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Posts posted by Stormie

  1. i haven't been playing cause i'm still trying to figure out if the game is too mature for me, but i still love the game, and like sharing ideas, so here goes. plus, maybe i'll find a way to have a friend play passed the rough story parts that are left or do come, so yea.

    i would make an item called safety net, or something. it would stop the pokemon from fleeing or roaring, and keep them at 1 hp. now, this item may not work for legendaries. that way, if anybody finds it fun to hunt the ones that run, this item wouldn't ruin that fun. i would make this item mainly with shinies in mind. that way, if a shiny uses self destruct or double edge, they'll stay at 1 hp. there's a little twisty logic about it, though. like, what if you run out of pokeballs? would the pokemon remain in your net as an npc so you could buy pokeballs, and come back? while that sounds possibly neat, idk if it bends the universe of the game too much. but, if i did do this trap thing, i'd make it where once you left the area to buy, the pokemon would recover to 100%, that way you have to fight all over again, and it kinda gives some of that challenge back. also, there's the feeling that you're trapping a pokemon alone by itself with no company.. so, i'd maybe have the net turn into a little home instead, when you ran. it would have food inside that you could maybe stock, and now that that pokemon has marked its territory there, you can lure that exact 1 back to the home with the berries, or whatever. so, that definitely explains how the pokemon could be at 100% when you returned. this sounds like a lot to do, but if i were a developer, i would personally try this idea to kinda eliminate the dread of losing a shiny catch forever. i know the shiny rate is raised and all, but still. if you're me, you could be pretty crushed if it was 1 of your favorite team choice pokemon, and there's still no telling how long it could take to find another again, if it selfdestructed or used roar. well, i think my idea is sweet and cute, so even if it's flawed somehow, it's worth sharing.

  2. Just wanted to point out, that i read in the forum that nature can be changed later on in the game

    7th street?

    Which means, only IVs cannot. So even if u get someone with bad nature but good IVs, you can later change its nature. Ofc you will need to spend a heart scale, but thats not the point of this post :P

    oh, wow.. now, i haven't been able to play for my own reasons, but this is yet another way i can really appreciate this game. nice.

    . o .

    Without IVs the games would be hella boring (regardless of the competitive impact) because all Pokemon would be the same. Basically, every time you face X Pokemon and it uses X move, you are guaranteed to know how much damage it would deal. IVs guarantee that no two Pokemon fight the same, adding diversity to the game: they really don't change the game much beyond the bit of unpredictability to specific match-ups, if you are obsessed with them it's only because of the omnipresent competitive mentality...

    i don't know about boring, but this definitely sounds like what i was trying to get at with the uniqueness of each pokemon. but, this adds more than what i was saying. good point about unpredictability. it sounds like it could be more boring if we could just know every time.

    I'll have to stop you there. Just because you haven't battled competitively, doesn't mean it isn't fun. Give it a try! You never know! IMO, Competitive Batting is fun. *GASP* NO WAYY

    Having good IVs/Evs/Natures is dandy. I am sure we all know that. In the official games, they didn't affect gameplay very much. But in Reborn, they are a must. If IVs became changeable, the whole idea of pokemon individuality would be obsolete. IVs make Pokemon what it is, and what it always should be.

    i've always found competitive battling fun. we're on the same page here.

    But IV's/EV'd are important, even in reborn. Not that you wont be able to beat the game without it, but if you want a smooth play you should at least reset/breed for decent IV's and at least EV train a little, change nature if it is bad for the pokemon (adamant Gardevoir). As an example, a untrained/0 IV attack/ negative attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 220 attack, while a EV trained/31 IV attack/ +attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 372 attack. That is a 152 point difference.

    i think they are, like i've mentioned about people's comments on individuality, that sort of thing. but, you're right here, too. 31 points adds a lot to a single stat. that's a 1st turn, or avoiding being 1-shotted by a small fraction of health, and using a move like explosion or activating a signature move/special ability combo, turning the tables on your opponent.

    Poke Doge made my night xD

    you have been graced. *pets sazane*

    - w -

  3. everything was better when we didnt have iv's. so silly. much annoying. (sorry for the doge joke) but yeah i dont bother with ivs. theyre stupid. then again i dont play pokemon competitvly i play for fun

    i like to compete, but i can't manage the breeding thing.. it's just way too much demand. tumblr_mwy8walr6g1rjnc4ao1_500.jpg

    I don't really care to have perfect IV's but now that I am waiting for the next episode, I find my self trying to breed perfect IV pokemon.

    IV's are there since gen1, so there was no time when we didn't have them :P

    i try to save before i grab a starter, and i can tend to use bad i.v.'s as an excuse to reload. cause, i think i have a good nature, but the ability is eh..iffy. so, i look at i.v.s, almost hoping they're bad, that way i can restart, and not feel guilty.

    - w -

  4. don't have nearly enough tolerance to spend hours on hours just trying to get a pokemon with perfect i.v.'s? how about you get 1 finally, and it turns out to have a bad nature? we're talking about a seriously long time that some of us are just too busy for. i /know/ i ain't got no time for that. but, instead of making people's ears bleed with old maymays, let's consider for a moment there were no i.v.'s. i mean sure, there could be a much easier way to get perfect i.v.'s, but for some unknown reason, i guess that's some sort of sin, cause i've never seen it done. personally, i kinda feel like deleting them entirely would possibly, just /maybe/ take away a bit of "feel", if you will, to that "variety" each pokemon has. i'm kinda torn between both thoughts.. any thoughts? i suppose i could've made this a poll, but i figure there's maybe been that poll already. so, how about just thoughts? maybe somebody can put into better words this "feel" thing? or, does anybody think i.v.'s were made so people would have more trouble being competitive on a global scale?

    *apparently, a 4 points difference between 2 pokemon's stats, or something, counts as the same stat capability. but, 27+ has to be enough of a difference to show in battle.

  5. Check serebii.net for all your pokemon needs. They have all past present and occasionally future material you will need on a pokemon. This includes ORAS movepools and tutoring (tutoring not being implemented but good to be aware of).

    Like Damage said take the specific pokemon you want (ex. Sceptile http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/254.shtml) and check the level up anchors

    There two

    1 for X/Y and 1 for ORAS

    i've been having a few issues playing, but if i can come back from it, i'll be sure to look into this. thanks guys, it helps.

  6. Basically, without giving too much of a tip in the direction of spoilers, this lady is a tyrant who rules with a regime of fear and throws her money around to gain power.You will want her to suffer.

    i was surprisingly close, aha. thanks, needed this.

    In the short run, I'd say Aqua is the better option. In previous episodes, Magma was better because of that Chinchou. In the long run, there is no difference as you're able to obtain all the prizes after the 7th street events. You can fight the other gang boss pretty shortly (after going to Beryl Cemetery short), but it is hard and I'd recommend waiting a little bit.

    alright, i won't go early at all. pokemon are getting hard to maintain level wise, anyway.

  7. You join one or the other, it's pretty important in the story later on. (Which you choose is irrelevant except for a few minor rewards)

    There is no deferral option.

    joining a gang is important to the story? well, i did notice their cause sounded righteous.. like robin hood, he said. so, i'm taking from this evidently crude rich lady, to help the poor?

    Trust me, you don't want to help this lady. Just steal her stuff, she deserves it.

    um, well she seemed rude, but nothing more than that. it hardly seems like cause to steal her pokemon, though? but, like i said in the above post, she could be even worse than that. i'll allow spoilers, if you feel like they're needed to explain, like if she treats the pokemon awfully, or sells them for money, etc.

  8. i was assuming, by joining a gang, the game meant i would be an insider, working to unravel the gang's dirty deeds. but, the more they spoke to me, the more a began to become suspicious that i might be actually joining a gang.. uh-oh.

    i'm a good girl. i don't wanna be in their gang. i tried following, just in case, and low and behold, there it was, the option to steal the grouchy lady's pokemon. i didn't steal it, or her water stone (restarted the game after i found out i couldn't return them to her).

    so, i'm basically asking if there's /something/ i can do to help this lady. if not, what happens if i just leave the event, after having beaten the aqua thugs? does it just stay there eternally? trust me, i love an interesting antagonist. does that mean i want to play 1? so, yea. if anybody knows a way i can help this lady get her pokemon back, or what happens if i just leave it alone, that'd be lovely. thanks bunches.

  9. i sent u this earlier but i'm not sure which one u'll see first, so: i noticed when playing oras that kirlia didn't learn psybeam anymore leveling up. until it evolved into gardevoir and learned psychic, the only offensive psychic move it had was confusion. idk if this started in oras or xy, but yea.

    That's what she meant. She knows about Roselia's changes because she looked them up after hers learned Petal Blizzard. She was asking about other negative changes to other Pokemon learnests in ORAS where the Pokemon learns a move that doesn't complement its stats (like in this case, Roselia learning a physical move when it's specially oriented), doesn't learn a good move at all that it used to know, etc.

    exactly exact. i just wanna know some more changes that others know about. *gives strawberry a medal*

  10. so, i'm playing p reborn today, and i noticed petal blizzard filled the learning slot for petal dance with my roselia. obviously, the physical aspect is a problem for this pokemon, and that i now have to keep it unevolved until lvl 50. is there any other not so shwerggen decisions by the oras team, i should know about? i'm sure most were good decisions but this would also be 1 of a few i'm sure i should look out for. any more oras warnings you might know of, pretty please me with them. thankie. (btw, i wasn't sure if this post was best for this area, or reborn city. somehow, i just figured here was best, since i'm asking for experts on pokemon oras.)

    ai (pronouced "i") means love, in japanese. there's some weaboo fuel from your not so weaboo friend.

  11. Pachirisu loves it's Volt Aborb. I got that same fight down at level 24. It's a beautiful fight, isn't it?

    Welcome to this community. They will take care of you well.

    it is! it was fun. aww, i feel looked after, now.. you must mean you'll look after me, too. thankie. <3

    . w .

    Holy sh*t...reading this reminds me of the Orphan movie...Nonetheless, welcome. If you need help with your team, I be happy to help.

    orphan? hope that's not a bad 'horror', bahaha. thanks, i might be good at this, but you may know more pokemon movesets and stat caps than me.


    Hey stormie, welcome to Reborn!

    Being a kid at heart is all that matters and since you got that perfected I'd say you are one of the lucky few. Also Halo God! Damn that is awesome. Check out the forums, there is always some fun stuff there.

    Cya around!

    yay. thanks, luv halo.

    > w <

    Hello and welcome Stormie.

    thank yew. hi hi, miss.

    . w .

  12. I'm afraid one point in the rules didn't stick out at you. Avoid double-posting where possible. Instead of doing so, edit your latest post. Seeing as you did so on your second post, you know how, so please do that.

    oh, thanks! i might've even forgot. i think there may be more rules than what i read. i read forum, and community rules. it could be in a pinned post i haven't viewed maybe. i'll get on those.

    . w .

  13. Hey there Stormie, that sounds like fun! I wish I could remain a kid forever sometimes :D . To love oneself is the best thing for them. You don't give yourself enough credit. I'm sure you're much better at most of these things than you think you are.

    If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info

    There are many different kinds of people around here, so stay around for a while and you'll be sure to find some that you really get along with.

    aww, ehe, well i did just call myself a 10 in looks, and a halo god, so there's some credit i gave me. my sig really says it all.

    > w < <3

    i read the community rules and forum rules, so far. are there any other rules posts i should see? i'll go look at more pins.


    aha, i wear the collared coats and pennies with high socks on cooler days, actually. even my sandals are 'loafer style'. trends just aren't for me, but i accept them, you know?

  14. she gained 6072 pts. so, you know i can play pokemon. besides that, i'm maybe somewhere on the autsy spectrum (autistic-related conditions). maybe it's why i play so good, maybe not. i'm good with a guns on games, rpgs, cars, lots. i can snipe covenant on halo until my score is sometimes double the 2nd place person. it's lonely sometimes tho, cuz yea. i also have benjamin buttons syndrome. it's called that, but it actually means the opposite of mr. button's case. i stopped aging as a kid, and now i'm a kid forever. i actually believe we live forever, and we just go to the real world when we leave here, so i'll be a kid there too, since my soul seems to be like this in every way, too. maybe that's part why i like games so much. my brain stopped, body stopped, emotions stopped, everything. so, forgive if i say anything weird, cuz it's not weird. i'm just lil. i say thing kids say. like i said, my thinking, feelings, and physical body stopped aging. so i cry over stuff grownups don't even come close to crying over, like getting a lil cut. i have those needs, like needing to be held by a big sis/mama type person. it makes me feel secure. people say i brag, but i just tell stuff about me. i'm proud of me and love me, but i can talk about what's not good about me, too. i'm the worst person ever, at sports. i never build muscle, or even fat, so no sumo wrestling for me. people might totally think i should be a cheerleader cuz i'm so good looking and can dance and sing. but, i wouldn't be able to jump like that. too weak. i'm like a stick bug, but short. the only thing i have is super flexibility, and that only works with dancing. people who like tiny think of me as a 10, but if you like even a tiny but of muscle or fat, i'm like a -10. i guess my face is a 10 no matter what, but if you like strong features, then no. then, it's a 10, but not in a hot sorta way. guess that doesn't really count as a bad thing, but i have plenty of not good things i can talk about. like, i'm not smart at all. well, i can think super fast, but only with simple things. i'll couldn't become a genius, even if i tried, ehe. also, my condition makes me stuck weak. i never get any tougher. so, i can't do the grownup jobs or college work, cuz of the stress (i dropped out when i was half way done with my senior highschool year, and never landed a real job, no matter how many times i tried, or how hard). about dating, since people might be wondering cuz of my age being stuck, yea. i don't really date. i can't commit. i rather just have affection with friends. so, that. i can't do it with kids, cuz they'll grow up. so, i basically just do it in my head, rp, or whatever, until i meet another kid with bbs who's my type. yea, i'm allowed to play this game. it's just bad words, and some pixel violence. tho, i only like some parts of the story. you know how i believe we actually live forever, so yea. that's my bitstrip i made in my pic, yea, so that's what i look like. that's why the face looks so babyish, cuz my stunted kid traits. i can't put pics on the nets, cuz stranger danger. but, i'm hoping i can do it with deviantart soon, cuz i love modeling. so, ask me whatever, but don't asking about my bbs. it's not a disorder. i'm not broken, i'm unique, just like you. i talked so much about it, so i could pretty much cover all the questions. remember, i think my soul is this way, too. that's why i never grow out of emotional need that we kids have. so, it's not a bad thing, just me. gg, talk to you all soon. (if you're wondering about the way i talk, i'm just a super prep, that's all. not the beach clothes american kind. i'm the super normal, traditional, fancy formal clothes wearing kind, except i don't bully people. i don't hate people.)

    (i forgot to do font size, and don't know if font codes work, since pasting everything after hitting font size won't work, so sorry if text is too tiny.)

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