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About Blade

  • Birthday 07/03/1995

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    Drake Kazama
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  1. Couldn't really careless about this place, but first time I've been here in a while and this happened: >didn't say anything bad >thinks that's even mute worthy >mutes me and not the kid that actually mentioned rape lmfao amazing, no shit this place is plain thrash and everyone laughs at it. Anyway I guess that's it '-'
  2. >banned from the server and haven't been in here in ages. Lol ok

    1. Blade


      And btw if you're banning at least do it right lol only banning my alt with the gang tag

    2. Amethyst


      Uh, I dunno what happened Blade, we don't ban anyone -because- they're in the gang. What name exactly was it?

    3. Blade


      gang.Drake is banned from the server '-'

  3. You said you didn't want jellicent to be a wall, yet you made him bulky as fuck lol Terrible sets for infernape/salamence. MixMence with Outrage/FireBlast/Earthquake/DragonClaw is probably what you could see everywhere, and it's for a reason lol that set gives excellent coverage for what you might find in this league (Not particularly familiar with this whole league thing, but I'm guessing it covers every type). For infernape you can use CloseCombat/Overheat(Fire Blast in case you need him to stay a little longer)/StoneEdge. Last spot can depend on what you really need (I notice you're lacking priority moves, so you can keep mach punch). Basic evs (max attack and speed, rest in sp attack) with it being either naive/hasty. Another suggestion: I don't think you'll need rotom's shadow ball, since nearly everytime you'll stick to VoltSwitch and HydroPump. I'd recommend you to switch it with Will-O-Wisp (better move, helps you in the long run to stop sweepers, etc.) Not that much of a bad team. I'm well aware the metagame is different in Reborn than Beta, so I guess this team will work.
  4. Blade


    Banned for being in the other side of the world
  5. Blade


    TENSHI Y U NO REPLY TO MY PM And ty everyone <3
  6. Blade


    Sup! I made my account in here a long time ago but I'm just getting back into all this forum stuff xd So yeah it's nice to see things still going in here Btw I'm Drake Kazama, in case someone wants to know or something lol
  7. Blade


    Banned for having 3 starters in your trainer card
  8. xd

    1. Amethyst
    2. Bullet


      drake why you so fat

    3. Blade


      Just saw this, bullet ur the fat one

  9. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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