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About Izaya

  • Birthday 09/27/1990

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  • Location
    Massachusetts, USA
  • Interests
    Ghost types, human and animal rights, headcanons

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  1. No love for ghosts or fairies, I see. :c Still, I understand how hard it can be to pick just one favourite type or pokemon, haha~
  2. Thank you. Izaya is fine. I'll take my time looking around, but I'll check things out, thank you. c: well, it's my legal name, but okay. Just call me Izaya. I don't think I put my pronouns anywhere but I use he/him/his or fae/fayr/fayrs, btw. lmfao are you afraid I'm gonna call you out for being a bigot or something, because yeah, I will if I see it. yes, I drew my avatar. I posted more art in the fanart thread, too. At this point, please just call me Izaya. sorry I didn't reply to all of you, I hope you understand. <3 My series picks back up tomorrow, too~ I hope you're excited! That said, I'm fictionkin with Izaya, so I'm more than happy with being called by that name.
  3. I can't find an existing thread for this topic, so... My favourite type is Ghost! I'm also partial to Fire and Fairy.
  4. Here, have some of my fanart. And if gijinka are okay, I drew these too:
  5. Team: Located on route 120; Requires Surf. Best experienced at night, when the stars are out! Frustrating and twisted dark cave full of eerie decor and trainers. Good luck capturing my flag! See if you can top my Boppoyama score! Have fun battling my ghosts~
  6. My favourite pokemon is Chandelure~ I love everything about it!
  7. I'm posting for the second time, actually, so this is kind of a cheap introduction, but hey there! Call me Zephyr, Zeph, or Izaya~ I'm clinically ins*ne, autistic, trans, and a social justice warrior. If you have a problem with me, fight me with pokemon! <3
  8. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but are there plans to add frillish and/or honedge?
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