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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Does anyone know how to get to the island right outside Apophyll Cave?

  2. uhm.. Showdown... what do you mean I can't have more than 1 Rotom on my triples team? I want all 6 of them on it.

  3. Omg sturdy Shedinja. Back to toxic/multistrike moves/will o wisp! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogontriples-255098035

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako



      And the Spanish tho

    3. Meruem



    4. Helia


      I just translated all they said tho. I lol'd

  4. As Khloe Kardashian once said, "you can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead"

  5. I am a riddle, wrapped in mystery, covered in spandex.

  6. YAHAHAAAAASSS. Get hefted Mono Rock Triples team by this Mono Bug Triples Team! Special thanks to Nova who helped design most of the team! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/battlespottriples-253876598

  7. Does anyone have suggestions on how to make a bug triples team of 6 work?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus


      6 Shuckles ... because Shuckle!

    3. Nova


      Parasect can help with Wide Guard and Rage Powder. Vivillon has the move Powder which can help against Heat Wave spam. For the rest, you probably depend on Volcarona's Heat Wave.

    4. Nova
  8. I'm really wondering how a mono Bug triple battle could work out.

  9. I'm really a big fan of monotype battles... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-253444438

    1. Sheep


      That's mah boi! Big Milk doin' work.

  10. Helia

    ZEL's Eevees~

    I completely agree about the Heather thing. I liked her most between saving her from the orphanage and the moment she flew off at the exit of the underground.
  11. This song litterally describes my mood 23/7.

  12. I don't know how. But SOMEONE just combined two of my biggest loves. Pokemon and Alaska. God bless the internet https://33.media.tumblr.com/e9b1adcfb2cca2faa923975d2d710e1e/tumblr_nqsay5t90O1scncwdo1_500.gif

  13. Sigh. Why do I ALWAYS fall in love with a manga that's still in progress? It's killing me after a binge read to have to wait for the next chapters....

  14. Dracula Untold was kind of anticlimactic.

  15. A bug move can take Tyranitar out tho.
  16. Oh my god. If you have not seen Kingsman : the secret service yet, watch it.

    1. Tacos


      The quality of that movie made me want to vomit. Sure the colorful explosion were cool, but damn, the greenscreen was real.

    2. Felicity


      the quality was great, I hardly noticed any greenscreens. Besides, the church fight scene negates any and all bad things to say. That scene was just fantastic

  17. I was honestly taken aback by her entire team. I always thought of Ciel having graceful, beautiful, elegant flying types, like her character would suggest. Mega Pidgeot, Togekiss, Jumpluff, Drifblim, a bug like Vivillon/Yanmega/Beautifly and something like a Braviary/Skarmory/Starraptor/Unfezant/Sigilyph/Swoobat/Xatu/Swanna/Crobat/Honchkrow to finish it off, would have fit her more. Just gotta make some nice sets and it should work out. Her team right now is just a complete 180 of what her character seems to suggest. It's because I like to imagine the leaders doing activities with their Pokemon in their free time, I can totally see Shelly reading books with her team. Julia blowing stuff up and having coffee with hers. Charlotte chilling out with her team and Luna playing hide and seek in the valley. Samson working out with his. But I don't see her current team giving shows in the circus with her, Noivern, Gliscor, Archeops, and Talonflame look way too aggressive and intimidating for that.
  18. I've been playing with the volume off for a while, since I ride my bike a lot and I noticed that everytime I'm on my bike the music is the same. Could that change?
  19. A few weeks ago there was this whole Absol Cover art where it was also brought up how awesome it would be if it were to show up before any disaster would strike. Even before that it would have been suggested as well. But I never realized that this was seriously a thing, Absol coming out of the Pokeball before the train got rekt. So that would mean.... The Absol showing up everywhere is Ame's Absol!!! WAKE UP, REBORN. AME KNOWS WHAT'S COMING EVERY TIME.
  20. omg 600 posts. 66 more and I can finally ascend my throne back home.

    1. Sutoratosu


      no you can't... you'll still be one away from perfection.

      You won't be able to claim the throne in such sorry condition...make the extra effort to get that extra 111

  21. Helia


    Yanmega or Dragalge fit on any team, but since I like bugs I went for Yanmega. I've heard good things about Vespiquen but zero experience with it since it's so slow.... 600 POSTS Y'ALL
  22. Today while going 130 km p/h on the highway I thought to myself: "What would happen if I just throw the wheel over? Probably some big accident, trafficjam for hours...." Anyone else ever thought that?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fezzdog


      L'appele du Vide - The call of the void

    3. zimvader42


      I have similar tohughts of "I wonder what would happen if I jump out this window, or if I put this knife in that people", but then I remember that in both cases death is what would happen so yeah.

      These kinds of thoughts are very common. There's a vsauce video that explains what they are and stuff.

    4. Helia


      It's the legal speed on the highways here in the Netherlands, so yeah it's legal.

      And thank you guys for telling me it's normal I have those thoughts, saves me the trouble of going to the shrink again.

  23. Elle Woods lifts Thor's Hammer. "What, like it's hard?"

  24. If a deaf person goes to court, is it still a hearing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. laggless01


      No, it's a signing.

    3. Hiss13


      I think the pun only works of the Jury or Judge is deaf...

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      They'll be sentenced to deaf.

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