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  1. Hello! Due to MacOS Cantallina not working with Wine currently, I am using the Mac version of Reborn (this link: Does anyone know if these mods can work with this version? I tinkered with it a bit but didn't make any headway. Thanks for any help you can give!
  2. @seki108 Thanks seki, I was gonna try that mod and see if it overrode the problem, but didn't want it to accidentally cause more issues. I'll give it a try! Edit: I actually just downloaded it and it worked perfectly, so weather is definitely still in my game. Not sure why it isn't working normally, but thanks for the help!
  3. Ah Reborn, how I always come crawling back. New layout is confusing, but it's grand to be backish.

    1. Chickens




      Welcome back.I'm new

  4. Heyo, sorry to hijack this post, but I *think* I have the same problem as ohsnoes. My weather has said theres gonna be a spike in temperatures and more sun than I can aim a solar beam at or something, but there's been no noticeable difference for the week I've been playing. Been stuck on that weather too the entire time. I tried the 12 hour skip both on my old folder, and one I just downloaded and no change. I'm on Mac if that matters, and I downloaded from local the first time, and Megasync the second time. Is it just because of messing with the clock? But that usually just causes the weather to be stuck... not omitted altogether. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful!
  5. Pokemon in general is my favorite franchise, but I'm also a big fan of Fire Emblem games, Super Smash Bros, and a lot of Mario games!
  6. So I've been kinda MIA on the forums for a good couple months (RIP laptop), but since I've been trying to get back into this whole community thing, I thought this would be a good way to do it. So ask anything that crosses your mind
  7. Also, Juzo literally ruined everything by pushing Hajime over the edge in Despair. 10/10 good job
  8. *Obvious Spoilers* I prefer Side Despair over Side future as well. Even though I know the entire cast of characters is going to die... or worse... I find it extremely interesting to find out exactly how it happened. RIP Chiaki though. Also, for Future, I'm also suspicious about the Ultimate Animator. Doesn't really seem like the type of guy who could survive in a brutal apocalypse. Alternatively, I'm wary of Miaya and unfortunately Asahina
  9. New York City is a Pokemon GOld mine

  10. Hi friends, long time no see

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowGlaceon
    3. Lord_Ludo


      How have you all/ the forums been?

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Well, nothing's TOTALLY destroyed so I'd say we've been alright.

  11. Fates: Birthright killed me emotionally. Time to get murdered spiritually by Conquest

  12. Garchomp. It's shiny form just angers me. <------Shiny <--------Regular
  13. Lord_Ludo


    Camerupt might be nicer actually, since then its Earth Power won't be weakened by the wasteland field like EQ is
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