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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Serythe

  1. Forgive me if this had been mentioned already or not; didn't finish reading through the thread before writing this! In the first cave on Apophyll Island - not Pyrous Cave or w/e its called (I forget lol), but the other one, you can find level 30-35 and possibly higher stunfisk. I had previously caught one around that level I believe.
  2. Love the shiny cresselia! It looks really good. Keep up the great work! Shieldon and bastion are pretty cool, too!
  3. Fennekin looks awesome. ------ Looks great so far! Maybe if I could make a suggetion; what if you toned down the light blue just a bit (either by reducing saturation or maybe even the brightness) and maybe take the saturation down on the darker blue a tad. The contrast is kinda strong between the two blues. Of course this is just my opinion, but either way I'm sure it'll look fine. you did a great job!
  4. This seems like a great idea lol. Can't wait to see the end result. I might possibly make one myself, who knows.
  5. So sorry about that! I actually found out I used the wrong backsprites for the shinies so I'm going to have to redo them later on. Will definitely get around to it asap! & also, I kinda like that pikachu colored pachirisu. nice work! edit:: here's the revamped phione & manaphy shinies!
  6. Thanks for all the help you guys, and especially for not giving anything else away lol!
  7. Either way Simisage looks awesome, imo. I understand what you mean lol, it would make more sense to follow the animal's look when possible while also keeping in mind the pokemon's design. Sounds difficult to do, but you've pulled it off so far! As always keep up the great work
  8. Sure, any time! In fact, I think I actually like the snow monkey either way. It has a very interesting color scheme, so up to you which you'd like to use! I also like your new Simisage; again interesting color scheme! Great job edit: Looked at the picture you linked to the Southern Plains Gray Langur. Just an idea, but what if you colored Simisage's stomach area the white color the rest of his fur is to match the picture more? Either way looks awesome!
  9. Ah, dangit. I see. Thanks for the heads up, both of you. One more question, and I'm not quite sure if this is the place but I'll ask anyways. Is there any possible way to get back to Reborn City once you leave? I need to get to the move relearner but so far it doesn't seem possible to get back there from Route 1. Which is pretty strange considering that you should be able to?
  10. I liked the snow one as well as the suntailed. If I may, it might help a bit if you lighten the pink on the snow monkey; its a tad too dark in contrast with the lighter color. Just my opinion though! Otherwise, awesome work.
  11. Ahh, okay. Was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to go back there. I ended up traveling all the way down and ended up there; then I couldn't get back up lol. Thanks very much!
  12. Lol alrighty. And does that mean Lagless' answer was correct? I'm curious to know what the answer is.
  13. Would anyone happen to know where you go after you beat Cain and Randomus' Gardevoir is stolen from him? It seems the two of them just disappeared and I can't recall if they mentioned where they went. Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much in advance!
  14. 8/10. Love the vivid colors! Gotta work on my avatar a bit more lol, only put mine in because I don't like the default.
  15. Hmm wait a second, don't tell me.. ----- Some flaws in your solution:1) This requires some prior planning and communication before to let everyone know of the plan.2) The person who is pushing the other away will not know if that person has the cap of the opposite color since he doesn't know his own. Not sure if this post is too soon from my last one, however, was my guess in my last post (edited it earlier lol) at least close to the answer? I'm really curious what the answer could be, haha. ----- Lol okay, I wanted to check just to make sure. I can rule that out now, too xD ---
  16. This might be possible but isn't that technically communicating in some way? I don't know lol
  17. Mine is Serisu, using the converter. Sounds pretty cool imo. You guys have cool names in Japanese as well Using the way you posted, it changes to Arikushifuchiriku. Not bad.
  18. Lol, dang, it's pretty hard. Hopefully it won't be something extremely obvious. Well, I need to think some more about it in any case. Okay, by any chance, please don't tell me this is the answer;
  19. I agree with this. The others are also correct. Blaziken seems like the best choice, especially if you get a speed boost one lol. Might make the game easier. Or, Charizard. I used an HA Charizard and it works out pretty well, most of the time.
  20. Not sure if these pokemon will be too much of a higher level, but - if you can use rock smash - near the abandoned power plant in Beryl Ward there's a cave requiring rock smash to get into it. It has ice types as well as phanpy/donphan. It was a great place to train in imo.
  21. Like the others mentioned there are a handful of fire types you can get around the beginning(ish) part of Reborn. Though for dual types, they seem a bit harder to find. The only one I can think of is Numel in the lava cave on Apophyll island. Was not aware you could get tepig from Azurine island though! Lol.
  22. I like this! Great work. In my opinion this looks a lot better than the official shiny sprite, lol.
  23. Hey, they look even better now! I like them both a lot lol, it might be hard to choose the final Pachirisu!
  24. Alright, made an attempt at the autumn Grotle and Torterra sprites! This time I also used the correct sprites, haha. I agree, both are awesome! However, I feel the blue one is still a bit too dark. The green one is cool, maybe a little less brown? Just my opinion though lol. In any case, I do like them both Attempted a chatot that looks like this lol edit: changed some colors around and stuff. also used the wrong sprite for the first try, but here are the correct ones! lol also. not sure how to delete those attachments, but the lighter, yellow chatots are the updated ones.
  25. Yes, I actually noticed that when I was looking at some of the other shiny sprites done in this thread, nevertheless, thank you for the heads up! Will be redoing this later on lol.
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