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Everything posted by Helia

  1. I always had faith in Trubbish being good. I liked it since I saw that episode of Pokemon with Ash fighting Roxie and that Garbador SLAYING THA HOUSE DOWN. But yes, Pachirisu, Emolga. Both so fast, Nuzzle/T-wave + Electro Ball slaying Serra's Cloyster and Lapras, The Slo- family in Vanhanen Castle, Aya's Tentracuel and Gengar, Corey's Screlp... And don't forget Emolga's Acrobatics with Kiki and Samson.
  2. I read over this title a few times, thinking of memorable moments I had in game that would be worth a screenshot. Quite proud of this lucky feat! Route 3, partnered up with Aya, was able to capture this one. I hope it will help me with Charlotte!
  3. I have 1 question I don't think fits anywhere else (though haven't searched that well) and didn't want to make a thread about it. Route 3, when you're with Aya, you can see an egg somewhere after you fought the first pair of grunts. That is a Larvitar, right? Oh, and I wondered, what would happen if you were to, I dunno, send out a Pokemon with Sandstream versus a Pokemon that has Drought(or set up sandstorm)? Does drought get cancelled? What would happen to Charlotte's field?
  4. Terra is Ground type, right? You have 3 Pokemon that are weak to ground type moves, and literally 0 super effective moves against ground types. Although I'm not familiar with Terra's Team, you could try and focus on the secondary types of her Pokemon, like Rock and Steel with fighting moves. Perhaps temporarily replace Ampharos for this gym as it will probably get a 1hko?
  5. I believe the standard badge is kind of a maze? btw forgot to mention earlier but awesome work!! Also yeah it's up to interpretation I guess.
  6. I found the Pokemon in Chrysolia Forest quite good for training too. Especially a Rock type like Reggenrola should do well against the Karrablast, Illumise, Volbeat and Farfetch'd in that forest.
  7. I used to hate Girafarig, until I found out how good exp they are.

  8. I didn't know this. But thanks for the tip, I'll talk to trainers after battle more often now!
  9. I always thought with the Venom Badge that the purple "fangs" as I like to call them were higher than the black part. Could be just me tho.
  10. I may be biased, but.... Let me just refer you to Bulbapedia: Trivia Swampert has the highest base stat total of all fully evolved starter Pokémon. Swampert and its pre-evolution Marshtomp are the only starter Pokémon to have a 4× weakness against another starter type. Swampert has the fewest weaknesses of any starter. We seem to have a winner.
  11. The gym guide is one and the same, as he mentions at Kiki's gym I believe he wasn't in Shade's gym because that place creeped him out too much. And yes, that would be a sick turn of events that he would be the Champ. Tho why don't gym leaders politely ask him to leave, or why isn't Lana (Aya's mom) a little friendlier towards him? I do hope the Elite 4 aren't stuck on one theme, like Laura isn't a pure Grass type trainer just because she has Lilligant, but has like all different Pokemon. That'd be awesome, and a nice challenge. (Don't believe it's mentioned somewhere she's pure grass type in the game?) For the champion... hmmm maybe we won't see him/her till later? Or perhaps it's the Ring Master's father? not sure if he died or retired...
  12. Wow thanks guys, Especially that link gives a lot of insight in people like Cal, I've heard Blake's name in game, now I see a face. I also now get Elias' sprite in the 7th Street dungeon. And Florinia had a Whimsicott as main Pokemon first? That's awesome! Keep it coming guys, this info is great!
  13. I never thought of searching 'Orphans' and find a lot of detailed information. A LOT of my questions have been answered, thanks.
  14. Warning: This topic may contain spoilers for new players. If you don't want to know what happens, please make a U-turn. Dear Ame, Mods and other readers: If this Topic is in any way insulting to your work, in the wrong section or I'm completely wrong, feel free to remove it, move it, and point out the section that ain't right and correct me on it. I'm a hog for information and cannot contain my curiosity in the following topics. Bear with me now. So, I've been playing for a while now, and I am a big fan of researching and looking if the story is correct. I've played 3 times now, The first time I was up to the fight with Samson, buut grinding was hard at route 2 so I decided to start over and train better before going to Agate City. Second time I chose a different starter(Empoleon) but ran into some trouble defeating Pulse Muk in West Peridot so I decided to go back to my favourite, Swampert. Now I'm currently grinding in Vanhanen Labyrinth to get my Pokemon levels up nicely (around 60-65 each) for a nice breeze through Luna and before setting off to the Circus. However, I ran into some parts of the story that were a little, how shall I put it, weird in my eyes, which I see as plotholes for now or "could've been better". Here goes: I'll start off with a few questions: Is this link: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/leaders.html correct? My point: No mention of Julia, Florinia, Shelly and Radomus first of all, and some badge names are incorrect. Now, it's mentioned in the story that Laura is of the Elite Four, not a gym leader. So that is a bit strange, also having the Badge from Florinia's gym. Also, seeing as Anna has a Gothitelle and it's mentioned she is in fact a gym leader, that also raises eyebrows. Is Radomus going to retire? I can see how Benett can replace Shelly as she went MIA during the orphanage outbreak, but I found it weird stumbling upon it the first time. Also, the some badge names have seemingly changed (I could've sworn Julia gave the Volt Badge, Shelly the Cacoon Badge and Radomus the Millennium Badge) and the lineup isn't really a lineup as they're not really in the right order too. (I'm a slight controlfreak with lineups) The link above shows some mayor plotholes, and then again I can't seem to access that list through the website, only through google. I was also wondering what those letters MT_R_, _TWR_, M_W_F, M_WR_, _TW_F mean? Kiki's Death: Big props on Apophyl storyline, I loved it! Even letting it return in Byxbysion Wasteland with the Ghastly, mayor props. But I was just stuck wondering why Victoria didn't take over the gym? I know she's young, but she has some mad skills that would've made her a great gymleader. And will we ever see Cal again? Tanzan Cove: I was wondering why Anna, Noel, Charlotte and Shelly didn't do anything during the Tanzan Cove part. I know they're children and all, but they ARE gym leaders, and tough ones at that. Plus during the break out they seemed so brave, *BAM* enter personality switch to make them quite cowardly. How can they put ALL their trust in me when Shelly has beaten me 8 times, Noel has beaten me 7 times, and Charlotte, Anna, Laura and Saphira certainly will hit me hard when I get to them? I would have loved to see more Meteors storming in, and all of us taking on some guys, perhaps even subdue the grunts themselves with their Pokemon like what happened inside the Orphanage. Cain can use his Nidoking on grunts, Dr. Connal can use his Electivire on Laura, Saphira shot multiple grunts to their deaths with Dragonite, (rip Tara, poor Simon) why not use such underhanded tricks, or perhaps let them defend the cove too with their strong ass Pokemon? Not like they have to raid the Tanzan Hideout with us, but just protect themselves, stand up for themselves like they did in the Orphanage. (for later, Will I be able to surf and dive on the Lake to maybe search for Tara's body, maybe an item of hers to give to Simon later in the story? It sounds gruesome, and kind of awesome, plus it might comfort Simon. If you don't know what I'm talking about, after returning to Reborn City you can find Simon in Beryl Graveyard mourning over his Meteor Partner) Further more, all those Overworld sprites of Pokemon are awesome, and Cain busting out Nidoking to break the entrance to Agate city, but our(the player's) Pokemon could've done that too! (no overworld sprite needed, just something like Rock Smash or Strength to open the gate, would've been fun. So for now, these are questions I have. If you have questions concerning the plot you can leave those here too, and I would love to see some answers and your thoughts on how this goes!
  15. I think you're still before Growlithe. I can suggest catching a Bidoof next to the Grand Hall, train it to 15, evolve into Bibarrel, trade in north Peridot for a Litleo (it's a good pokemon I swear) Keep Trubbish around for a while, toxic spikes WILL come in handy against the second gym and that little bugger is quite fast with those short legs. Spoiler alert: You could pick up a Glameow in the Beauty Shop south of the Park, (never worked with it but it seems okay, seeing how many times I got slaughtered by them in Platinum)
  16. I'd personally say - Giga Drain, - Moonblast, - Hurricane (have a teammate set up Rain Dance for dat accuracy) - leech seed/toxic/stun spore/poison powder.
  17. Wigglytuff is your fave huh? Well, there's 2 poison Gyms so beware of that, plus one of the rivals is poison so just a heads up And they're right tho. These gyms are hard as hell and especially around the part where I am (gym 8-9-10) there's not a lot of story battles in between to train your team without grinding, so that's kind of a shame but oh well. But really, this isn't Emerald where you could have a Fire team and beat Wallace on the first try. You'll notice right away at the second gym how hard this game is. Even with all the help from this forum, videos I found on youtube and bulbapedia advice this game is hard. Big props to the maker. I bet she is reading the forum daily with a big smirk like: "oh, someone's stuck there again. Oh that one can't find the solution to this and that. Oh that one found that one rare pokemon at that specific random time. lucky bastard. Fuck yeah I'm good." *high fives herself*
  18. *looks at your sig* uhm........ Anyway, Whimsicott is a great option because, well look at it! Look at this furry little crayon eating mofo! How does one resist this face? *added bonus: destroyer of dragons!* I remember playing through Black and this little guy ruining several people's lives. But there's other good grass types too, like.... uhm............. well......
  19. One way to get it from Gothorita/Gothitelle by helping them clean up the Library in Beryl Ward. An other way is you can buy it in 7th Street after the 8th gym. those are the only ways I know how to get a soul candle. I haven't found a Soul Candle in that cave, even tho I have heard it is possible to get one there.
  20. Ah thanks! Yes, I want that Oddishweed! No, the Pinsir/Heracross event was a bit further down. The level of the pokemon you get is some bs tho. For days I've been fighting level 55 Heracross and Pinsirs and then when you can finally catch one it's level 30! the fuck?
  21. In the middle of the South Aventurine Woods there is this semi dead end (long grass on one end, ledge on other end, honey tree for a tree to be removed from the way south of it) and I found to the east of the long grass this small path leading east. However there are those Flebebe flowers in the way to lull you to sleep when you're stuck in the way. Does that little path lead to a good item or is it just a dead end with nothing there? I need to know before I drag my sorry ass back to Reborn for floral charms just to get a potion.
  22. It starts next to the Glamazonia Beauty shop in east Obisidia (between Byxbysian Wasteland gates and the Obsidia Park) and then it will hide in Coral Ward, one of the Warehouses with all the crates.
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