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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. How about an afterlife with Giratina (a.k.a. PokéSatan)? You ask why? For the glory of Giratina of course! Anyway, I recently noticed quite a huge lack of minable stones past Agate Circus. Like, just a few in the part of Citrine mountain we can only access past Agate, but yeah. That. I'd put in more stones.
  2. Sweet. Not working for me yet tho. Have my Galvantula fainted in the front, frisk noibat as second, found nothing yet.
  3. Question: Does Compound Eyes work with fishing? Looking for a Horsea holding a dragon scale....
  4. The event Heracross and Pinsir are way to the east, but it requires a lot of webs and logs to be cleared plus a long Taurus ride. So pretty much you have to have cleared the entire south woods to reach them.
  5. Charlotte is also a lot of luck. In some wierd AI hax my Houndoom with flashfire was the last one standing, with on her side still Rotom, Ninetales, Delphox and Volcarona. Wierd enough they kept using fire type moves, Delphox even used psychic type moves. Honestly I don't know what happened but after a few fire type attacks I could one shot the last few with flamethrower. I think the game's AI just derps from time to time, so you can also just get lucky
  6. Helia

    Mawile help!

    6% chance to find Mawile? That's funny, tell another one. Mawile is pretty much the only thing I found in there.
  7. I was wondering, I know all episodes had a different name. So what were the names of the previous ones?
  8. I think I know what you mean, it's not so much a door as a passage I guess, and yes, you'll reach it later in the story
  9. Well this is a Poison gym, so Grass and Fairy out the door. Onix could help you out quite well, Meowstic, Nummel, Flaaffy and Budew too. Perhaps get that Emolga in the Jasper ward?
  10. Hater. I bet there's some tragic backstory there, amirite? Oh really? Sweeeeeeet.
  11. Just a tip for the map. I found it in a thread about Beldum.
  12. You know, if you search well on the forums here you can even find a map of Route 1 and North/South Aventurine Woods where you can see all paths. However most things you need require to have cleared the webs/logs. Also, don't forget to pick up the Itemfinder at the research center, Route 1 is loaded with hidden precious
  13. Citae Arc D'Astrae Aerie creeps me the f*** out. Don't know why... Tho I'm also the one that got a mini heartattack when Mr. Bigglesworth popped up....

  14. Does Compoundeyes help with Mining?

    1. Knight_Teutonic


      Nope. Already tried it

    2. Helia


      That's a damn shame.

  15. You just have to solve the railnet puzzle to open that gate same way you opened the the one towards Chrysolia. Line up the tracks from the train to that gate without any debris on it or broken tracks.
  16. Rotom Wash? How do you get the items for Rotom's other forms? How can you say they're cool and not like them lol
  17. When I saw this thread my thoughts went straight to Joltik. But that's mostly because aventurine is filled with SPIDER webs, not Tick webs. Ticks don't make webs. So that's weird, finding Galvantula would simply make more sense. BUT. Galvantula is EASY to grind up in Vanhanen Labyrinth. Just run from the Ponyta and Furfrou, Signal beam all Giraffarig and Deerling, which even underleveled it easily outspeeds. Plus, I've taken a heavily underleveld Galvantula (like level 40) into the battle with Radomus once, it one shot both Malamar and Exeggutor. On Houndour I agree, but on most level 1 Pokemon, such as Beldum and the eggs, easily trainable. they're level 20 after 3 Tauros/Bouffelant. All the others are pretty much still in my pc unused.
  18. I hope all those doors will play important parts in the story later on. I personally don't care for Legendaries, so I'm really hoping those doors aren't for that.
  19. Very cringe worthy when I first watched a playthrough of Reborn and after the player beat Cain in Beryl he went directly for the Byxbysian gate even though I even saw in the video where he had to go. Makes me lose IQ points.
  20. Ugh, hate it when that happens like thinking Snorunt evolves with a Dusk Stone ever since you found the stone. Espurr/Meowstic will come in quite handy at the Poison Gym, and I also can recommend picking up a good flying type like Dodrio or Fearow up in Berryl. (they will SLAY the next 2 gyms with type effectiveness.)
  21. Hmmm..... that could be fun. Though all those Heart Scales wasted on the movesets of my team.....
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