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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. All of them. I want Julia to be hyper and break the 4th wall, I want Florinia to give Fern a beating he's never seen before, and Serra really barely added anything to the story, so I hope she could like, teach Blake a lesson or two about who the REAL Ice Leader is. I really hope to see Radomus and Luna again soon, too.
  2. the beak is really reading clown to be but that's just my opinion. I'd say a bit more spatter spread, or maybe the entire head and neck more spatter. (vultures have the bald necks and heads so they can really get in there without the feathers fucking up.)
  3. Is it supposed to look clownesque or is that blood?
  4. For future reference, Reborn uses ORAS level ups for all Pokemon, except maybe a few forgotten ones.
  5. No one should be allowed to use Mega Altaria but Dragon leaders
  6. Ciel having mega Altaria would be off because... Mega Altaria is Dragon - Fairy type, not Flying.
  7. I was just thinking the other day: How would a mono bug team fare through reborn? And man am I proud of you. The next big fucker will be Ciel, so can't wait for you to get to the point!
  8. You can find a Mudkip somewhere, officially THE starter with the least weaknesses.
  9. Could be why everyone was like: hey I know that name, and Connal looking confused. Maybe just a few years ago Lin was that child, but due to indeed Citae Arc d'.. Citea d'Arc d... d'Citae Arc Ass I give up. THAT THING UNDER THE GATES with the time warp thingy Adrienne took a jump to the left where Lin did a pelvic thrust switching places trapping Adrienne in there giving Lin some years extra and now she's grown up and dyed her hair.
  10. How about sludge wave turning the water into poisonous water?
  11. How old are you exactly? could help in the process. options: confront her head on, maybe she's trying to make you jealous by hanging around him waiting for you to man up playing one of those evil games women always play. option 2: step back, meditate, invest in bulk, get a hobby, finish reborn, run a marathon, do some shopping, take a singing class, experiment with boys have a party, do some soul searching. There's so much to do with your life at a young age.
  12. need a new phone... why are subscriptions so expensive :(

  13. How about Anorith? It's a sea creature, and with Shell Armour it doesn't get the boost. Tho with Swift Swim it would. Armaldo however, is a land pokemon with Swift Swim so that would be kind of odd....
  14. Galvantula, putting away challenges like Radomus, Luna, Samson's Hawlucha, 3 of Blake's Pokemon, MewTwo and Terra's Garchomp AND Quagsire. Look at the speed! Look at that Special Attack! This isn't just an ordinary Galvantula. This.... This is RAJA.
  15. I would've liked to do a let's play to show off my superior Pokemon editing skills.
  16. Blake is quite a hard one, no surprises there.
  17. Does he have anything that could hit a Shedinja?
  18. Have my likes everyone! Except for you TheIronButtCheek.
  19. Get a Mudkip, slap an everstone on it, you're set for life.
  20. Helia

    "The Axe"

    I think Ralts is at a good place, not too far away. Plus I didn't find the Dawn Stone until after Luna so there's that. Can't use it that much anyway.
  21. Ahw that Fern in the Snivy onesie and then Decibel in the Dusknoir outfit I'm melting. still waiting for someone in an Empoleon or Swampert onesie
  22. Helia

    Cant find Skrelp

    Your current episode should show as soon as you open up the game, it's on the front page where you have to hit enter first.
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