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About Helia

  • Birthday 01/21/1992

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    Secret Government Base, Somewhere in the Netherlands.

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  1. Today while going 130 km p/h on the highway I thought to myself: "What would happen if I just throw the wheel over? Probably some big accident, trafficjam for hours...." Anyone else ever thought that?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fezzdog


      L'appele du Vide - The call of the void

    3. zimvader42


      I have similar tohughts of "I wonder what would happen if I jump out this window, or if I put this knife in that people", but then I remember that in both cases death is what would happen so yeah.

      These kinds of thoughts are very common. There's a vsauce video that explains what they are and stuff.

    4. Helia


      It's the legal speed on the highways here in the Netherlands, so yeah it's legal.

      And thank you guys for telling me it's normal I have those thoughts, saves me the trouble of going to the shrink again.

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