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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Now that I'm thinking about it I believe Ash had the option to switch his mons during gym battles as well from time to time. So it's not all unfair imo. If Ash van do it, we can too without feeling bad about it.
  2. Shift, too lazy to set it to Set. Maybe add a poll?
  3. I was gonna say bug and water, but since I love Whimsicott so much I'm giving you Grass!
  4. Actually going by that logic any physical poison move should do some normal type damage to a steel type. Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Poison Tail, Poison Fang, etcetera. But by that logic something like Wild Charge or Thunder Punch should do some normal damage to ground types.
  5. I kind of at least expected a Xatu with Magic Bounce the second a Stun Spore or stealth rock could come in. Or at least a Defogger since Talonflame gets REKT by stealth rocks.
  6. I'd love it if we'd at least see her fight, like overworld sprite with her Absol out against some grunt or even a Blake or Taka. Fingers crossed for a double battle thotho. Nothing major, just defending the great Hall together.
  7. Seeing all of you having it so easy, I can see her getting tougher next episode
  8. The use of flash photography is strictly mandatory.

  9. How's that for a non-suspicious title? SO HOW DID Y'ALL FARE AGAINST CIEL? I'd like the full run down, your team, what you thought of her team, what strategy did you use? For me : I found her to be pretty easy. Her team really did not even come close to what I imagined for her to have. Where's the elegance? Where's the beauty? Very misleading. So, my team consisted of Whimsicott(47, still have to train it more), Gigalith(56,only there because Sturdy and Stealth Rocks), Dragalge(74), Galvantula(75), Swampert(75) and Houndoom(73). So I started off with Whimsicott against Togekiss, Stun Spore, it got hax, Leech Seed. Switch for gigalith, Togekiss still out sped, Gigalith flinched. Second round it got haxd again so I set up stealth rocks and have it a stone edge, plus hax and Leech Seed damage it went down. Out came Gliscor, so I switched into Houndoom, hoping to out speed. I did and landed not only a crit with Flamethrower, it got burned as well. Houndoom got KO'd by a crit from EQ I believe. Then I sent out Swampert, Ciel used a potion, I hit it with Waterfall, that went on for three rounds, Gliscor still alive, I go for another waterfall and that dumb git switches in her Talonflame! Like what? Takes massive SR damage of course, walks into a waterfall and goes down. It comes Archeops, I switch back into Whimsicott to sun it cuz this thing is fast, but the stun spore misses and it takes down Whimsicott. I send out Dragalge but it out speeds as well, I believe hitting an earthquake. I send out gigalith while I max revive Swampert, gigalith goes down and out comes Swampert. I manage to take it down with a waterfall as well. Back into gliscor, which also went down again to waterfall. Out came Altaria, so I healed Swampert up a little, then went for a rock tomb (good thing I found that tm in the water treatment center) which dropped the speed, after which an earthquake took it down. She really shouldn't take the flying part out of a flying gym. I forgot her 6th Pokemon tho. Was it Chatot or Arodactyl? Either way it probably went down to Galvantula. What's your experience with Ciel? Still stuck? Or all set for E16 with a fresh badge?
  10. If a situation like this were to occur in real life I would probably panic, say I'm going out to get some milk from the store and never return(like my father). In game however this option wasn't available so I saved progress, closed the window and went to get some milk at the store. Haven't played since. I think I kept the truth from het but if she didn't find out I'd have a serious talk with Titania about telling her. I have a feeling Titania was originally dating Florinia but thanks to the whole Amy deal it went wrong.
  11. Helia

    Male Villains

    Maybe I should have mentioned that I too, am male. Don't let the name, avatar or signature fool you (the signature actually is a man as well)
  12. I don't clean. I conceal. After that I find dishonesty has slithered up and down my thigh.

    1. Maelstrom


      You clearly need practice then.

  13. I honestly only changed the field once and that was by accident against Noel trying out Sludge Wave on my Dragalge. It wasn't until much later, when I was washing the Fairy Blood of my hands, that I knew what I had done.
  14. Helia

    Male Villains

    Yes. All the yes. PREACH. It's just true. Men are pigs.
  15. I ran into so much trouble with Maractus in the Desert Resort while playing black. Spamming Acupressure until it was too hard to beat it. But Florinia now has a Cottonnee again? Where did Grottle go? Does she still have the Desert Field tho?
  16. My Swampert Earthquaked it. It loses it's flying type upon Mega evolving huehue. Poison and Steel are VERY handy against it tho. Do you have a Stealth Rocker tho? One of hers does not take very kindly to it, especially if it also switches INTO an incoming Waterfall. Dumb bitch. But simply put any pokemon with Prankster and at least 2 usefull status moves is a great addition to your team. Meowstic, Liepard, Sableye, Volbeat and Illumise each have their great points, but I prefer Whimsicott because aesthetic.
  17. If everything else fails, you could go back to episode 14, where it will be in the same spot on sunny days. Didn't have much trouble getting it's attention. Then again I was wearing quite the crazy hat.
  18. Honestly In the first part of E15 our partner did almost all the work for me. Damn that thing they have is a BEAST. Anyway, may I suggest Whimsicott and Galvantula for some type coverage? Whimsicott - Prankster Leech Seed/Stun Spore/Moonblast/Hurricane or Giga Drain. Great support, mine was level 47, playing a MAJOR part in the last gym battle. Galvantula - Compoundeyes Bug Buzz/Electroball/Thunderwave or Discharge(thunderwave isn't needed much with Prankter Stun Spore from Whimsicott)/Filler move such as Spider Web, Agility, or HP Ground Galvantula has great Speed and Special Attack, and has been a big help right from the start. Dragalge IS a good mon though. Not only is it VERY handy this episode, It is a Special Wall for a longer period of time. Fairy Types? where? Sludge Wave the fuck out of them. Adaptability is a killer ability, Dragon Pulse is still decent STAB neutral coverage, It's movepool is pretty nice and it can be your Surf Slave. Get yours today for the low price of 19,99, get the second one free!
  19. Helia

    Male Villains

    I thought those cultists were men and women with such heavy robes no one could distinguish if they were male or female. I actually only noticed the big amount of female Leaders, with out of (I counted) 21 currently known (former) leaders, 14 are female, 2 non binary and 5 males. This includes Corey, Kiki, and Cain. Now, males being set as the strong villains and females as strong kickass queens does shift some, but I see it blends in great with the Yin Yang principle, having a lot of Female, light, good, characters with some males in it and Male, dark, bad characters with some females in it balances it out quite nicely so you won't hear me complain
  20. I may or may not have just found a new endearing term for people whose name I may or may not have forgotten.
  21. Aye aye captain! (captain isn't just the male version right?)
  22. Wilcommen, Bienvenue, welcome. You apologized three times. Are you Canadian? And I was wondering, a lot of people I know use "dude" and "gurl" in any given situation, to anyone no matter if they're male, female, or non-binary. What is your stance on that? (I personally tend to call people "gurl" a lot, partly endearing and partly having forgotten their name)
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