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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Yes I believe the earliest Geodudes in the game are under the Grand Stairway. Underground railnet is only AFTER the Rock Smash Part.
  2. Mudkip and Frillish. Mr. Pringles can tank grass hits for days!
  3. I know what you did last summer. I'm sorry, but is that the representation of the God from Oban Star Racers riding a bike in your avatar?
  4. Although that's true, Yanmega's(1.90m) Pokedex entry clearly states it can transport a human through flight. Bigger winged bugs such as Scyther(1.50m), Scizor(1.80m, Mega 2m), Venomoth(1.50m), Ledian(1.40m), Vespiquen(1.20m)(what. I always imagined it like at least 2m) and Vilvillon(1.20m) should be able to carry someone. Especially considering tiny Pokemon like Pidgey(30cm) and Spearow(30cm) can learn Fly, and a tiny fish like Barboach(40cm) can Surf. Armaldo, a 1.5m tall bug based off of ocean dwellers can't. Not to mention Zubat, Doduo, Dodrio(flightless birds), Murkrow, Hoothoot, Delibird, Tailow, Wingull, Swablu, Starly, Pidove, Ducklett, Rufflett, Vullaby(it's Pokedex entry clearly states it's wings are too weak to fly yet), Fletchling and Noibat all can, while they weak af. We're getting off topic here. With Steel types you can have all HM's, since we'll probably get Fly around the time Skarmory is released as well.
  5. Yes it does, and a great way to increase the chance of encountering a Pokemon with a held item is by having a (fainted)Pokemon with Compoundeyes be in your first slot, followed by your Frisk use in the second. So if you would get yourself a Vivillon, Venonat, Butterfree, Nincada, Scatterbug or Dustox with that ability lead the party it increases the chance of finding a held item!
  6. I meant in a sense that 16 out of 18 types have at least 1 member that can surf. So rock, ground, grass, Electric types. They can surf. But bugs like armaldo, a bug/rock type based off of a prehistoric ocean dweller that even has Swift Swim as a possible ability can't? Same as none of the Bug/flying types can fly but Volcarona and genesect can. Pretty messed up logic.
  7. They should really fix this shit. There's some big ass bugs that should be able to learn surf, and fly for that matter.
  8. Ever since I made this topic my success rate with my Bug team has decreased greatly. Kind of odd. Like they know what I'm about to do. Then again they can be quite predictable.
  9. Okay but picture this: compare all Shakira's videos and decipher her hip shakes with Morse codes. See if we can find some Illuminati proof or her real age.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      If you play "Hips don't lie" backwards, you can clearly hear the words "Helia go home you are drunk" :P

    2. Helia


      Once again they did not lie.

  10. Armaldo has swift swim and can learn aqua jet. Thinking it could learn it is very believable. Also compared to Pokemon like Gogoat, Aggron, Rhydon, Diggersby and Hariyama being able to surf but no bugs can makes it pretty fucked up.
  11. Don't forget to get a Sawsbuck! For a tank, you can find Happiny in the Coral ward, as well as a Skitty. Zigzagoon can be found in Obsidia after the first Tangrowth has been taken care of. The other day my Bug mono got REKT by a Belly Drum Linoone. Then again it had Extremespeed which is an event move.
  12. For Venam I got myself a Vivillon, learns psychic or confusion at level 17 plus decent speed made it a lot easier. But I kind of ditched the whole game because I got stuck at some point and I didn't like it as much as Reborn.
  13. Can someone explain why I can't stop listening to this song?

    1. Nova


      I'm too busy not stopping listening to this song to explain to you.

    2. Tomy


      Quick cash system?

    3. iowayshay


      Alaska is actually my reason for living.

  14. Well it's to make him look like a good person who prefers friendship and doing the right thing I over power.
  15. I like drinking an espresso and having to poop immediately.

  16. In all honesty I feel that mega Houndoom's design as it is originally is the best, since I feel that it is literally a demon dog with horns and bones on it. Having those white /ivory looks the best imo.
  17. Do you think they used type matchups from Pokemon for How To Train Your Dragon 2? I mean those big ones are litterally Kyurem.

  18. LOVE THEM. where is sceptile tho
  19. I was thinking Suicune there, to rub it in it's face that it can't do jack shit about the water pollution, Suicuning intensifying by the second.
  20. Genesect? There's no poison type legendaries, so maybe Genesect who resists it, still purple tho. Maybe the legendaries are all behind the does, Kyogre underwater under citrine mountain, Groudon in the volcano, Shaymin in the train tracks cave where we find Eevee?
  21. I like Arianna Grande so much, I want to order an Arianna Venti.

  22. There yes go. That's how it should be.
  23. Nice! Bugs can come out very surprising and it's a shame they're so underrated! Also, I find it not okay that Mega Aggron is allowed in a Mono Rock team. Same as Mega Charizard X on a flying team. At least you go full out without the damn wish protect stall
  24. Meh. Why catch a god if you can simple strike it down and leave it there defeated, knowing that you are the new god? Who'd want a puny god like that on their team anyway?
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