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Everything posted by Helia

  1. With this team I would try this: Send out quagsire and Emolga out first, Earthquake and volt switch on Tentacruel. It should take those out immediately. for Dragalge use Solrock(train it up a bit) it should outspeed it with a psychic, and maybe if Dusclops can handle a shadow ball or two let it deal with Gengar. Drapion's only weakness is ground, an earthquake should take it out 1 hit, and I forgot what her last one was but also try using psychic or ground on it.
  2. Well, first thing I notice is a very big weakness to ground type moves, you could work on that. But I suggest posting the movesets of your Pokemon with it, so people can see how you overcome weaknesses and suggest other moves on them, or what would be better replacements.
  3. Well we already beat Blake, it would be kind of weird to have beaten the Champion before, right? Using your deduction system that would make it Arclight, Anna, Lin, Heather and Gossip Gardevoir. GG seems wierd, as well, she's a Pokemon and we've already beaten her. Arclight has a story line? I've only met him once at the club, never seen him after that, still waiting for him in 7th Street. Heather, being raised very restricted by Corey seems like a weird plothole to me (sure, she has a Salamence and ability to Fly, yet she officially wasn't able to beat Corey's Crobat(Champ level Salamence should be able to 1hko a level 30 Crobat. Actually any Salamence should, since it evolves at level 50, c'mon). When, between being constantly watched by Corey, getting stuck in the Orphanage, and getting "adopted"(locked up) by Blake would she have time to become the Champion? Anna and Lin still make the most popular options, but I'm honestly hoping for a complete plottwist later on that no one sees coming. Btw How's Laura doing? Where'd she go? And I think her ass just got done replaced by Bennett, but also just speculating... Thanks!! That is one awesome map.
  4. Using that glitch for Nidorina.... Sure you save like 1 minute of time but it isn't even necessary to use it lol. That item you need waterfall for is annoying the fck out of me tho.
  5. I found that map to be VERY useful while clearing route 1.
  6. That Shrink is a Quack. 6 times Adamant for my Whimsicott, yet always Modest for my Swampert. son of a.....

  7. Where is this drawn map thou speaks of?
  8. Sigh. Is that Shrink programmed to never give the right nature or something?

  9. Garchomp? Lol. Thanks to Garchomp my Mamoswine is in the PC now because Icicle Crash didn't do even 1/3d HP off of it. Surprisingly my Galvantula took care of it with Bug Buzz.
  10. Yeah it'll all become clear later, but for now you're just kept in the dark. Although I'm hoping for some more info provided from episode 15, because I still have some questions.
  11. Did you use the specific weathers and spoke to the guy in the building with the stairs? The guy is only available in the Rain and Mudkip only in clear weather(I believe). But those should be mentioned in the video.
  12. Alrighty then: I believe you've done the Team Aqua line first then, you can find Team Magma in North Obisidia Ward, in an alley. I think I know what you mean by Pokebible thingy, and it will become clear to you as well once you reach 7th Street, keep looking. Crystal Plug will be given to you automatically as the story progresses, don't sweat it. Also welcome to the forums.
  13. This also just popped up in my head, that the Champion could've been Eve or Lumi before they were fused into ZEL.
  14. He sold his soul to the PokéDevil to catch them all and become Champion and someone hasn't held to his part of the bargain yet.
  15. Helia

    Shiny mistake?

    Aren't there like 3 different versions of almost all pokemon? So why not more for some for the sake of continuity and memes?
  16. So, I was in the Grand Hall, when I met the Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles. Squirtle Donatello, Wartortle Raphael, Blastoise Michelangelo, and. Blastoise Michelangelo. Where's Leo? Will Leonardo come with Mega Evolution?
  17. I know how to change the weather, that's how I got in this mess to start with. For over a month now I've had the same weather forecast.
  18. Thanks, but the point is that I've fastforwarded the time on my laptop so far and so many times that I haven't had the right weather conditions for a month straight now. Those weather conditions don't include clear weather so can't get the Spinel Town sticker lol....
  19. There's the gym leader Help thread for these questions, http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709 <there. Do post your entire team + movesets + possible replacements/options you have in your pc.
  20. You can access 7th Street between the 8th and 9th Gym, you have to visit it for the story.
  21. Yes I know, that's why I said they can't be changed because they weren't acquired via catching or trade.
  22. Maybe the Champion is you yourself. Team Meteor has created a clone of you who has the exact same team as you(just a mirror program to have every Pokemon the same level and moveset, even when you rotate), making it do evil deeds and discrediting you and your Pokemon in the meantime. Story wise you hear about it right before the last gym. Like when you were visiting Titania and Amaria, a news bulletin comes on that tells you and the gym leader(and anyone near) that "*Player* has just beaten the Elite 5 and has defeated the Champion, *name*. Their team consists of *your current team* and after quite a quick battle *player* easily overpowered the Champion, now taking the Champion title as their own." Dead silence as your close ones are thinking how this happened, and they tell you to quickly earn your last badge and make your way to the Elite 4 to see what is happening. Gossip Gardevoir will be there filming the epic battle of Good vs Evil, You vs You. At the end of the Battle everyone at first isn't even sure which one won, but the friends you've made along the way (most gym leaders like Noel, Anna, Shelly, Aya, Hardy, Sapphira, Charlotte, Radomus and Luna will know the real one.) Why are they all there, you ask? Well, in a BW type of thing Cain managed to drum up most of the leaders in a final huge confrontation vs Team Plasma Meteor. Not sure if these mechanics could be implemented but I personally think this would be rad as fuck.
  23. Well, I was thinking this: They have OT's and Nicknames(can't be changed because they weren't traded to you) and you run into people saying they miss their precious *instert nickname* so much, backstory time how they gave it to the daycare couple and then they go like: "Oh? You found it in a Team Meteor location? Can I have it back please?" Pretty much like Ruby's Rara in the Pokemon Adventures manga. You could've even trained it and used it in battles and get a nice reward like a TM for it. Also the original trainers would be in random places not too far from a PC. Like one would've went to the circus to cheer up after their precious Vanillish Coney was stolen to cheer up again, and then poof, there you are with Coney with you! But you could still breed it? that'd be possible.
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