Name: The Eternals
Goal: To ascend into heaven and take everyone with them, they seek out Yveltal to destroy the entire region and kill everyone, taking them with them to 'Heaven'
Leader: your main Rival Corey, who got this idea from a dream before his journey started. Only at the end he will be revealed to be the leader. Gathering grunts and his admins on his adventure.
Signature: A rainbow on a cloud.
Desire: a non-binary figure that's very flirty and seductive, often found while chatting up someone to show them a piece of 'heaven'.
Color: Indigo
type: Water and Ice(reason behind the type: xe likes stuff moist, and cold temperatures are a great excuse to keep each other warm)
Destruction: a man who used to be a deconstruction worker, very loud and bent on destroying shit. Having found himself enjoying creating much more after the story is done, cooking, writing, that kind of stuff.
Color: Red
Type: Fire and Fighting (obviously they can both be used to destroy, but fire comes in handy with cooking and fighting is often used in construction.)
Despair: a very gloomy and nihilistic big woman who doesn't seem to enjoy much in life, walking around with a mirror and often looking in it, deeming herself ugly, very envious of Desire.
Color: Green
Type: Grass and Poison(by being so sunk in despair and envy she 'poisoned' her mindset.)
Death: a very ditzy and happy Goth girl who gets lost in thought often and rambles around a bit too much. quite obsessed with both food and death.
Color: Orange
Type: Ground and Ghost(ground representing the desolate areas after she ate everything/everything died)
Dream: A lazy man who'd rather sleep all day. he can't remember his dreams and so he'll help Corey with his dreams.
Color: Blue
type: Flying and Psychic(both nice for dreaming, the flying representing clouds and psychic for dreaming)
Delirium: a very proud and quite delusional man, takes losing to the hero very badly every time. very shifty.
Color: Purple
Types: Steel and Dark (steel as a mirror so he can look at himself, dark for his delusions)
Destiny: Likes money, like, a lot. Mostly in charge of acquiring funds mostly, and being a general pain in the ass.
Color: Yellow
Types: Electric and Bug (electricity for the color gold, bug for leeching funds from everyone)
History: The night before corey was supposed to get his starter, same as the hero, he had a dream, a calling, that he should lead a team and destroy the region, so every one in the region will join him in heaven, the perfect place. He creates his team of admins a long the way, and using the money from his winnings plus funds acquired by one of his first Admins, Destiny.
Legendary: Yveltal