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  1. So I've noticed that my game freezes whenever the "Quest Log Updated" notification should appear on the top left of the screen, just after talking to the specific NPC to trigger the start of the quest. It's only on specidic side quests, so far it's happened on 41 (Boss's Lost Comrades), 75 (The Ranger's Comeback) and 97 (Just Along for the Ryder). I'm using the most recent Linux version and had no problems at all apart from this one. (Made a separate post since it's not exactly a minor bug but not important enough to be a major/fatal one)
  2. Hi, sorry to make a new topic since it's already been sort of discussed but I really have no idea why it keeps happening. I'm booting up the game from applications, not downloads, I've downloaded the patches and used the desolation updater to update the game and the Data/Scripts.rxdata error keeps on showing up. Anyone has any idea of what might be happening, please? :( Edit: Even though Posty updated my save file on the EP5 save conversion help topic, it's still not working, sadly.
  3. Hi! Just tried updating the game and it shows an error message about not being able to open the folder "Data/Scripts.rxdata". Could you please tell me if my save data is the problem? (I'm using an updated Mac and downloaded the extra patch as well) Game.rxdata
  4. Does anyone know how to access the backup save files on mac? I've been looking at all the folders (inside package contents) and I can't seem to find out where they are...
  5. I'm having the *exact* same issue, do you know how it ended up working again? EDIT: Never mind, mine started working again lol
  6. EDIT: Apparently it was just the script taking too long. Managed to get through it and finish the episode Sorry if I bothered anyone! Game.rxdata
  7. All pokemon's cries are being cut in half, I haven't had this bug in any version before. Anyone know how to fix this or if there's even a way to?
  8. Oooh I see! Thank you so much!
  9. Just found this cave reachable by rock climb at Route 5. Started as a corrupted cave field, managed to turn it into a normal cave, but now I don't know what to do. Searched through the forums and didn't find any topic about this. Does anyone know what I should do?
  10. *music nerd here to do some nerdiness* what's the song that plays when it shows the chapter's number and name?
  11. I also need Anju's pendant to complete the Evergreen forest sidequest. Can someone help me, please? Game.rxdata
  12. I was just messing with it and I fixed it! I think it had something to do with the audio file for the Garbodor... And since I'm playing in a Mac and they have a history of not working well with audio files for these games, I just temporarily moved the audio folder away from the rejuvenation one and it ran perfectly. Thanks anyway! And if I happen to run into a similar problem, I'll be sure to check that forum
  13. I've just entered the west gearen sewers and the game crashes midway through the conversation with Erick, as soon as the Garbodor appears. Can someone help me?
  14. how do I delete a topic

    1. Tacos


      If you go to the top of the topic, near the right hand side, there's a small, faded option for topic moderation. One of the options should be to delete.

    2. Luke112
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