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  1. I'm just going to drop this here http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-03-14/hunter-x-hunter-manga-to-return-for-1st-time-since-august-2014/.99778 Really good series btw, if you haven't watched/read it yet I highly recommend it
  2. Cool team you got here. I honestly don't play ubers that much, but here are my thoughts. I think life orb yveltal and primal kyogre are pretty threatening to this team, especially since your groudon has no spdef investment, which means that it takes a lot of damage from ice beams. Yveltal can get free switch-ins when you want to scout for something with aegislash or when you kill your momentum by defogging with giratina, then it proceeds to hit something with dark pulse. Xerneas doesn't take dark aura dpulses that well and when your opponent decides to expect xern and oblivion wing in the next switch-in you have a dead xern (or a xern in range of sucker punch that only has attacking moves). I also agree that ho-oh is decently threatening due to regenerator and free switch-ins against aegislash/primal groudon since you don't pack rock coverage. Mega salamence is scary. With that in mind I'd suggest a shuca berry tyranitar over aegislash and a new EV spread for primal groudon. Ttar checks yveltal, mega mence and ho-oh, while also providing a way to weaken ekiller for you to revenge kill it with priority/primal groudon. The EV spread for pdon helps you check xerneas (with this EV spread to survive a +2 focus blast and multiple priority everywhere I wouldn't call this a xerneas weak team after replacing aegislash) and avoids the 2HKO from a primal kyogre's ice beam. I also think stall looks a bit annoying but if you play rayquaza correctly and keep rocks up for lugia it should be an easy win for you. Hope I helped man, good luck.
  3. It's a lemon with a nose and fangs.
  4. I don't think I ever had a headphone that lasted more than 2 months with full quality :[

  5. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-303426885 Jump to turn 10
  6. Ok here's my guess for the starters. Lifoam probably has swift swim or hydration based on its pokedex entry. Robber is a difficult one, maybe defiant or intimidate? Two great fits for fighting types in general. My guess on eufur is fur coat or thick fat.
  7. Something around thundurus-therian please. It can be either double dance or np/agiltiy 3 attacks.
  8. The gym battle has a pretty nice balance, maybe 2 or 3 healing items to make it a bit harder? But the mons choice was pretty good since she had pokemon for every threat someone might bring against her and try to 6-0 (mouroot, sinisect or ebounny). About the mons, in-battle brokenroot MVP disgusting to play against but a pleasure to fight with. My favorite designs were monocromoth and elftik's evolution (pixxsomething), now all I have to do is wait until they get quiver dance and with that the potential to plow through everything. :]
  9. Completionism. ^^^ Ok so after finishing ep 1 I need to admit that the game is looking really, like REALLY good so far, the difference between a fakemon fangame and a non fakemon fangame is huge (not that non fakemon fangames are bad, I didn't say that) and this game is the perfect example of what this difference is made of. Of course, as every other starting fangame, there are bugs that may make the playability less enjoyable in the beginning, but I'm sure the episodes will get even better as new ones come out. *prepares magpy pickup army for item stacking while waiting for ep 2*
  10. Cranidos: 125 Base attack. Arcues: 120 Base attack .-. do we have a new god

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Oh come on I am trying to make something that make sense concept-wise, not just brokeness for the sake of brokeness (also see: Lopunny). Mega mons gain a bonus of 100 stat points: put 30 in Atk to hit 195, and 70 in Spe to achieve a relevant speed tier of 128.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Give the guy a Steel sub-type (makes sense as its counterpart is Bastiodon) and the ability Rock Head (IMMENSELY fitting). Result: decent coverage, immense attack backed by good speed, still not broken because Mach Punch mauls it (Conkeldurr says hi).

    4. Hexagoen


      y'all are forgetting about this great ability called huge/pure power...

  11. Unless the AI decides to use disarming voice instead of powder snow, which happened with me two times out of the three battles against her. Also, is mouroot by any chance that pokemon mentioned before with one of the highest attack stat?
  12. I don't think you'll find any moulroots in the grass, unless it's a really small chance.
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