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Everything posted by BreezyPonie

  1. I believe the staircase has already been changed-- it seems a bit cleaner than the tiles when we first visited the city. Or maybe it was just my imagination.
  2. Ahhh shoot I remember this! ...Yeah, I actually have some guides to this unbearable invisibility maze saved on my computer (IT WAS A WEIRD TIME FOR ME OK) so you can have them if you'd like. Although at this point I wouldn't blame you if you flat out gave up :/ Lord knows I would have by now ahahahaha Invisibility Maze #1: Invisibility Maze #2 (yes, really): (You may want to save them to your computer and resize them, haha.)
  3. ^ obsessively watches Keeping Up with the Kardashians
  4. Never even watched Shofu's run... I came for the type quiz, of all things Some guy on the DragonCave forums had it in his signature. MasterWeavile898 or something along those lines...? I haven't seen him around here at all, so I can only assume he kinda just dropped off at some point between my seeing him and joining these forums. But back on topic, I'm gonna side with OP on this one ^-^ Game Grumps is great! Danny is the best grump, he's so chill I tried watching Jacksepticeye's Genocide Run of Undertale, it didn't seem like anything too special :| I dropped off around Snowdin somewhere. Possibly because Genocide isn't really all that engaging except for the Undyne & Sans fights (so I hear, at least). I'm sure his Pacifist Run was much better, since it's probably more in-depth, and of course Jack is well known for his silly voices.
  5. We're rerolling? Did I ever even roll to begin with...? I seem to recall getting a Lickilicky on a thread like this, but I can't find my post... Hehehe. Nice.
  6. How does one remove the trainer card from their signature, again? I kinda forgot, ahaha.

    1. Zumi


      Card manager > delete card :]

    2. BreezyPonie


      Aaaah, thank you!!

  7. Usually I'll just give them either regular human names (e.g. Thomas, Robert, Ashley) or ones that don't really make much sense but I thought sounded cool (Sulfur, Tek, Crux). Occasionally, though, I'll have one name that all Pokemon I catch of that species will share just because it's important to me sentimentally (My Samurott is named Mijumaro as a mispronunciation of the Japanese name for Oshawott, which I would call it purposefully to annoy my sister. All Talonflames are named Twitter after my helpful egg-hatching buddy in X/Y.) The unimportant ones, though, usually just get some stupid nickname that's either a joke or a random name I picked off of pkmn.net. ^-^
  8. 6/10, It's very pretty but you can barely see her... so basically what Adamance Ascendant said. XD everyone has such pretty anime avatars and I haven't even removed the christmas hat from mine lol
  9. Not if your Butterfree puts it to sleep, first
  10. Someone tried to RB me in jail, to Random Town is Escort. ((I joined ToS for the specific reason of playing it at the Christmas party last year, only to never attend said Christmas party, but get addicted anyway))
  11. Butterfree will not get you very far past Shelly, so I'd recommend dropping it (and don't pay attention to my trainer card, it's very outdated. Ahahaha.) If you're still looking for a bug type to fit the slot, Yanmega is a much better Bug-Flying, and Escavalier is pretty tough at the cost of being ridiculously slow. I've also heard some good things about Venomoth, so you might want to give that a shot. X-Scissors on Leafeon is good if you can get your hands on it somehow, I'm not sure there's a TM for it and you can't breed it onto them without travelling BACK INTO THE PAST!! (e.g. Episode 8 or something because mechanics) If you're looking for something you've never used before, Vanilluxe, Gogoat, & Samurott have all been very useful to me. Drapion is useful too, so I hear, but in my personal experience I've never found them worth training. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Give them a try sometime, if you'd like ^-^ Best of luck!!
  12. Wow, this is really great! Tell your friend they did an amazing job ^-^ Ahaha
  13. I'm surprised how many people don't know that the line on Jirachi's belly is an eye...

    1. Spineblade


      Until two minutes ago, I was one of those people...

  14. HOT DAMN. Sinisect move over, this is my new favorite bug type <3
  15. ?dnim ruoy no s'tahW

  16. Cinnamon, although obviously the horoscope is the hardest newspaper puzzle of all. Ain't no one can solve that.
  17. I had no word whatsoever on the difficulty of the game, save for a couple threads that were basically "OMG CHARLOTTE IS SOOOOO HAAAAARD PLS NERF", so I was completely thrown off guard when Julia swept me off my feet and tossed me out the door. The other fights I at least expected, not that it made them any less hard or ragey (except for Charlotte, which I well prepared myself for after hearing the horror stories from the Internet.)
  18. I actually really like this idea!! Not sure how accurate it is, but it sounds super interesting... even if Dodo's aren't really all that ancient (or lived in Australia...) Plus, that little indent in the sphere of the axe could be an eye socket. Maybe. Sabre Fossil is *likely* a Saber-tooth tiger, so perhaps it (and humans?) preyed upon the Axebeaks until they all died (causing the Saberteeth to lose their primary food source and die out alongside them.) Maybe. I dunno how biology works... or paleontological history. But hey, if Tyrunt and Amaura skeletons can be found in the same exact spot despite being explicitly stated to have lived on separate continents, anything goes, right? Nothing we can really say about the third fossil until Chapter Two, I guess.
  19. Ayyy, happy birthday! And may you have many great ones in the years to come ^^
  20. Nice one!! Use it wisely
  21. It's Sunday already? ...Sigh...

  22. So it's like an infinite version of Pokemon Tower Defense?
  23. Oh shoot. Going back and remembering how some of the battles go down made me remember one coming up very soon with a key Pokemon... ...maybe a little bit sorry?
  24. Don't be so hard on yourself, mate, you only said it three times... ;P Well this was hilarious as always. Can't wait to see more ^^ I really do hope you survive this one, I've watched at least 3 different playthroughs of it and none of them have ever seen the end. That's how ridiculous this game is. ...sorry not sorry
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