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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Well, didn't expect to have beaten Terra already, and now the chapter is done........... First time to finish a chapter (started in 14 too) so my question is: Now what? Can I train my Pokemon? Will the levels stick when I get ep 15? *hyperventilating* What do I do now? Go outside? Into the real world? With too many people and not enough Pokemon?
  2. Lol, Terra was the first gym I beat in 1 time. Surprising MVP: Galvantula!

  3. Wow, that place inside Terra's Computer is AWESOME.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      And so much refrence and maybe memes.

    3. Hutch333


      I think they're all Gen 1 except the small area of reborn.

    4. Helia


      Yeah I recognized a lot of stuff from Gen 1, and actually MewTwo took me longer to beat than Terra lol. That Citea d'Arc copy was pretty rad, the Rocket Hideout also good job!

  4. Well, ALL the stickers is difficult at the moment, plus I'm not that nifty with computers to do that... I wanted Froslass for Terra but I already used my Dawn stone for Gallade...
  5. Hold up, there's only 1 Dawn Stone in the game up to now?
  6. In no specific order but look! A rainbow~
  7. Noooooooooo a shiny Snorunt just escaped me....

  8. Anyone know what the status is on that Whimsicott Moonblast problem? Just encountered it.

    1. AuthorReborn


      What is the problem, exactly? I haven't encountered it personally but it sounds intruiging.

    2. Helia


      Whimsicott is supposed to learn Moonblast at 50, but mine didn't just now....

  9. When fighting opponents in the meadow, like Noel, watch out with Sludge wave. It will corrode the whole grassy terrain and hurt not only the opponent's grounded Pokemon, but your own too. In double battles it will also hit your own Pokemon next to the user. EDIT: Also, don't forget to pick up a Joltik on Route 1. Honestly Galvantula has helped me so much in the story!
  10. Honestly I've gotten to know all Field effects by now pretty well plus the ingame text at the start of the battle helps quite well too. After a while of using em they're pretty logical (for instance the cave collapsing if you use Earthquake or Magnitude). That doesn't mean they can't be annoying as f***, training in a cave, "A Wild Graveler appeared!" "... used ...!" "It's super effective!" "Graveler hung on with Sturdy!" "Graveler used Earthquake!" "The cave ceiling collapsed!" However this is not Ame's fault, Graveler are just severely depressed Pokemon and assholes for taking others with them.
  11. Actually the Dull Key is before that part. It's in the bottom right corner between the entrance to the railway from Peridot and the Other entrance from Obsidia.
  12. Don't forget Whimsicott. I saw there was a Windy Day event for Cottonee at the Grand Staircase but he got shoved back all the way to route 4....
  13. Personally, if you look at a site like Bulbapedia it has all the info you need during the official Pokemon games; Pokemon stats, locations, movepools, evolution methods, item locations, item usage, characters, gym leaders and their Pokemon/movesets and storylines. The most important things needed for Reborn, namely Pokemon Locations and Item Locations both have their own threads here to make that easier. However I was recently thinking of Starting a thread(or posting it in the Gym Leader help thread) about the Pokemon and Movesets of the Gym Leaders so people could prepare better, but after thinking about it it would spoil the game a bit too much. A Wiki seems like a lot of hard work and most info you need is just a searchfunction away.
  14. It's quite hard to train a Rapidash in Route 3.

    1. Sr.F


      Oh? Fire Blast was all use to train my Rapidash there

  15. The Litwick at the altar are level 25. So better take some lower leveled Pokemon with you! Wait, wild Porygon in Terra's Computer? Sweet.
  16. First time got beat very hard, then when I realized on the second time I had to live through the whole dialogue again I just hit Z the whole time, and accidentally sided with El. Got beat, didn't black out, didn't care. I was kind of out of fucks to give at that moment and it's not like it came back to haunt me after I sided with El. Except of course the side eye thrown at me by Luna after I saved her ass, but oh well.
  17. Oehh... Black sludge on my Dragalge.... <3-<3 Shame I'm stuck in Calcenon for a while or I'd get it immediately. Speaking of Whimsicott, I love the bugger and I just caught a Cottonee, but It's gonna cost me at least 3 heart scales to get the right moveset on it, which is a shame.
  18. You can access Reborn right before you have to fight Radomus, up to after fighting Luna. Then for a while it's inaccessible.
  19. Hmm, Sandstorm might hurt me more than it helps. Why did I always think Ground Types resisted Fire? Well, might just post my team here. The ones missing a level I'm still leveling up to even come close to beating the gym: Jade Jolie the shiny Rainbow Rapidash Flash Fire Quiet (oh that sucks, didn't see that before) Agility Fire Blast Bounce Flare Blitz Detox the Dragalge (66) Adaptability Timid (dat 99 speed tho) Sludge Wave Dragon Pulse Sludge Bomb Surf Lil' Kenya the Bronzong Heatproof Bashfull Gyro Ball Extrasensory Payback Heal Block (this one should get Rain Dance and Trick Room right?) Raven the Houndoom(63) Flash Fire Quiet Dark Pulse Nasty Plot Flamethrower Crunch BiancaDelRio the Gallade(63) Steadfast Serious Leaf Blade Close Combat Psycho Cut Night Slash Panpour (20)(I have the water stone to evolve it but want brine, acrobatics and scald first) Gluttony Calm Future moves Scald Brine Ácrobatics Rain Dance. So I need to train up Gallade, Rapidash, Houndoom, Bronzong and Panpour a bit. Should've trained more with Aya tho... And then?? Edit: Seeing as Blizzard takes out the Field effect, I thought of training my freshly caught Spheal up to Walrein and have Bronzong use Trickroom followed byWalrein's Blizzard. How's that sound?
  20. Training a Panpour from lvl 3 to 60+ sucks.

    1. Shing


      Well, good that i didn't train a panpour :P

  21. Quick question: What happens if you use Sandstorm during Drought? And does Charlotte's field change when Water Pledge is used?
  22. When does Arc show up? Or more specifically, is there anything I have to do for him to show up there?
  23. Once you've beaten Noel and the next gym leader (Radomus) you can buy ability capsules for shards. So Hold on!
  24. Yeah that one was especially cringe worthy. He walked past that obvious ladder so many times I started talking to my laptop.
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