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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lerpderherp

  1. I just got to GDC and when I went to the central tower I didn't see anyone I could talk to in order to enter the password for riolu. Is that no longer available or is it just something that I have to wait a bit before I can enter it?
  2. Also in my experience at least, you can only donate to her doing Daytime, at night she doesn't give you the option to donate
  3. I'm doing the infinite potential side quest on Terajuma, I just got to the point where I'm supposed to look for a suspicious person who stole from the excavation site, but I feel like I looked all around the immediate area and found nothing. I don't need the exact location but could someone give me a general idea of where to look? Thanks.
  4. Hi so I've started a new playthrough and am at the point where I'm right before Akuwa town, and I decided to the lost camp stuff first with getting all of the available kids, but when I got the option to donate money to upgrade the area, the game froze. now it's already on the bug report so I was wondering just wondering if there was a cutoff point for the camp being upgraded and that I should wait, or if it's fine and I just keep going and come back once it's been updated.
  5. I've run into a bug when trying to donate at the lost kids camp, when I try to donate money it gives me an error message and just freezes afterwards, not sure what to do
  6. Hi, I've started a new playthrough and am just before getting the 4th badge, but I've noticed that the mirage woods have changed from how they were in v13 and was just wondering how I navigate them.
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