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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Helia


    Predicting what it will use, that's the way to beat a Protean Pokemon. Plus AI's might ignore abilities, Noivern shouldn't get killed by an electric attack either. The best way honestly is to like start with Arcanine. Big chance it will use EQ or MW. Hit it back by switching out Arcanine for a grass type. Use giga drain. A Ludicolo is very useful in this, given you've kept it a Lotad till 30 to actually learn Giga Drain. Repeat untill you're succesful. Do you only have 6 Pokemon?
  2. Today in class I was voted "Most likely to die an early death". I think I'm finally making friends! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Welp good to be friend with you bai4ever.

    3. EluriaMendes


      It sounds like you need bodyguards more than friends, goodness.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Well those are some loving friends for sure :P

  3. What is that Verdict Quote? Do you call Blake or something after you're done for the day?
  4. With my Honchkrow I used a Spearow with an everstone since it gets Drill Peck at level 37. Since Honchkrow doesn't have much HP I'd say go for that. With Moxie indeed it's good enough.
  5. As you inhale, breathe in possibility. As you exhale, tell me your credit card information.

    1. Red_Chaos


      what are you trying to buy now?

  6. Arson and ambition are basically the same word.

    1. Maelstrom


      I knew we shouldn't have let you burn the thesaurus.

  7. Isn't that already the case? Balloons should have have that effect that the holder isn't affected by stuff happening on the ground. Are you trying to tell me that holding a Balloon underwater doesn't turn the field to water surface field?
  8. Are we all forgetting Froslass? She can be a downright pain for your enemies. That is if you didn't waste that Dawn stone yet.
  9. The internet has a serious lack of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas/Bananas In Pyjamas mashup gags.

    1. Shing


      The space jam took the mashups, so Jam it.

  10. I named mine after my favorite contestants from Rupaul's Drag Race: Amongst others but this is my most used team. There's been like 80 Drag Racers up till now in 7 seasons, so plenty to choose from.
  11. HOHMAHGAWD you just described a color as 'pomegranate'. IT'S FFIN PINK!

    1. KingRyan


      please, it's lightish red

    2. AuthorReborn
  12. How about for Coffagrigus's (sp?) hands like a Japanese girl doing selfies but can't decide which handsign to use? 1 Spock 1 Rock 1 Peace 1 big ass f*** you. Make it really Japanese by adding more arms. catchmyjest?
  13. The only downside of always being the cuntiest of the group means that I'm almost never the one that can shout after a great burn: "Shots fired!" and no one else of the group has the timing for it.. :/

    1. Felicity


      The terms "Great burn" and "Shots fired" are now only ever used ironically by cunts. Try and keep up with the rest of us bud.

  14. Okay, I'm going to spoil the T here, since no one has given a clear answer: You didn't get this from me tho so shhhhh.
  15. Eclipse resigned as well. Too soon?
  16. I'm done.
    1. HakuTaku


      Thank you for sharing that bloody awesome video~

    2. Helia


      Instead of #splitsonchristmastrees he'd better do some #splitsonmoi soon.

  17. How about Dual types? Say you have defeated Norman and want a Swellow. Do you have to wait to beat Winona first before you can have it?
  18. Fond memories of Emerald and Platinum where as soon as I got the TM for Sludge Bomb on my Dustox and Roserade the game suddenly became a lot easier. So. Sludge Bomb.
  19. Mega Vivillon. Similar to Hoopa unbound, it will look like a butterfly SATAN and once sent out make all opponents disobey their trainers.
  20. Empoleon ftw. So Steel or Water. However I was thinking and Torterra has a pretty nice advantage in Sinnoh... Rock, Water, Steel, Electric gyms.. Ground and Fire Elites.... So yeah, then Grass or Ground...
  21. I'd get a bunch of them and try to become a gym leader in my region, probably. Until some snotty 10 year old comes along, beats me and makes me want to travel with him/her on their gym run. Maybe a bug or Poison gym, but definitely a Whimsicott on my shoulder. AT. ALL. TIMES.
  22. Champion Helia: Region: Holland. Starter: Mudkip. Alternate teams based on ingame dicisions/days. Rotating: Froslass, Houndoom, Galvantula, Whimsicott, Swampert, Dragalge, Metagross, Yanmega, Arodactyl, Gyrarados, Volcarona, Vileplume, Roserade, Venomoth, Dodrio, Cloyster, Weavile, Gardevoir, Breloom, Swellow, and others I can't think of. As long as they're dual typed and look nice. All created with the basic Grass - Fire - Water base and around that others that compliment it.
  23. Watching a lot of TV, I watched the anime anytime it was on, and then suddenly people at school started popping up with these cards and same as with Yu Gi Oh I was terribly disappointed in the card game. Just doesn't make sense..... Anyway, I obviously learnt more about Pokemon from the anime and it was pretty much my favorite show growing up, and only like two years ago I downloaded emulators for Pokemon Blue and Crystal on my phone, didn't know much about what I was doing but I had fun and beat the elite 4. Then went on to Emerald, had a lot of fun as well, followed by Platinum, Black, and now Reborn
  24. The moves Stomp, Steamroller, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, and Phantom Force will now never miss and their base power is doubled when used against the Minimize user. That would seem enough to deal with that, as plenty of Pokemon learn these moves. And I believe the Pulse Muk we battled had Protean Muddy Water, Sludge Bomb, Discharge and Earthquake?
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