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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Well, you can outsmart cheaters, else there wouldn't be so many people having completed all episodes and gyms up till now, including me. If you don't like how hard the game is, rage quit? Like some people said before in the last 5 threads about the same topics with different names maybe this just isn't the game for you?
  2. Depends which gym you're talking about.
  3. "Hey loser" --oh Christ it's about that time to kick his ass again. Let's just get this over with.-- "later loser" --bitch don't get it twisted, who just beat who?-- *WILD ENCOUNTER* --please don't be a Diglet with Arena Trap, please don't be a Diglet with Arena Trap, please don--- AH FFFFUUUUUU-- "I joined Team Meteor because I like to be on the winning side" --Really queen? (-.-') What's with this delusion that he's so good while he's not? Poor thing. Not sure if I should let him win next time. Meh he'll just keep waiting at the same point for a rematch over and over until I beat him...-- --Why does everyone seem to be able to let their Pokemon out of the ball and wreck shit and I can't? That's kind of odd.-- --These gym leaders are all quite a damaged bunch. Looks like every member has some sort of condition. This really is a "special" league, isn't it?*--*Grins* --Why am I getting dragged into all this? I actually don't even care but they won't let me progress unless I do this shit. Stay strong, Lia, they're all mentally handicapped, you have to humor them-- --So when is Cain actually gonna make his move? Still waiting for some action. Put your money where your mouth is, dude. or... chick? still not sure--
  4. I think I know what you mean like you can register items to specific keys on your keyboard? So you can have like, your Bike, your Rod and the Itemfinder with just one press away, amirite? Would be nice.
  5. Helia


    Quite a lot seem to have Scandinavian roots. And a few Latinos.... me gusta Latinos..... And hold up, LaRue? As in Chi Chi LaRue? Really? Well now we know why daddy isn't in the picture....
  6. Helia


    You have access to Mining at this moment, go under the Grand Stairway, then head north and use rocksmash to go into a different room. There's a guy that will teach you how to mine. Look for a water stone to evolve Panpour. Shame you didn't put Aecrobatics on it tho, it's a very strong move that takes care of grass types (if it isn't holding anything that is) and with Semipour's speed it's awesome against the likes of Gourgeist and maybe even Chandelure. Get Skuntank a dark move by the way, train it up to 41 for Night Slash and then bring it back down with a common candy. And don't you have that linkstone yet for Pumpkaboo?
  7. Helia


    THIS. When I saw more names in Ametrine I melted. Normally I'm not one to hang out with the shy types but she has my heart. It does get lame soon that she has litterally wiped my ass all over her gym more than 10 times and she keeps going like: "Omg I'm so weak, I can't do anything, my brother doesn't like me" Well fuck your brother because he was 90 times weaker than you and you don't need his validation to be a good person. For the gym, I suggest what people above said. Also don't be afraid to pick up a good flying type, only that Anorith has shit on flying types.
  8. I found traveling with Damp mdukip quite easy, especially for the first gym. Although after that with a lot of grass battles it makes it a bit harder. then the 3d gym it rules again, and the 4th gym makes it a bit harder again. So it switches a bit. But just take what you like, check the location thread if you can find em anytime soon at the beginning and enjoy
  9. Not speaking for others, but I am cruel. And not sure what your faves are but they must be better than his
  10. Helia

    Egg Steps

    On your bike, up and down the rails in Peridot Ward. watch a movie while doing that and it's over before you know it.
  11. I like those hints, I try to give people simple to figure out hints if I think of it. For people who need some help but do want to solve it themselves for that little extra pride for having solved it themselves Though some questions could get some more straight forward answers especially if it took a while and it's not related to the actual story of the game.
  12. Why have I not seen this before? I want in. ASAP. Wait, are these battles held in showdown?
  13. Did Misty Terrain make Fairy moves active again? Because in the Glitch Field Dark, Steel and Fairy are all turned back to Normal...
  14. I am really digging that intro music from Haydunn's Wifi battles.

    1. Jelly
    2. Lostelle


      I liked the old one better: 0:06

    3. Helia


      Nice! Thanks!

  15. Well I saw it a few times, but I was like how do you keep that running? Probably so many challengers that would cost the leaders a lot of time 2-3 nights a week. And were it their real names? How did they set it up, like how were THEY selected to be the gym leaders?
  16. well, since most of our teams are in the mid 70's now and we still don't have the Magikarp yet, I think it's safe to say it'll take a while longer before we get it anyway.
  17. This one vvvvvvvvv or with Froslass instead of Gallade.
  18. He'd be faster off just looking for a new team and grinding them up from scratch. EDIT: Although, as a lot of people can agree on, using your favorites is a good thing. He's using the ones he likes I guess? awful taste in Pokemon Then again if your favorites just don't cut it better get some new favorites... smh
  19. Aha, and was it like the gym leaders were actual people battling you from their computer? To me that would be quite hard if they didn't have a regular irl schedule.
  20. I'm looking for, like.. The History, the start of the Reborn League, and more information on all the gym leaders from then. More info than their trainer cards. But can't find any haven't found any info on how it started or how they came with the idea.
  21. I'm still very unsure about this whole characters being based off of real life people thing. Where did this come from? Why? Who are these real life people? How did they end up in this game? Do they know about this? I have so many questions....
  22. His last one will be Samurott. I suggest picking up Joltik in North Aventurine Woods, and train it in the Labyrinth for it's special attack EV's. It's a great fast Special attacker with the potential to be a physical attacker too. It will help you in the next two gyms quite well, and some of the gyms to come too. Roserade isn't very good in this game, due to not learning any poison type moves on it's own and no access to Sludge Bomb TM. (that isn't a Magneton, it's a Magnezone by the way) I could tell you to backtrack the entire game and pick up some other Pokemon, as I personally have very little experience with your team as a team. I've used them individually in different teams but that was in prior generations, so I can't help you out much when it comes to movesets and stuff. I believe it's still the swamp field, yes. But if your Pokemon outspeed his on default it really doesn't change much. The field is actually to his disadvantage as moves such as Muddy Water, Surf, Mud Bomb, Mud Slap and Brine are doubled, some moves his team is quite weak to. Using Nature Power there also works quite well.
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