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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. F*** yes! 20 nest balls, 4 heavy balls and 5 timer balls later Beldum is MINE.

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Where can you catch a Beldum?

    2. Helia


      In the Bisbyxian Wasteland. Some cave only reachable with Strength, Rock Smash, (Flash optional) and while Riding a Tauros acquired on Route 1. Set Wasteland Hideout as last healed spot, go to route 1, ride a Tauros, faint, and search. There's a video on youtube on how to do it/reach it.

  2. F*** you Beldum, you can s*** my d***.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Nest Balls will help, too, since Beldum is level 1.

    3. Shing


      Heh heh, the pain right?

    4. Helia


      I have 20 nest balls, 10 timer balls, 10 heavy balls, 20 normal balls, a dusk ball and some premier balls. Can't even use em all because it's struggled itself to death before I run out. 30 turns and a timer ball still doesn't work. the pain is real.

  3. If you're referring to the Medicham I think you're referring to, Today while trying to catch that Ghastly I fought against a shiny Medicham, yes. But it was Blue instead of the usual black.....
  4. 2 years ago I played my first Pokemon game ever on my phone (thank you android gameboy roms!*available for free in Google Play*). It was pokemon Blue and I chose Squirtle. But right after I defeated Koga, my eye caught something shinier. It was Crystal. Chose Totodile, defeated it a few times *yay for Bulbapedia* I pretty much always go for Water starters. Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, I love you guys. No love for Froakie yet, haven't used it yet. I chose Mudkip in Reborn too. Has to be my favorite starter.
  5. you bred Ancient Power onto it? cuz it doesn't learn it by level up.
  6. Amaria! I knew it. it was at the tip of my fingers but then I was like, this ain't right, didn't want to look dumb by mistyping haha
  7. Cut isn't at the Jasper Ward anymore, you get it in Obsidia from Florinia and the other immediately before you enter the park. The Harbour key is after the 4th gym by the way. I received the itemfinder on Route 1 in the research center. (3d floor I believe) Old rod - north west of Peridot Station Good rod - First house on the left in Spinel Town Warehouse key - only house with a door in Obsidia Park Membership Card - Lady in the elevator of Department Store Mining Kit is actually after the 3rd gym (or 4th counting Corey) First Crystal Plug is given to you by Luna after you saved her from the cultists Calcium, carbos, all that stuff 5th floor dept. store Just some things off the top of my head I saw missing.
  8. Speaking of icecream I bought like 8 the other day, never used em, and when I needed them they were gone. So the description was true? Eat it before it melts? EDIT: forgot to stay on topic: For both hatching and raising friendship I just bike up and down the train tracks from the Station to the desert gates for a while. mostly while watching something on tv.
  9. For some pokemon, yes. As Murkrow learns Sucker Punch at 55, and Honchkrow learns it from the start, you could delay it's evolution to 55 if you want suckerpunch and then evolve it. (and save yourself a heart scale) Same for Swinub. I delayed it from evolving (33) till 37, where Swinub learn Earthquake while Piloswine/Mamoswine learn it at 46(ish?) So it reaaaaally depends on the pokemon, to be sure just check their learned moves on bulbapedia and see if it's worth the wait. But upon evolution they do get big boosts that can be quite usefull for that moment.
  10. Oh in that case sorry, could've sworn it only said fish in poisonous water with no further specifics.
  11. This is actually the first game I've been looking at natures and even abilities when considering my pokemon. I remember saving right before choosing my starter and pick it, check it, close the window and start over on my second run of the game. But having no pokemon on rotation and going with just 6 mostly, for my team I look for dual types, and having 12 different types on my team, spread with over 16 types of moves i'm a happy snowman. I combine that with the ones I enjoy looking at and tada! a team is born. (of course they have to kick ass or their asses shall be kicked off the team) I did however breed my own Swinub and Murkrow to get certain moves on them, moves that are complete bs for not coming naturally to them. Honestly I don't even know what IV's and EV's are, and please don't try to explain since I want to keep this game fun instead of a mathmatical problem.
  12. Helia


    UPDATE: Bred myself 2 good ones: Swinub Adamant Snow Cloak (might change to Thick Fat, not sure yet) has Icicle Crash Currently training to 37 for earthquake then immediately evolve to Piloswine(don't have key/move relearner yet) Murkrow Lonely Super Luck has Drill Peck!! currently in training to be able to fight Kiki I do believe Breeding in this game is quite easy. Just bike up and down the Peridot traintracks from the station to the dessert gate a few time and it's hatched.
  13. Could you mention that Skrelp can only be caught with a Good Rod? I may have or may have not spent hours fishing up grimers with my old rod in Peridot and Coral wards..... It's too late for me, but for other noobs who want it that could be useful...
  14. Helia


    Thank you guys! Yes, I've decided to take some time and train up Spearow up to Drill Peck (37) and get a Cubchoo and train it up to Icicle Crash (also 37), then breed it with my swinub so I'll have an Icicle Crash Mamoswine in the end Good thing I didn't get Ancient Power yet, or I'd have to try and breed that plus Icicle crash onto a swinub.... *cringe* And the Drill Peck Murkrow is taking quite nice shape already too, so that's happening
  15. Helia


    After the INCREDIBLY smart decision to start the game over instead of working harder and train my Pokémon well to beat Samson, I've found myself in a predicament. My old team, consisting of Swampert, Dodrio, Mammoswine, Meowstic, Galvantula and Toxicroak were doing quite well, but with Galvantula underleveled about 15 levels from Samson's Conkeldurr and the others also not looking too bright, I decided to just start over! Not the smartest move. Not only did I forget how long I had actually been in the game (this was literally the first time any of my Pokemon were 60+ in ANY game I've played) But, then I started over, chose Piplup instead of Mudkip, making sure of it's nature being right, but for some reason everything is harder than the first time I played through it. Maybe it's because I now know how to get some Pokémon I didn't know before, like Budew(which is terrible at the moment, didn't evolve into Roselia until level 31, by then all the good moves were already gone), Murkrow(In Light Platinum Hack it learned Drill Peck at level 40, only today found out it's an egg move. Training Spearow/Dodrio up to Drill Peck takes tooo long), Houndour(which I can't reach yet due to my ass getting whooped by Magma every time), So I could use some help at the moment too. And now I am still stuck at the Meteor Current team: Empoleon (41) Jolly -Brine -Metal Claw -Bubblebeam -AquaJet Piloswine(38) Rash -Mud Bomb -Icy Wind -Ice Shard -Take Down Roselia(36) Jolly -Mega Drain -Ingrain -Nature Power -Stun Spore (keeps missing) Meostic(34) Serious -Fake Out -Psybeam -Charge Beam -Psyshock Murkrow(39) Lax -Shadow Ball -Assurance -Feint Attack -Wing Attack Pyroar(41) Rash -Flamethrower -Rock Smash -Headbutt - Fire Fang. And since I literally never have bred before, how long does it take for an egg to come when I finally do have Spearow at Drill Peck and then put it in the daycare with Murkrow? Or shall I just Start over again with Mudkip, then catch the needed pokemon for breeding and start then? Since I can get spearow/doduo long before Lapis Gym, could come in handy.
  16. breeding is hard.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I could teach you how to- *shot*

    3. Felicity


      *Hides the sniper rifle" No teaching for you...

    4. Commander


      One does not simply breed in Reborn.

  17. I'll say 'we' from now on to make it easier. We are stuck at the Pulse Muk at the moment, where the old team I posted earlier busted through on the first try, this team seems to fail. We're very close to restarting again with Mudkip, as it has proven it's worth in an earlier game up to Agate Circus despite having a nature that really didn't do much for it. We know there are 2 fighting type leaders coming, making Empoleon, Pilo/Mamoswine, Pyroar and Murkrow very hard to use. Plus breeding a Murkrow with Drill Peck will take a lot of time as Dodrio and Spearow learn those moves quite late.
  18. Thank you. Helia has an understanding of languages, in reading and listening, it cannot write or type, hence I have taken that job upon me, our only communication is pointing. It seems very upset at the moment, as it is stuck with the Pulse Muk in Peridot West. Helia played through the game a bit before, restarting the game around Agate circus. Helia's team then consisted of - Swampert - Mamoswine, - Meowstic - Dodrio(pulling through very well against Kiki and Aya, Drill Peck seems to be Helia's favourite move), - Toxicroak(increadible failure against pretty much everything exept Senna's Cloyster and Abomasnow, and Noel's Wigglytuff and Clefable), - Galvantula(replaced Pachirisu after Ditto Arceus. Though heavily underleveled Galvantula proved amazing asset against Radomus and Luna, 1HKO'ing both their Malamar and Radomus' Exeggutor) We have put pictures of every Pokemon in Helia's Room. He seems very drawn to Dragalge and Froslass, though no success yet finding a Skrelp or Snorunt. I found Snorunt won't be available untill after Agate circus, and no success finding Skrelp either even though Helia has tried fishing everywhere in Reborn City. Can it be caught with an old rod?
  19. January 1992, an unidentified spacecraft crashlanded in the Friesland province, the Netherlands. Officials from the Dutch Government were able to recover one lifeform from the crash - A highly radioactive and severely disfigured alien who identified itself simply as Helia. After recovering this lifeform from the smouldering crashsite, the entity known as Helia was seen holding only a 2001 September issue of Vogue Magazine and a doll of a small starshaped alien-like creature, later revealed to resemble a Jirachi once Pokemon R/S/E came out. At least, that is how the stories go. Held in captivity for years, the entity did not speak, not untill the children's series of Pokémon came on the TV and the alien was fascinated by seeing these creatures, shedding a single tear if these came by on the television. Do Pokémon remind it of Home? That is yet unknown. But once Helia was given a Gameboy with a Pokémon game on it, Helia finished it within days, catching them all without a link cable. When discovering Pokemon Reborn, however, Helia came into a troubled spot and seeks help teambuilding. I, a scientist and long-time observer and researcher of Helia, came to this forum to ask questions in it's name, and help my subject and friend overcome struggles of the game. ---------------- Helia's current team consists of: Empoleon (41) Jolly -Brine -Metal Claw -Bubblebeam -AquaJet Piloswine(38) Rash -Mud Bomb -Icy Wind -Ice Shard -Take Down Roselia(36) Jolly -Mega Drain -Ingrain -Nature Power -Stun Spore (keeps missing) Meostic(34) Serious -Fake Out -Psybeam -Charge Beam -Psyshock Murkrow(39) Lax -Shadow Ball -Assurance -Feint Attack -Wing Attack Pyroar(41) Rash -Flamethrower -Rock Smash -Headbutt - Fire Fang.
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