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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Doesn't Lin have dark green hair tho?
  2. I don't believe there's still a Soul Candle in there.... at least I've never found it. But, in 7th Street you can buy a Soul Candle, and Litwick is also available from around that point in the story God Ame made that one easy...
  3. Wow, loving the art!! God I wish I was good at drawing so I could draw my char with my team...
  4. A strong bug is your friend. It will take out two of his, 3 if it's Galvantula
  5. Sigh. great plan putting Untucked on youtube, WOW Channel. But Christ why put it there if international fans can't watch it?

  6. I'd personally go for a faster grass type, like Whimsicott, or a well bred Roserade(by that I mean the right moves). I don't know where you're at in the story but there's a scope lens available in the Derpartment Store(not sure which floor)
  7. Didn't you hear? HM's work like TM's now, you can switch them up freely so you can have surf, dive and waterfall pretty much at the same time!
  8. It's easier to pity him...
  9. The Ring won't do much as a held item for Shuppet, but hey if you like it then you should put a ring on it, amiriteguise
  10. Personally, I like how hard Char was, even now that I have had to try about 13 times to beat her. Getting those predictions up and trying out your strategies, keeps the brain sharp. Even tho I like to play with my favorites, like Karen has taught me, Charlotte might have been the first time I changed up the team. Galvantula and Whimsicott weren't going to help me much) and I tried some different tactics and other Pokemon from my PC in an attempt to defeat her. Also, I don't save in front of the leader, get beaten and soft reset, I black out and try again, because exp is exp. THEN I'll train them up some more and after I'm bored of grinding, I try again. (What's the deal with people being so against fainting their Pokemon? It's not like they instantly start to hate you and turn against you) I remember with Serra I led off with Emolga against her Cloyster, knowing I'd outspeed it for a Nuzzle, and hoping I'd get that Paralyze so it wouldn't wreck me with Icicle Spear/Rock Blast. It didn't work most of the time but when it did I was happy it worked and finished it off with Electro Ball. Serra being not so hard but still challenging doesn't matter as much, since there's another Ice type specialist who has wrecked me the most out of any battle I had. Having Terra derping around after that and being able to beat her in 1 try balances it out again. Keep it how it is, tho Terra might be slightly more of a challenge to me. Bertha from the Sinnoh Elite 4 was pretty much the same to me as Terra.
  11. Idunnooo.... Maybe a Whimsicott? or a Horsea? Ugh, you're hitting the hard questions today. I don't want to be a Pokemon, I wanna be the very best motherf***ing CHAMPION.
  12. No, I've tried to reach it too, but it's all the way in the west of the Grand Stairway cave. Where he is standing in that pic is from the path to Citea d'Arc. The secret journal is available after finding the Silver Card behind Corey's Skuntank using a glitch to get in that area. I won't spoil anything else tho
  13. Just noticed Pokemon with Soundproof can't learn Perish Song. Now that would've been a deadly combo.

    1. AuthorReborn


      Yep. I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't occured, in all honesty.

  14. You can go back to Reborn through the Grand Gates and then back in town, ask your Gang Leader about 7th Street. He'll direct you there.
  15. For heart scale hunting I actually use mining and soft resetting.Unless I find 2 heart scales in the rock or 1 heart scale with a nice item I just hit that f12.
  16. Actually, El mentioned Arceus was behind that door on top of Arc d'whatever. So technically, Arceus is also behind a X door.
  17. That's a little far-fetched, don't you think? Arceus, don't be ridiculous. What if that voice WAS Arceus, I mean, maybe he communicated with us like that and it just talks like a young Julia/slightly more sane Terra?
  18. Uhm, no.... Shockwave(14.5) and Vacuum Wave(14) are the only Waves tutored at the circus, sorry to disappoint you there buddy.
  19. Oeh can I get another Black Sludge?? Sweet. Nope, first you beat Noel, then you will be able to get the Yureyu Key. #SorryBoutIt.
  20. I'm still thinking over teaching Swampert Iron Tail...... But next to Earthquake, Hammer Arm, and Waterfall it really doesn't add much. I want Ice Punch!
  21. I am actually not bothered by Fern. Every time he talks all I'm thinking is: Who are you trying to convince here? Me? Well clearly that's not working out for you as I've beaten your ass about 5 times now? Your sister? trying to prove your worth to her? Also not working. Perhaps yourself? oh well. Later bro. Cain doesn't bother me that much either, he's just very open about it and I wish there'd be a hot steamy sex scene already(or an ex of his popping up, or a STD count, maybe a GG bullitin with Dirt on the newest gym leader's family *sextape*) Victoria actually bothered me the most by being a pain in the ass who preferred me to go easy on her Sensei who was about to die already over saving 5 children. Then again they're all much stronger gym leaders so how about some junior action, huh?
  22. If it would get uploaded again I'd be so happy. I just NEED Moon Blast to happen, like, yesterday.
  23. Imagine getting stuck in Sword Art Online and instead of getting Dual Wielding hax suddenly your Reborn Team appears. Now that would be awesome.

    1. Maelstrom


      So... a team of 6 pokemon familiars to help you fight monsters and wild pokemon?

    2. Helia


      Mostly monsters. You're the only one with Pokemon in the game.

  24. I never had trouble with the Malamar from either Radomus or Luna. STAB Signal Beam for both, plus of course, Signal Beam gets powered up in Luna's Cave, so it was the obvious choice.
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