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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. What are your best experiences with Mono types? What is the type that works best for you, even if your favourite type could be a completely different one? Share your experiences here! Vote what your favorite type to use is with monotypes, and share your best team! If you like, include Movesets as well! Mine, is Bug, as some of you might have noticed. With this team I've managed to at least beat every type at least once. Pretty happy with them and haven't been able to make a better team of any type ever, even though Water/Ice is my favorite type. Team: Heracross (Milk) Heracronite Skill Link(Moxie) - Close Combat - Bullet Seed - Earthquake - Rock Blast Vivillon (Raja) Focus Sash Compound Eyes - Quiver Dance - Hurricane - HP Electric - Bug Buzz Yanmega (Adore) Life Orb Speed Boost - Giga Drain - HP Ice - Air Slash - Bug Buzz Shuckle (Alaska) Zoom Lens Contrary - Stone Edge - Stealth Rock - Sticky Web - Toxic Scolipede (Detox) Black Sludge Speed Boost - Poison Jab - Earthquake - Megahorn - Protect Volcarona (Willam) Focus Sash Flame Body - Quiver Dance - HP Ground - Fiery Dance - Bug Buzz Now come and share your best Monotypes! Also, share videos of them if you did them in Showdown for instance VS. Water http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234885763 VS. Steel http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234888343 Vs.Grass http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234889824 VS. Normal, one of the types I hate most http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234909008 And annoying Fairy http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234918331 Slightly different team with Genesect and Galvantula instead of Vivillon and Shuckle, VS Dark: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-235182556
  2. Humanoid Pokemon, and their clothes. Jinx, Hitmonchan, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Gallade, Primeape, Machamp line. Like, What we perceive as their dresses in cases of Gardevoir and Jinx, are their SKIN. droopy, low hanging, moving, skin. I cannot fathom how people see Gardevoir as a sex symbol, if her dress with slits is literally SKIN? How did they obtain these clothes if they actually are clothes? How does Hitmonchan's head work? Same as Magmortar's shoulders and Infernape's head. If you see them in X/Y or ORAS, the flames that should be on their shoulders and head just look like, skin. Also weird how Infernape's brain is just lying open it it's head, constantly on fire. No wonder Ash's Infernape would lose it's shit from time to time. Sylveon's ribbons? SKIN. Machamp is wearing a GODDAMN SPEEDO and CHAMPION'S BELT. HOW DID HE GET THEM? Farfetch'd, sure I buy it that they use a leek, which they found somewhere as a weapon but they litterally pop out of an egg with a leek at hand. Also, how some pokemon would feel in contrast to their typing. I guess Golem just feel like rock upon touching, as well as Rhydon instead of leathery skin or something else. Snake-like and fish-like mons have scales with perhaps some slime on them, Amphibious ones have slime. But grass types? Does Lilligant feel like she really is a plant? What about Whimsicott's body? Does it feel like a literal baby? But honestly my biggest brainfart comes with the Humanoid mons and their clothes-like skin. creepy as fuck.
  3. Prime example why I don't like Fairy Types: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234918331 annoying, stalling, repetitious.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      As a ghost mono, i can say that Fairy monotypes are the most bland and idiotic shit i've seen to date. Gamefreak basicly made Fairy the new Dragon, OP as all hell.

    3. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      Only thing that i can do agaisnt those whimsicots is that my chandelure is infiltrator

    4. Helia


      Actually a physical attacking Shuckle can take down a Charizard with one stone edge. Stealth rocks to force Skarmory to use defog.

  4. What do you mean Bug can't beat Rock?http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-234884295

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamona


      At first, I thought that Aggron has Sturdy (not Rock Head) and is holding a Focus Sash.

    3. Shing


      That was bugging the rocks.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      You should have quite a choice of Poison-type to blast them Fairies tho... Or just Volcarona.

  5. I also don't know what triggers the event. Do you have to walk through that place x amount of times before it happens? I just don't know....
  6. Honestly seeing all the strategies posted above I think she might be less of a challenge for the prepared player. Of course, mono types might have a bit of a hard time, but there's always ways to overcome it. Though I did have quite a hard time with both Serra and Blake in E14, and I think I won't be doing another run anytime soon, I think I could defeat her easily having seen these strategies, especially if you keep all gym leaders to come in mind each time you do a new run. Preparation is key.
  7. Try changing the weather then or see when the rain is over automatically (check the weather report on tv) Maybe a screen shot of the specific tree or is it all trees?
  8. I love how the Carracosta line is like they're seen through heat vision. Love them both, more than the Navy and army themed ones. The marble Bisharp I honest to god have not been able to spot any marble-esque coloring on it. They just appear to be off-white/ivory . So a little bland. Maybe marble pattern it a bit more, and maybe black marble look for males and white for females? Still a bigger fan of rainbow Krookodile. I like the third Archeops most.
  9. Seduction and destruction are my two favorite hobbies.

    1. zimvader42


      In that order?

  10. GODDAMNIT I WASN"T THAT FAR IN HARRY POTTER YET. I'll just drag others with me by spoiling another bestseller then. Oh and yeah I'd like a spoiler on when E15 gets released.
  11. The only difference between an escort and a hooker is advertising.

    1. iowayshay


      what about income?

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I actually thought the two terms meant the same thing. Mostly because, when Berlusconi was caught having a party with hookers, the tv news used the term "escort" for politically correct reasons...

    3. Helia


      A hooker works the street corners or as in Holland, behind windows. Escorts are delivered through either an escort service or bookable online through their own pages. However they both make money having sex. Also most Escorts work in higher social circles and make more money. Because advertising.

  12. That gruesome thought Taylor's Bad Blood could easily describe the story of a person who was cheated on, receiving HIV because that cunt of an ex not using protection while cheating.

    1. iowayshay


      ...I thought it was about Katy Perry o.o

    2. Helia


      Might be, I dunno. I just had that moment of clarity today while listening to it. Again, it's just some gruesome thought.

  13. Steel IS effective against Ice tho....? *gasp* Gengar is gone, but limited events Frillish, Tentacool, Staryu, Larvesta, Axew, Vullaby and Togepi is back! *gasp* Drilbur is now special event? Soo I'm guessing make a choice between Frillish and Tentacool? *gasp* Squirtle *gasp* Totodile *gasp* Murkrow *gasp* Fennekin Sorry for my orgaspm.
  14. Why no Golurk? I think it's a pretty awesome mon tho.
  15. They say money and friends don't mix. But what if all your friends are paper-mache piñatas made out of one dollar bills?

    1. Shing


      Then you're just forever alone, or a loner in a nutshell.

    2. Shing


      But with dat money tho. Rich bitch.

  16. I for one support this. If you search some of my topics there's been made some progress towards finding stuff out about the history of the region and some people. Concerning the characters and behaviour most of the gym leaders and other characters such as Blake, Cal and Cain, I realised that pretty much all of their character development found place in the days of the online Reborn league, where they were played by actual people. For now I have given up and I'm waiting for the game to finish. Perhaps after the game is finished the whole lore will be made clear
  17. So much has changed. Only a year ago I was a selfish, vindictive, alcoholic, drug addict, kleptomaniac, prostitute. But now, I don't steal anymore!

    1. Shing


      Wow... Still have the other flaws.

      But still, get high helia. Smoke weed everyday.

    2. Damiano


      And they let you research aliens after all that? You must be brilliant.

    3. Shamitako
  18. Helia


    Why is everyone thinking it's a Pokemon that uses Hypnosis that causes the sleep over Agate? It could just as well be a simple Grass type using spore. Maybe it's a Parasect or a Whimsicott using sleep powder or spore. No offence but aren't you kinda taking the fun out of the real strategy and training part of the game by using cheats like that? Almost everyone in here passed that stage of the game using pure skill and luck to pass it, training up new mons for it by hand. It's not at all impossible, seeing as we all managed to pass it. Taking the easy road of cheating like that to me makes it kind of a dull victory.
  19. A Whimsicott maybe? Resists both ground and fighting, while the prankster ability helps stunning foes/setting up a sub/sleep powder, and handing out quite the wallops with Moonblast and Giga Drain.
  20. In America, talk is cheap. But in the Netherlands, talk is Dutch.

    1. Nova


      Nederland <3

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Beautiful country.

    3. Wendel


      (Doetinchem best city)

  21. Helia


    Much later in the game there's a Pokemon Psychologist that can change the nature of your Pokemon for a heart scale. For me, I finished the current game with less than stellar natures and only changed them at this point.
  22. Today at soccer practice, coach replace the ball with a severed head. But he can't fool me. I wasn't born yesterday. I'm from the future.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      What kind of school do you attend? O.o

    2. Shing
  23. Uhm no. I just got off the phone with Ame and she said it's a Rattata. Not just any Rattata tho, because this one is in the TOP PERCENTAGE of Rattata.
  24. I feel sorry for him and would like to help him get over is delusion. His delusional syndrome must have some name and once we uncover it we can start working on it with psychological help. Does he have a say in any of it? No, of course not. He's a pshychiatric patient. I just want my old Fern back!
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