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Everything posted by Fury
I give nicknames to my Pokemon based off of whatever first comes to my mind when I catch them. For my main file: The Squad Infernape (F) - Dixie Kong Crustle (M) - Limestone Drapion (M) - Stinger Gardevoir (F) - Empathy Gyarados (M) - Leviathan Krookodile (M) - Tee-Bag Backups (for future gyms): Lanturn (M) - Davey Ludicolo (M) - Fiesta Mawile (F) - Futakuchi Metagross - Brainiac Ninetales (F) - Ethereal And for my side file: The Squad (Up to Iolia Valley) Blaziken (M) - Blitz Swoobat (F) - Morrigan Magneton - Magnus Sharpedo (M) - Nasch Noivern (M) - Zephyr Still need to find a sixth Pokemon for the Squad.
Mine originated from my XBox 360 gamertag that I made way back in 2007, "WhiteFury13". Because I was mostly playing shooters like Halo 3 and the Left 4 Dead series with local friends, I wanted something that looked cool whenever I saw it, so I went with "WhiteFury". The "13" part was added because I was born on the 13th. Over time a lot of people online (both on XBox Live and in other forums) started referring to me as just "Fury", so I've gotten used to it and used that as my username on these forums.
Name up to 3 pokemons you're going to use to face Reborn's champion.
Fury replied to Nivircity's topic in Reborn City
1) Drapion - I never thought much about this Pokemon until I caught one as a Skorupi in Reborn. It's quite the tanky powerhouse with decent Speed to boot. Toxic Spikes made the Luna and Terra fights much, much easier and the Poison/Dark typing comes in handy. It's one of my new favorite Pokemon now. 2) Gyarados - Because sometimes you just need to steamroll the competition. Dragon Dance plus Moxie? Yaaaaas. 3) Metagross - Gardevoir's my main Psychic-Type, but I have Metagross in rotation since I lack a Steel-Type in my main roster of six. With a wide variety of moves it can learn, Metagross can handle a number of situations on the fly. -
It's funny that I happened to find this thread when I did because I started up a new playthrough a couple of weeks ago, got to the Subseven Sanctum after a few days of playing, saved, then said to myself, "alright, I'll finish this section up and get to the Iolia Valley tomorrow." ...That was over a week ago and even though the first wave of college exams are over, I suddenly have no desire to continue at this time. ;_; I think once I finish binge watching Monster Musume I'll have the motivation to continue with the playthrough......that's right, I've been watching Monster Musume. D-Don't judge me. >_>' Go on... :3
Hm, I wonder how many people ended up catching and raising a Woobat on their team instead of Ralts/Gothita/Espurr for their early game? I started a new playthrough recently and decided to box Espurr while keeping Woobat as a main party member. Swoobat + Simple + Calm Mind is really devastating early and mid game and it should be able to continue pulling its weight for a majority of the late game.
Pre-nerf Charlotte was definitely the most difficult gym leader for me to beat, especially since I willingly chose to be stubborn about not changing the weather nor altering the Field Effect that was in place. Thank God for Moxie Gyarados, lol. Pre-nerf Serra takes second place for most difficult gym leader, but again, I was stubborn and refused to change the weather. I found the best strategy to be to keep her Abomasnow alive and just focus on her Glaceon/Mamoswine/Jynx/Walrein/Froslass with my two Pokemon. If the Hax Queen returns to near her original strength for her gym battle in Episode 15 like Ame implied, perhaps this strategy might still work. Easiest for me was Julia. Trubbish and/or Kricketune can completely obliterate her team. I also found Samson to be very underwhelming back in Episode 12, but I hear that he has a Lucario instead of a Chesnaught on his team now. I've started a new playthrough for Episode 14.6 and have a much different team this time around, so hopefully he won't disappoint when I eventually reach the Agate Circus.
Reborn + fsjals? My life is now complete. XD
Chikorita, huh? Godspeed, soldier. As for Espurr, the Hidden Ability of Own Tempo is generally the preferred one because when it evolves it'll either become a Male Meowstic with Prankster or a Female Meowstic with Competitive. If you've ever used or gone up against Sableye or Klefki, you'll know just how annoying Prankster can be. That Ability coupled with Male Meowstic's movepool makes it a decent support Pokemon to have. But having said that, Meganium will probably end up filling that support role, so you may want to soft-reset the game until you capture a Female Espurr with Own Tempo so you won't need to waste an Ability Capsule early on. Female Meowstic's movepool is better suited for attacking since it learns Shadow Ball at Level 30 and can also learn Charge Beam to boost its Sp. Attack and deal with pesky Water and Flying-Types, the latter of which will be problematic for Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium. Ultimately it depends on what role you want your Meowstic to fill.
Hopefully the badge given out in Episode 15 will increase the Level cap to 80. All of my Pokemon are Levels 73-75 right now. I might need to buy a few Common Candies just to keep them obedient. ;_;
On a completely off-topic note, your wish for CED to come back will be granted soon. I wouldn't be surprised if it's slated to be in that upcoming Battle City Duelist Pack this summer with it subsequently going to one in July's F&L list, just in time for the Red-Eyes support in August.
I just started up a new playthrough not too long ago and I honestly felt that Noel was nerfed pretty hard with the latest changes. Wigglytuff isn't as intimidating of a lead Pokemon as his Skill Link + King's Rock + Tail Slap/Rock Blast/Bullet Seed Cinccino, so I was able to use my Timid + Simple Swoobat and set up three Calm Minds without any trouble and was able to sweep his Girafarig, Cinccino, and Porygon-Z. Swellow came in and wrecked my Swoobat with Guts-boosted Brave Bird, but after using Noel's turn to heal Swellow to use Featherdance on it from Swanna, I just switched between using Featherdance and Roost until I had crippled its Attack stat enough to where I felt comfortable to start attacking with Bubblebeam and Air Slash. Then to wrap up the battle, I took on his Clefable with Drapion and 2HKO'ed it with Poison Fang after a Hone Claws boost. I miss his Staraptor. Wiggs is no replacement. ;~;
- 13 replies
- too hard
- insanely hard
(and 1 more)
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It'd be cool if at some point in a future Episode you could create a playlist with your Pokegear. Something like select a song, press 'P' to save it onto your playlist, then the songs will play down the list as you're grinding/farming in between Episodes. If you want to remove a song from the playlist, just select it and press 'P' again to remove it. It's a very low priority wish of mine, but I feel that it would make the game just that much more awesome than it already is if that feature were implemented.
Waifu - Serra
Oh, so the Staraptor was removed for Wigglytuff while Girafarig stayed. Darn, that's kind of lame. That Staraptor was nice and powerful too.
He used to lead with Cinccino, that much I remember. If you didn't have a fast Pokemon with a strong enough Fighting-Type attack or a bulky enough Steel-Type, you were going to have a very bad time. I also fought against him with a different file right after Gen 6 and the first wave of Field Effects were implemented into the game, so I remember the transition from Normal-Type to Fairy-Type for his Clefable, though I wasn't aware that Girafarig was replaced with Wigglytuff. This must have been done recently. Wait, Staraptor was removed from Noel's roster? Aw, now I'm sad. Some leaders are more difficult than others with the new Field Effects. Julia's still easy. I prefer pre-nerf Florinia since half her team back then (Carnivine, Foongus, and Breloom) didn't outright die to Toxic Spikes, but the more Sandstorm-focused team looks really cool since you never see that sort of thing. Corey got a lot more powerful with the Corrosive Mist field, but once you get rid of it, it's really only his Skuntank and Crobat that could give you trouble as usual. Haven't battled against Shelly, Kiki, or Aya with their new Field Effects yet. Don't know if Serra has one by now, but I'm hoping the Ice Field will be implemented soon to make her more difficult (I really, REALLY miss Double Battle Serra). Radomus' is really cool as it checks Bug-Types, which his Exeggutor and Malamar have a 4x weakness to. I'm saddened that Charlotte doesn't lead with Ninetales anymore. Darmanitan is powerful, don't get me wrong, but going in blind for the first time and seeing her throw out Typhlosion and Ninetales at the same time, have Drought kick in, and have their Eruption/Heat Wave attacks change and compliment the field under Sunny weather just makes you go "woah, calm down". And even if you make it rain all up in there, her second Ninetales checks that. It's a good challenge to have to overcome, but I guess not everyone felt that way, hence the nerf, which again saddens me.
I'm curious, what was the original Noel like? When I first fought him in Episode 10 (before the 10.5 update), he had Cinccino, Swellow, Staraptor, Girafarig, Porygon-Z, and Clefable. I was able to beat him on my first try, but I had a CC Infernape to outspeed and OHKO the Cinccino and Porygon-Z, so for me the battle was super easy.
Which gym leader do you think is the strongest so far?
Fury replied to jamesw0102's topic in Reborn City
Been playing Reborn since Episode 8's release and while Double-Battle Serra was difficult, I found myself very frustrated with Charlotte to the point where I had to walk away from the game for a week (Gyarados' Aqua Tail missing on Rotom-Heat was what set me off since that was her LAST Pokemon left alive). I was able to beat Charlotte with four Pokemon still alive (w/o using Rain Dance!) when I resumed playing the game, but man, it's been a while since I've had *that* much trouble beating a leader in Reborn. So Charlotte gets my vote for Most Difficult Leader. Took me four attempts to beat her. >_>; Keeping in mind that the early leaders had their Ep. 8 teams and the rest were battled on an Episode-by-Episode basis, this is my track record so far in terms of who was difficult for me. My starter was Chimchar: Charlotte (4) - Got destroyed the first two times. Gyarados missed the crucial Aqua Tail hit on Rotom-Heat the third time. Fourth time was easy because Dragon Dance + Moxie + Aqua Tail *not* missing = OP. No rain required. Serra (3) - Tbh I miss her old Double Battle team. It was very challenging but beatable. I remember walking out of that battle with 23 HP on Infernape, my last Pokemon alive. Aya (2) - Wasn't expecting a Double Battle, so I got owned the first time around. Made adjustments and won the rematch. Took FOREVER to down Muk since it spammed Minimize on me... Florinia (2) - Foongus absorbing the Toxic Spikes set by Trubbish threw me off the first time around. I made adjustments in the rematch and took Cradily out with poison. Blake (1) Cal (1) Corey (1) Julia (1) Luna (1) - I almost lost to her the first time around. Once again Toxic Spikes saves the day. It was the only way to take out her Sableye and Umbreon while I stalled with Drapion. Noel (1) - I think this only reason why this battle wasn't difficult for me was because I had Infernape. Skill Link Cinccino is very scary unless you have a Fighting-Type that's faster than it that knows Close Combat, lol. Radomus (1) Samson (1) - I actually found Samson to be the easiest leader next to Julia, and this was even with Hariyama OHKO'ing my Gardevoir with Heavy Slam. I'm glad he has Lucario now. Chesnaught needed to go. Shade (1) Shelly (1) Terra (1) -
In all of the mainstream Pokemon games my team will typically consist of 4-5 Pokemon, but between the Level cap and the Field Effects, Reborn's encouraged the use of keeping additional Pokemon on reserve for specific, upcoming matches. My main Reborn team consists of Infernape, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Drapion, Crustle, and Krookodile, and while they've helped me out immensely throughout the game so far, I know I'll get swept away in the eventual battle with Amaria, so I've been preparing in between Episodes. At the moment I have a Ludicolo that's leveled with my main team and good to go and my Ninetales and Lantern are 4 and 5 levels away (respectively) before they're ready. I'm also have an Azumarill and Mawile boxed that I'll work on training shortly, though I have the sneaking suspicion that Saphira will be more than ready to take on Fairy-Types. >_>