In the original games, you either have the shinies that are like a complete 180 colorwise(Swampert, Charizard), and then there's also a handful that you have to look REALLY hard to even see what's different(Looking at you, Galvantula, Garchomp, Blaziken) and then there's also the ones that look more terminally ill than good (Ursaring, Pigeot) so I quite like the personal sprites.
Although I don't run into many shinies or bother with em that much. There's been a few Shinies in Reborn that I like but they're mostly Pokemon I don't like or want to use so boxed for life.
If you want some original things you can just go into the Shiny Thread and mention your ideas. Some people will look at it, pick it up and give your idea a go, or you can sprite yourself and come up with some nice sprites!