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Everything posted by BreezyPonie

  1. Agreed with Combat Medic, the random encounters are at best mildly inconvenient and far from the highest priority of things that need to get fixed. Buggy Pokestops crashing the game when you visit them, lag/server issues, and the other glitches are what's really hurting the game.
  2. Game Grumps are finishing Fire Red!!!

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. BlueMoonIceCream



  3. It's probably best to just retire Mikasa for good. You've no doubt noticed that she's not as powerful as she used to be, and you already have a good Psychic-type in Desert Rose. I've never used Lumineon or Dedenne, but chances are you can find much better Water/Fairy/Electric replacements like Sheepcat mentioned, or train some up in the PC from before you left for Agate. Good luck!!
  4. A lot of these guys hit right on the specifics O_O Even the bit about Lin being Fern/Flo's mom, which I thought I was the only one to think that... ^^" But yeah, I also thought: - Adrienn was a dude - ZEL is a nutcase with MPD/DID - Victoria was the same as the PoC female protagonist (and that if I'd have picked her, the white female would have taken her place) - The DJ dude was the same as the PoC nonbinary protagonist it's not racist i swear ; ^ ; - All the orphanage children are related
  5. So this is the new end of the world? I haven't even heard about this one until today. :|

  6. Trading a shiny will not give you a shiny in return. I'm not even sure you can get a shiny from a trade. : (
  7. Oh, okay! Thanks for the advice ^-^
  8. @Dark Desire Oh my god, that's awesome!! Nice But anyway... cp37 Paras with Seed Bomb OR cp129 Paras with X-Scissor. I believe Seed Bomb is (slightly) better offensively, could be wrong. Keep in mind there are no Dark types. WWYD? (also please don't just say ''don't use Paras'' I'm desperate)
  9. According to http://www.worthofweb.com/ , this website is worth nearly $38k.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Is that supposed to be alot for a website?

      What would Facebook go for, pray tell? On the blackmarket?

    2. BreezyPonie


      It seems like a lot at first, but Tumblr is worth 3 billion, Facebook 59 billion, and Youtube is worth 103 billion. That's a pretty unfair comparison IMO since those are some of the most popular websites out there.

  10. Yup, that answers my question. I'm not physically disabled, I just don't have any 4G stuff ^^" Well, that sucks D: I was really looking forward to playing. But thanks for letting me know!!
  11. Just yesterday, for my 15th birthday I received my very first phone : D It was a hand-me-down of sorts from my mom, and since my family is wary of spending money we opted not to get 3G or 4G or anything like that (basically, no internet anywhere but my house), which is fine for me since most things I need internet for I figure I can do with my laptop. However, one of the first things I did was download Pokemon GO! At first, I was having a ton of fun, catching my very own Bulbasaur and Ekans in my own backyard (still within range of my house's internet.) However, as I explored the neighborhood I found that I was unable to see any other Pokemon, even though I'd walked around for about an hour. Occasionally I'd see leaf particles pop up in certain areas, but they were all on private properties and as such I was unable to interact with them (without getting shot by my neighbors o_o"). My hypothesis is that the leaf patches are places where I would be able to battle Pokemon, but that I can't because I don't have internet. However, my trainer walks around on the map just fine, and the Pokemon's locations relative to me on the tracker still show up (if I move to different locations some Pokemon will move further or behind on the tracker). tl;dr: Do I need internet (3G, 4G, whatever) to be able to catch the Pokemon in Pokemon GO? Or am I just a bad player? Or both XD I'm sorry if this question sounds silly or stupid, I have had no experience with anything beyond a basic flip phone until just this morning. Thank you very much for your help!!
  12. all my friends like karkat & equius except me...
  13. "Have you caught Mewtwo yet? I thought you might have! I caught one, too!" Trevor, don't lie to me, you little piece of garbage.

  14. I have some pretty sharp canine teeth. I'm pretty proud of that. Shallow? Maybe. Truthful? Definitely.

    1. Sapphire


      Awesome song. The one against the last boss was good too.

    2. Jacobliterator


      Au-Stin Au-Stin Au-Stin. Love that moment

  16. Rose is so dead Like... suuuuuuuper dead. Eventually. It will be glorious immensely disheartening Until then, good luck!!
  17. Meganium is adorable, but it just can't compete with Torterra's raw strength.
  18. I wouldn't destroy Pikachu. Annoying as it is, it's still the mascot for Pokemon, and as others have said the same fate would befall basically anything that got put in its place. I kind of like the Pika-clones design wise, I just wish they were made stronger. That would definitely help bring them out of the mouse's shadow. In all honesty, I would rather destroy... Volcanion, I guess? I just don't really like him, he's ugly and unmemorable. I don't think anyone would miss him too much, really.
  19. Heyyyy, new series! Awesome Seems like you're having a lot more fun than I did at first, hahaha. Which reminds me, I have to update my version and go beat the 4th Gym Leader, finally... you can tell it's a hard game (or I just suck) if I downloaded it about 9 months ago and I'm not even halfway through collecting the currently available badges, haha.
  20. This story is beautiful. Nearly brought a tear to my eye. Long life Edgardo and Squid, those glorious bastards <3
  21. I'm really torn up between Litten and Rowlet. So cuuuute! <3 Popplio, though... well, hopefully he'll get a cooler final evo.
  22. your bedroom )))) I'm having a hard time naming a specific place for this one. I guess anywhere with a different biodiversity/land composition(?) than the place I live in would be nice, if only for a little bit. I think it'd be fun to see something new outside of photos. New trees'd be really cool. All we've got are palmettos and pines and the occasional oak in someone's front lawn. Who in your family would you consider yourself closest to?
  23. (Hmmm... actually, I wonder...) ^Drinks over 3/4 a gallon of soda five days a week
  24. So apparently there's an Angry Birds movie. Alright then.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      this is what the angry birds movie should be

    3. Shadow Sketches

      Shadow Sketches

      I honestly don't like the idea of Minecraft as a movie because the base game doesn't really have a plot other than "Fight stuff and survive." I doubt it would actually be a good movie if it was made, it would only make money because it has the name "Minecraft" stuck on it.

  25. Eh... do fictional creatures count? If so, dragons for sure ^-^ If not, a tie between snails/slugs and cats. I just think both are really cute, hahaha. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
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