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About BreezyPonie

  • Birthday 07/24/2001

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    The Place Where I'm At
  • Interests
    I like dragons and My Little Ponies :P I also like Pokemon, but I think that's a given.

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  1. When I was younger I had a collection of old-school sonic games. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was my favorite, even though I never made it past the forest level with either set of characters.
  2. I don't have any of these Pokemon, but you can find the locations for most of them here. I think in order to get Gastly, though, you need to download an older version of the game (14 or under, I think), and perform the event that currently gives you Misdreavus (in 16).
  3. Aaaah! This is really nice! I love xir hair, and the whole sketchy theme ^-^ If you're interested, there's a Reborn fanart thread here: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8792-a-wild-fanart-appeared/
  4. Team Meteor probably doesn't use their personal Pokemon in PULSE machines because it's heavily implied that once the Pokemon is put in the machine, it is impossible to remove it without literally killing it. PULSEs are more useful for intensified effects on the surrounding environment rather than strictly combat, anyway.
  5. E16 SPOILER(?)


    I have no idea how tough PULSE Magnezone was supposed to be. I set up Swords Dance on ZEL's last Pokemon. I 2-shotted it once it flinched from a Swords Dance-boosted Waterfall. Not that I'll complain ^^


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZEL




      Here's the PULSE Dex

    3. DerogatoryTrainer



      Yeah it's laughably bad in everything except Special attack so no wonder it went down like a ton of bricks


    4. ZEL



      Honestly story-wise I wouldn't expect it to be particularly tough to beat. Like Breezie said, it's the one PULSE mon that wasn't actually created with a purpose in mind. All others were made to suit a specific task they'd fulfill, but this fella was just a test. With unforseen consequences.


  6. Happy Birthday! \o/

  7. Happy, uh, fifth birthday, man.

  8. Hey hey, pretty nice. Thanks! And Maelstrom, it's really only a to-pass-the-time gift... there's more to come once I/the many boons of countless Gods get bored
  9. GIMME THE GOODS SON (Also, for context-- I live pretty much like Alistair does, only I have three cars, and cannot drive. Yaaay... There's also a gun store closer to town, but I imagine that it'll probably be packed with dangerous people. But you're the judge~)

  11. When I was 10, I thought Snakewood was the coolest thing ever (emphasis on the fact that I was 10). Despite that, I'd never seen a full playthrough of it... Revisiting it in Derogatory Trainer's playthrough showed me why, hahaha.
  12. T H I S Don't bother with Noibat. It's not really better than any other flying type in the game at the moment you get it, and by the time it starts to be useful (e.g. when it turns into Noivern) you can find them again, already only a couple level ups away from evolving.
  13. Really anything that learns Mirror Coat will destroy it, provided it can live a hit. I used Vanilluxe, but I'm not sure if you can obtain one past Agate if you haven't already.
  14. Ah, I was not aware that this was a part of the game! I mostly just explored the Southern sections, and then turned back when my Pokemon were getting low on health. I haven't been back since.
  15. I guess it really all boils down to how well you integrate it, but it sounds interesting to me. I do believe Unova was meant to be based on the U.S., and the Champion (Alder) was basically the President.
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