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About LordWallace

  • Birthday 07/30/1996

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy birthday ! 

  3. Just remember you need to defeat Solaris on Mt. Pyrous (in other words the level 75 Garchomp) to get the alternate version of the Fiore Mansion raid. And I think Florinia will eventually get through to him and bring him back, as that would mirror events from the actual league where she came back as a challenger just to kick Fern's ass.
  4. At first I just kind of took Fern at face value and decided to let myself enjoy just how preposterous he was. But the alternate version of the mansion raid where he sort of breaks and ends up pouring his frustrations and insecurities out to his sister really made me appreciate his character more than I ever thought I would
  5. Both Amaria and Titania get under my skin so much, but more so Titania honestly. At least Amaria we can just chalk up as being severely mentally ill. Titania, however, is just insufferable to everyone for no goddamn reason. I give Saphira sort of a pass for being this same kind of stereotypical definitive badass character just because I understand her desperation and motivation after being exposed to Dr. Connal and his antics myself in the game, plus she isn't as insufferably aloof as Titania to begin with. So Titania is basically Saphira but with none of the reasons for me to give a shit about her, which makes it all the more grating when she rags on the player no matter what they do. There is literally no pleasing this bitch. [Unless you give her ice cream, bitches love ice cream] Pretty much everyone else is aight.
  6. After updating to the current patch in the middle of my playthrough for some reason it replaced Decidueye's Spirit Shackle with Steam Eruption and even after trying to relearn it through the move tutor it shows up as Steam Eruption in the learn list. EDIT: RIP already reported ignore this
  7. ok yeah it was a patch issue it seems I hadnt actually applied the latest patch even though I thought I had. Thanks
  8. Aight after looking through the bug list I probably did the sequence break that occurs by heading straight to Valor instead of stopping by the villa first after getting Magma Drift, as a result I still got the scene with Venam and Melia taking off but Venam doesnt appear inside the villa nor do I have any way to progress in Valor mountain. Unfortunately this time I dont have a backup that goes far back enough since I did a bunch of side quests and HM exploring in between making progress so I'm at your mercy. Heres my save file Game.rxdata
  9. Ahhh thank you friend I'm still in Blackview so good just wanted to make sure I hadnt missed where to evolve to Magnezone.
  10. Not sure if this has been answered but is there any way to evolve Magneton in the current version?
  11. My guess as to why thats the case is that most of those Pokemon you listed are pretty damn good, and part of Reborn's difficulty especially later on comes from the quality of opposing teams. Solaris' team is pretty much a BW OU Sand team lol. Idk I never found it too jarring in most cases, a lot of it also has to do with the fact that Ame keeps the leaders' ace Pokemon faithful to what the actual leaders used in the league so thats why for example Terra still has a Garchomp even though we fight Solaris right after her, and why Noel keeps Clefable even after Gen 6 made it Fairy. Good Pokemon just naturally got used a lot on NPC teams to make their teams more of a threat to the player.
  12. I distinctly remember having this thread several times over the past few years to the point where in one we even likened characters to existing Japanese seiyuu that could work for them.
  13. woah didnt even realize till now how close e17 is. Keep up the good work Ame, I'm sure none of us have to tell you but don't worry about taking your time or anything like that, most of us won't be going anywhere ^^
  14. Happy birthday! :D 

    Wishing you a day full of wonderful surprises! ^_^ 

    1. daniel12221


      hey man can you tell me how to mine the glowing stones?

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