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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Helia

  1. Hmmm interesting. I have no clue about voice actors, I like anime but not that much lol I personally would make all 6 protagonists travel together, them all being champions from the other 6 regions is cool, but they all do start over just Cain and Victoria. Four of them were already in Reborn on an earlier train, the last two that arrived got into the accident, one was unscratched while the other needed treatment. The one that's okay starts his journey and meets the other 4 along the way, plus the 5th one just got out of the hospital but catches up quickly. They share event Pokemon evenly, just who would wants to have it and all have very different teams. 20 episodes per season is easily reachable, especially if things like Obsidia Park, Jasper Ward and Obsidia Ward take two episodes, maybe they have to have a rematch with a gym leader, one episode for event Pokemon Hide and Seek, the stolen Pokemon, those things. Ash took 30 episodes between the Eterna and Veilstone Gyms in the Diamond and Pearl series, another 15 between Veilstone and Pastoria. That's easily reachable with this story too. Those are just my 2 cents tho, do with it what you like.
  2. Who still remembers what mons she had? I can only remember Aster and Eclipse's mons (sorta)
  3. What the fox is happening with all these foxes these days? Get Samuel L Jackson to get all these motherfoxing foxes off this motherfoxing plane!

    1. Sparky


      Foxes on a plane sounds like a silly movie

    2. Shing


      still not dead. i can fly with my tails

  4. In the anime it's been shown quite a few times that Pokeballs with Pokemon still in them can survive underwater I believe...
  5. meh, that would make almost two of the same threads so naww. No, I have nothing against Noel but he's like what, 10? I'm 23. So that's not happening.
  6. why not a Fuck/Marry/Kill kinda thread instead? Bed: Samson. hot, stupid, great for a one night stand Wed: Dr. Connal! Hot, smart, slightly older, has a thing for kids, <3 Behead: Blake, get that son of a gun out of my face. Noel, call me when you're 18
  7. Helia

    "The Axe"

    I'm not superfamiliar with the tiers so I dunno. I just like Jellicent's design but didn't use it in my Black playthrough because I didn't get it before I was done with the gyms. Cloyster and Tentacruel I just like designwise and for gen 1 nostalgia, also for seeing them on Aya and Serra made me wanna use either of em. Skarmory, Hippopotas and Vullaby seem very in place at route 2, same as Gliscor and Ferroseed. Though Gliscor may be quite OP against Char, sooo I dunno.
  8. Probably panic. Yeah, most definitely panic. Maybe turn to a religion and pray.
  9. So wait, before we came to Calcenon Charlotte hadn't seen her own gym yet? Dang, that's deep.
  10. Helia

    "The Axe"

    So, I was checking out the obtainable list and I have my questionsmarks with the following: Jellicent line Mandibuzz line Gliscor line Cloyster line Skarmory Tentacruel line Weavile line Hippowdon line Ferrothorn line. Why are these not available? It's not like they're THAT good? I personally have no experience with any of em but battling them they have proven not much of nuisance to me, especially after youre done with episode 14 I don't see them being that overpowered?
  11. Don't all regions just keep going even tho the region is about to get destroyed?
  12. I always start with the Water starter, and depending on if it's Mudkip/Empoleon or not I'll probably replace it. I am compulsive obsessive with Dual typing. I need at least 12 types on my team. I have two Pokemon that share a type? One of you will have to go. Mostly before starting the game(I played Blue, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum on my phone, Black on my laptop) I look up which pokemon are available and go for that exact team, thinking it will work fantastic. Water and Grass are very important to me, Fire not so much, I've done runs without fire types because I can cover their strengths with other types. When I do however, Houndoom is my go-to Pokemon. The only exception I've made about my Dual-clause is Whimsicott in Black, because look at it! And then Gen 6 answered my prayers and made it a Dual type
  13. I first started with Mudkip, made it up to Samson, but wanted some other pokemon that I couldn't catch from that point so I was like: Well, let's start over. Then took a Piplup and got up to the Pulse Muk but I got Rekt so many times I was just done, so I started over again with Mudkip and now I'm pretty damn content.
  14. I think it's Tinder related, the dating app.
  15. For the sake of easy reading I've put all my suggestions in the spoiler with spoilers inside the spoiler.
  16. I was wondering this too. How could the league run well if the only ways to Spinel Town and Route 1 were kind of 'secret' hard to reach locations? Then while thinking about it, I thought the ingame time is really slow and it's just been like a week since the station blew up, and there were still trains going from Peridot to Spinel Town. Then I realized under the Yureyu building was closed off for nearly 10 years thanks to the earthquakes so that's also not possible. Spinel Town must've not had any visitors from Reborn for over 10 years Then also the thought, if Charlotte has an official Gym up in Calcenon, but had to live in the Orphanage, how did she manage to travel those distances every time a trainer came by her gym? Does she or Dr.Connal have access to Fly? If Charlotte has her own official gym, where is Noel's (and possibly Anna's, if she is a leader and not E4) gym? How did I reach the Grand Gates faster than Cain and Radomus when they left before me and I never saw them along route 1? Sometimes your life is much easier off without questioning the game....
  17. Well they'd better hurry up and move to the city then once enough funds. Who accepts guests in that place?
  18. Didn't have the patience for that and I'm pretty content now
  19. Helia


    Galvantula was an easy replacement for Pachirisu/Emolga, especially after finding out the next leaders were Psychic and Dark. I loved it ever since I got one in Black, and it was such a great help. IMO the best Bug type and my favorite Electric type.
  20. Helia


    Well yeah, tbh when I first went there I didn't have my trusted Galvantula with me. After he handed my ass to me the first time and I came back to the circus I took Galvantula with me just for him. Turned out it was an MVP against Terra too. BUG BUZZ IS SOOOOOOOOOO OP.
  21. I had a problem with Samson on my first play because I beat Radomus and Luna quite easily with a heavily underleveled team. With Route 2 being terrible for training I decided to restart since I also didn't like my lineup. When I came to Samson the second time I had trained quite well in Vanhanen Labyrinth and was able to beat him on the second try.
  22. Name: The Eternals Goal: To ascend into heaven and take everyone with them, they seek out Yveltal to destroy the entire region and kill everyone, taking them with them to 'Heaven' Leader: your main Rival Corey, who got this idea from a dream before his journey started. Only at the end he will be revealed to be the leader. Gathering grunts and his admins on his adventure. Signature: A rainbow on a cloud. Admins: Desire: a non-binary figure that's very flirty and seductive, often found while chatting up someone to show them a piece of 'heaven'. Color: Indigo type: Water and Ice(reason behind the type: xe likes stuff moist, and cold temperatures are a great excuse to keep each other warm) Destruction: a man who used to be a deconstruction worker, very loud and bent on destroying shit. Having found himself enjoying creating much more after the story is done, cooking, writing, that kind of stuff. Color: Red Type: Fire and Fighting (obviously they can both be used to destroy, but fire comes in handy with cooking and fighting is often used in construction.) Despair: a very gloomy and nihilistic big woman who doesn't seem to enjoy much in life, walking around with a mirror and often looking in it, deeming herself ugly, very envious of Desire. Color: Green Type: Grass and Poison(by being so sunk in despair and envy she 'poisoned' her mindset.) Death: a very ditzy and happy Goth girl who gets lost in thought often and rambles around a bit too much. quite obsessed with both food and death. Color: Orange Type: Ground and Ghost(ground representing the desolate areas after she ate everything/everything died) Dream: A lazy man who'd rather sleep all day. he can't remember his dreams and so he'll help Corey with his dreams. Color: Blue type: Flying and Psychic(both nice for dreaming, the flying representing clouds and psychic for dreaming) Delirium: a very proud and quite delusional man, takes losing to the hero very badly every time. very shifty. Color: Purple Types: Steel and Dark (steel as a mirror so he can look at himself, dark for his delusions) Destiny: Likes money, like, a lot. Mostly in charge of acquiring funds mostly, and being a general pain in the ass. Color: Yellow Types: Electric and Bug (electricity for the color gold, bug for leeching funds from everyone) History: The night before corey was supposed to get his starter, same as the hero, he had a dream, a calling, that he should lead a team and destroy the region, so every one in the region will join him in heaven, the perfect place. He creates his team of admins a long the way, and using the money from his winnings plus funds acquired by one of his first Admins, Destiny. Legendary: Yveltal
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