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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by possum

  1. Do you know how to get to it? Sorry if that's been answered somewhere, I've been searching for an hour and can't seem to figure it out on my own :(
  2. I'm making some adjustments to my team before battling Florinia and I'd like to switch out my egg for a flying type. I love the way Noibat looks and I'd love to evolve him to Noivern, buuuuut the little tyke's (to put it nicely) always fainting on me. He's weak. Is it worth working with him to level him up to Noivern? Or are there better flying types at this point in the game? I currently have a Woobat and Starly.
  3. Nooooooo! I'm just about to battle Florinia so I'm way too far in for that. I don't know if it's worth resetting my entire game to try and get a Perish Song Igglybuff, especially because I'm pretty happy with my team otherwise. I'll be okay. Thank you!
  4. I hate to revive an old thread but I don't see any reason to create my own and clutter the forum. I kept hearing people talking about 'Perish Song Jigglypuff' so I've been raising mine, but I noticed that Perish Song isn't something he learns by leveling in the canon games; only by chain breeding with Marill. Can he learn it in Reborn? Or is it something that Igglybuff had a chance of knowing when we got it?
  5. The weird thing is that I hadn't even battled her yet, but I've been having other glitches, so they're probably related
  6. I didn't expect this to get so many responses, but I'm glad I posted because this is some really interesting information. I was talking about it with my friend and he also mentioned Slowpoke tails. I don't think I could eat a Pokemon because even the weak ones can have purpose. And they do seem far more intelligent than "regular" animals. I prefer to think that if animals have super powers that can be harnessed and subdued in little balls, then there'd be no need to eat them. The world is so mythical/advanced for them. Especially when you have God-pokemon among you? And they're all over the place? Mewtwo wouldn't be happy about it, that's for sure!
  7. I already searched the topic for this but didn't pull any results. Is there anything I have to do before finding Whismur in the house? It's completely empty: I saw in another thread that Teddiursa is near the dumpster where Gulpin jumps out and I had luck finding it there.
  8. I'm glad I found this thread because I had this exact same question. It's hard to find information that's relevant to the new releases! Do y'all take abilities and nature into consideration when picking your teams? I'm finding that I've been having a really difficult time getting through the game, so I want to take a more proactive, strategic approach this time around. Also, with episode 15, how would one go about obtaining a Kirlia?
  9. I was cutting into a piece of fish today and was thinking how awful it'd be if I were eating a Magikarp, but really, when you think about it, Pokemon come in all types. There's vegetable and plant type Pokemon, then of course there are fish Pokemon, and cow Pokemon, and bird Pokemon. Do people in the Pokemon world eat Pokemon? Or are there animals in their world that aren't Pokemon that they eat? If they do eat those animals, would they also eat Pokemon? What do y'all think? I just prefer to think that everyone in the Pokemon world is vegetarian, but what do y'all think? Is there anything canonically that can answer some of my questions? I know they drink Moo Milk, but do they eat Moo Roast? This is more a theoretical question than anything, I'm not too worried about solid answers. Just wanted to talk to other people about it! I figured I could find some interesting perspectives here : )
  10. I've already beat her, so I'll go ahead and finish that quest so I can move forward. Thank you so much for replying so quick!
  11. This has worked great so far, until I got to this point. They won't let me in because I joined magma. Does that mean I can't get Zorua, or is there a way around that?
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