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  1. Speaking of Chesnaught, Bulletproof failed to protect mine against shadow ball just now in the battle against Ace in byxbysion ( Mismagius used it ), so something seems off with that ability as of now.
  2. The stats of Galarian Stunfisk seem messed up, and does not match what it base stat spread should look like. it looks like its SP.def, SP.atk and speed have been swapped around. My version is about two weeks old though, so if this has been fixed already, disregard me :)
  3. Does anyone know if there are any conditions/special areas when looking for sizzlipede? I've been running around all over pyrous mountain for over half an hour without finding any
  4. great, I checked the spreadsheet and didnt see anything about them so I wasn't sure. There are some cool new consumable ones, and Boots in particular could be more useful than usual if they also protect against certain field effects.
  5. Very nice! Started a new game to give it a go. Does this have the new gen 8 held items, or is it pokemon only?
  6. I know the feeling, I'm pretty much in the same seat. Awaiting first e19 update eagerly
  7. Now don't I feel like a dummy. That would do it. I Never really used the move much, but it seemed like a good fit for this battle with taking out the giga + trick rooming to deal with all his fast stuff. Already beat it after moving away to another strategy however. Thanks for the lesson of the day anyway!
  8. I don't see what difference it would make, but I noticed it with a Chandelure
  9. Nothing strange about it. In a game where hundreds of party members are available, why should you always be using one just because it happens to be one of the first you can choose?
  10. Probably Sirius, he's the "bad guy" that seems defined only by that, nothing about him that makes him interesting or stand out.
  11. EVs only give the full benefit at level 100, and the effect is lower on lower levelled pokemon
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