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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Helia

    Dwebble or Crustle

    When you do wake up a Crustle from the one of the holes with Rage Powder and catch it, do remember to put a new Crustle in it's place, cuz you might get stuck.....
  2. I love the pinatas, but I'd love it if there was just a bit more colors like green and a soft red. By the way I like both of these so how about male and female? (males pink, fem blue)
  3. Some places you just can't reach on Tauros. Some areas require you to start with Tauros, get off it, clear something, take a Tauros again so you can progress, get off it again. It's a glorious puzzle, and my advice is clear everything, maybe draw it out?
  4. Maybe that could happen, but don't we already have that sort of with the stickers? And if this does happen, maybe a semi-useful(at least more useful than Quash and his friends) TM could be given?
  5. So to answer your question, Gecko: No there isn't. However, you can train pretty decently inside Terra's gym area. After beating her you can get back to town.
  6. I think plenty of people noticed the big amount of purple in Reborn, yet you're the first one to say something about. Doesn't bother most people that much I guess. Also: Indigo > Purple.
  7. First thought: Couldn't you surf back passing the Celestine Cascade/Amaria and Titania's gym? I kinda forgot to do the north route 2 Crustle the first time too, took me ages to surf all the way around.
  8. When I first saw you named Noibat Sapphire, and then taking a look at Flygon, Tyrantrum and Dragalge, you really missed out on having God, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby and Amethyst lol. I mean, even the colors are right for them!
  9. If ghost I'd say use Litwick or Frillish as a starter. Especially Frillish will make the first 2 gyms harder. But I voted poison, so.... there's that...
  10. I prefer the white Excadrill over the dark one. We have way too many black shinies already!
  11. Why did I think for years Fake Out was a Dark type move?

    1. Hellsoul0


      maybe your brain ment knock off?

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean it is a somewhat Dark Type thing to do. But, it is normal type lol.

  13. Till death do us party.

    1. Yash


      Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat.

    2. Nova
    3. catman9222


      Like we're gonna die young.

  14. I like Polar 2 and Blood the most. Just a thing with the polar ones on the tail most of the outline is black and then one part is white, don't know if intentional, but looks a bit weird to me. Waaay too many flowers I think. Love the concept but maybe make the flowers in like a small flower crown on the head and only on the outside of the 'boots'? So you can play more with it's further color scheme.
  15. THIS^ In the original games, you either have the shinies that are like a complete 180 colorwise(Swampert, Charizard), and then there's also a handful that you have to look REALLY hard to even see what's different(Looking at you, Galvantula, Garchomp, Blaziken) and then there's also the ones that look more terminally ill than good (Ursaring, Pigeot) so I quite like the personal sprites. Although I don't run into many shinies or bother with em that much. There's been a few Shinies in Reborn that I like but they're mostly Pokemon I don't like or want to use so boxed for life. If you want some original things you can just go into the Shiny Thread and mention your ideas. Some people will look at it, pick it up and give your idea a go, or you can sprite yourself and come up with some nice sprites!
  16. Of fuck, forgot to add "I think as the later episodes come more of the backgrounds will be explained more thoroughly." I was so busy not trying to step on anyone's toes
  17. IMO even though the story manages to explain a lot of things, certain things were taken from the Online Reborn League, where most gym leader character development found place. All the Leaders we have now are from the online League, and were based off of real life people. I think a lot of things like their back stories and quirks from then were taken into the game, but we're missing quite some information, and even by digging through the forums it's hard to find a lot of information. When the complete game is finished everything should be explained, but until then it's all just guessing.
  18. hmm.. after Trapinch the only one you get for a long time will be Dragalge innit? But I wish you all the best of luck.
  19. HMs like Surf, Waterfall, Strength and Fly are actually some of my favorite moves, I use them in battle a lot so I don't mind those. 1 Option I have tho, for a good Water/Ground Type replacement for Seismitoad is that there's a Mudkip to be found in Byxbysion Wasteland, Swampert is one of my best team members ever.
  20. I LOVE the Johto Trio themed Swords of Justice! YES Stunfisk in camo is also very cool!! And I was thinking for Kyurem, since those spikes on the edge of the wing are like transparent, why not make the ice parts and wings of it's body transparent too, with the blue used from the second version, the brighter blue. One of the last Mandibuzz, please, but I liked the Russian one too. Was I the only one that remembered Mandibuzz is fem only and Braviary male only?
  21. Applied for a job in South Africa for shits n giggles. Let's see what happens.

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      What will you do if you get it?

    2. Helia


      Probably go to South Africa....

  22. I actually like those over the blooded ones!
  23. Why don't you put up a poll? I'd say Water maybe?
  24. IMO I'm not crazy about this Mandibuzz design, maybe play around with the colors some more? By the way I LOVE the Gothitelles with different 'hair' colors than their 'dress' colors!
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