds dumb so I'm going with the first one. Either that or I'm being an idiot and this thread didn't exist until very recently. Either way, this is really good so far~! What little of the plot I've seen so far has me intrigued - I'm eager to keep playing and see if my theory is right.
  15. Me again; Got to the part of the game where you get alternate outfits, only it doesn't show anywhere except my overworld sprite. In battle and on my trainer card, nothing has changed. Don't know if this is a bug, or if art for the outfits just doesn't exist yet, but felt like I'd bring it up.
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